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Posts posted by twich

  1. For a .308 rifle, I have been looking at a STG58 offered by DS Arms or there is always the old stand by of the M1A offered by Springfield Armory both of which have been proven battle rifles. I had a HK-91 clone offered by Century Arms which was a nice weapon to shoot, but I didn't like the looks or feel of the aluminum receiver, but that is just a personal preference thing to me...the weapon was very nice to shoot and had little recoil and was a snap to take apart and clean. The receiver came with an intergrated weaver rail and is now selling for only $500 or so, and the 20rd clips are so cheap it makes buying 30-40 of them very inticing.

    I guess that it just comes down to what your personal preference is, but if I had the cash right now, I would go for the DSArms STG58 FN-FAL clone, which start at around $1400, but having held and fired one of these weapons, it is truly a beautiful weapon to behold.


  2. Wow, that is really a nice piece of work, at first when you posted your intention to make a battle damaged 1/48, I thought you insane, but looking at this, I think it is well worth it! I salute you, you are indeed a first rate customizer.


  3. I have the first 7 seasons on DVD, I really like the show, but this last season isnt the same...I dont know, I guess RDA was a major character and to have him being in the show very litle, it isnt the same...

    But on the next note, they are bringing in Ben Browder, of Farscape fame to come in, and they are bringing in Claudia Black, (Also of Farscape fame) who was seen this season for an episode, for the first 5 episodes to cover for Amanda Tapping, who is popping out a kid.

    Lets wait and see..



    As do I Graham, let us just hope that Yamato hears this and acts on it.....I am willing to pay good money for these things, and I know that the YF-19 would sell well, the VF-0's wouls sell well and I know that the SV-51 would sell well.



    Well, I would definately be all for the limited edition YF-19 toy...I would hope that it would not be over 135-45 USD, unless of course it was 1/60 or even 1/48 scale, then I think it would be justified at a more expensive cost. I just hope they make it as smooth and nice to look at as the 1/48 VF-1


  4. Anyone hear of the new pistols being offered by Glock and HK?

    The Glock is the Glock 37 which features a new type of ammo the 45 GAP

    I think also there is a Glock 38 and 39, but I dont know much info on them...but a new type of ammo....just like the 357SIG.

    The HK is rather interesting, it is the UCP, or Ultimate Combat Pistol, I guess it is suppose to be the companion to the MP7 PDW, and is in the same 4.7x30 calibre ammo, I guess it will also share the same clip...either a 20 or 40 round ammo capacity.

    While I like the idea of the HK weapons, I dont know if we will ever see them here in the states, but if we are getting the FN P90 Civilian and the Fn Five-Seven, then I dont see why we would not get these....I like the look of both the HK weapons...as for the Glocks....I like the Glock 21, and unless the 45GAP can provide the same knockdown power as the regular ACP ammo, but saves weight, there is really no advantage that i can see to it, but it is interesting, to say the least.


  5. Official Survivor

    Congratulations! You scored 75!

    Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least your alive.

    I guess that I screwed up somewhere...ohh well, but at least I am alive.


  6. Thanks Ewilen, I appreciate the response. Although I have to wonder, why we would sell the design to so many foreign countries? It utilizes stealth technology, and advances avionics. Now I can see allies like England and canada getting the plane, Germany, Japan....but who else? Can we really trust those countries? Somthing about that doesnt sit well with me...... :blink:


  7. I am curious about the current condition on the F-35 JSF program, last I read in this forum, there had been some issues with it about being too big, or too heavy for its role. I think the idea of the JSF is nice and the marine version having V/STOL is rather impressive for the fighter...I like the look of it, being similar to the F/A-22.


  8. yeah, that is really my delimma...I dont want a heavy, honking weapon...I owned a HK-91 clone, and I carried around, what I would call a full battle pack...9 20-rd mags filled with 7.62x51 and a glock 21 with its 3-10 rd clips and extra ammo in a butt pack, i also carried a hatchet, 2 knives(Cold Steel-Recon tanto(7inch blade), Master Hunter(5 inch blade) sleeping bag, poncho, 2 full canteens and food in the regular pack....and it wasnt the new system either that has the weight bearing vests, this was the H Harness and pistol belt.

    I like the penetration and power of the 7.62 round, but the weight makes it taxing to say the least....I like the idea of a SMG, because of weight, but want better penetration and stopping power....so I dont know. I liked the idea of the Civilian FN P-90, but I am not sure about that based on expense of the ammo, and the possible contraversy.

    Question....do they make high capacity clips for the HK USC? I remember going to a gun shop around here and the guy told me that it takes standard HK USP .45 clips...I was wondering if perhaps they made a 20 or 30 rd after market clip, or does it, like the HK SL8-1 have nubs that make it so that you can only have a special, factory clip in the mag-well?



  9. So what are your guys thoughts on the HK SL8-1 and the HK USC? Do they make an after market magazine for the SL8-1 that allows for greater than a 10-shot capacity? I really like the look and ergonomics of the rifle, but I also like the SA-58 from DSArms I like the price tag as well, and the fact that it comes with the 20 rd mag and the extra mags are quite cheap. Now, the thing that would be great would be a G36 Semi-Auto only...or a civilian model...but I dont suppose that there will be one any time soon.

    Let me know what you guys think, as I am looking to purchase a rifle in the summer time, and want to know the best bang for my buck, so to speak.



    DS Arms

  10. Most likely part of the sensor package.....I doubt that there is anything on the YF/VF-19 that does not have some sort of purpose, and being that it is on the head, I would say that it is part of the sensor package, because the hybrid sensors on the nose are covered.


  11. All I ask is that I get at least 1 freakin toy from Macross Zero. I would prefer a whole range of Macross Zero Mech, but I will take what I can get.


    PS-Thanks for the update and scan Graham!

  12. Well, I dont know about the rest of you guys, but I am still excited about the release of the 1/100 VF-0S from Yamato.....I dont think the toy is that bad and it is something from Macross Zero, I think we should at least be happy with that, but I am sure that we would all like more.

    Thanks for the news, at least it is something..


  13. I bought the 5 in one DVD....I dont know, my PS2 wont play it at all, I just keep getting Read Disk Errors, which isnt unusual for PS2, but any other disk I put into it works just fine...so I used my XBox, which plays the DVD, but the video quality is horrible in some spots, like most of the CGI effects turn really "liney" for lack of a better word....and then eps 4 is really choppy and it wont even play ep 5 yet..I dont know, i think I maybe got a defective disk or something.

    Subs are pretty sub-par, in line with most of the FX subs that I got from their Macross 7 collection.


  14. Wow, that is a pretty sweet custom....did someone do a custom to make it transformable? It looks like the same model, but can swtich from Fighter to Gerwalk mode. That is really nice regardless...Thanks for the pictures, with that I can really see the transformation, although i think now it has to be one of the coolest designs that Kawamori has come up with...too bad it is Anti-UN...LOL


  15. Yellowlightman and Exo, there are others here that agree with your thoughts. I have been a part of this board for quite a while, but I rarely post....the reason being is because of people just like Duke Togo, who seem to enjoy striking out against that which they do not like or share the same opinion.

    I always enjoyed the rare gifts that were Nanashi's posts, but now I guess we shall be deprived of them....Thanks!

    Also, take a look at his site now, it is just a picture, no more links to anything, so I guess that we can say goodbye to that reference for Macross material...now how much of a stretch is it to assume that one day DT might do the same to Egan Loo? Then we would not have anything. I just think that maybe we all should be thankful for what Macross we have and not whine and bitch about those who bring it to us.


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