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Posts posted by kajnrig

  1. Select B350/X370 boards ARE compatible with 3000-series CPUs and up, but it's very much up to each individual motherboard manufacturer to provide BIOS updates to support them.

    If you don't absolutely need PCI-E 4.0, it honestly isn't that much of an issue sticking with the board you have (assuming it supports newer Ryzen generations). From what I can tell, devices taking advantage of 4.0 bandwidth are still few and far between, and those that do (mainly NVMe SSDs) do so spottily.

    Also something to keep in mind: AMD announced that they would be starting production on 3D-stacked chips in Q4 2021 - so release probably in Q1/Q2 2022. Whether that means 3D-stacked Zen 4 or "Zen 3+" is unknown. However, the prototype "5900X with 3D-stacked cache" showed off at Computex just a few weeks ago demonstrated about +10-15% performance boost over the stock 5900X, so it might be worth waiting for that to come out as well.

  2. This is incredibly sketch, but you might be able to scrape off some PCB material to reveal good bare copper right next to those burned pins and solder some wires to facilitate a connection there.

    Do I recommend it? Heck no. :lol: Literally any other action would be preferable, including just having a data recovery team swap the platters to an identical drive.

    But regardless, good luck.

  3. HP has a pre-built Ryzen APU desktop with a 1650 Super for around $600.


    Lots of proprietary hardware - including the motherboard, PSU, and probably the heatsink mounts, too - but it'll get you what you need. The CPU (Ryzen 4650G) seems roughly on par with the 3600, maybe a rung or two below it overall. The GPU is halfway decent, and if you decide to sell it off to recoup some of the cost you still have the fairly capable iGPU to fall back on. It comes with 2 sticks of 3200 RAM standard, so it won't be bottlenecked by single channel memory.

    It'll probably serve you well for the here and now, and when you do decide to upgrade, the CPU might also be worth somewhat more than the 3600 you're considering. Aside from its integrated graphics, it's also an OEM-only chip, so it has something of a novelty factor. Sell it with or without the other parts; either way, you'd almost assuredly make your money back on it.

  4. IIRC, at least from what someone or another stated here to me, the Zeta was directly inspired by and an homage to the VF-1.

    I've always found the Zeta/Delta/ReZel transformations weird, how the legs are so high up like that. I appreciated that on the VF-1 the legs form a contiguous shape with the arms to form a solid-looking fuselage; they're not just dangling in the open, flopping around. So imagine my surprise when I realized that the Super variants partially "transform" their legs and do indeed sort of dangle in the open, flopping around. :lol:

  5. 3 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Yep, weight/volume play into things a lot.

    My order with HLJ was primarily a pair of Sv-262 Mirage kits.  DHL was the cheapest base price for those, and then I was able to pick a pile of smaller items to add to that box without the shipping charge going up any.  That's basically the way I've been shipping for a while now at HLJ; start with the biggest item, and then add smaller ones until the shipping goes up to know you've got the most bang for your buck.

    You mean you don't construct Excel books listing every combination of items and the available shipping costs thereof, then use that data to calculate every possible shipping arrangement in order to get the least expensive and/or fastest total shipping cost?

    Yeah, me neither, hahah...

  6. They're probably still working out distribution deals. For now, FB2012 is streaming on the official Macross Youtube channel (https://youtu.be/kWkKdJ-OVyI), and I think a concert will be streamed live from there as well???, and some merchandise - model kits, the recently-announced M7 figures of Mylene and Basara, I think a couple other things - started showing up on BBTS et al, ie American(?) vendors.

    Still waiting on official BD announcements myself...


  7. I could've sworn we discussed it somewhere on here when the first season came out. I guess not? :unknw:

    I enjoyed it, though it does fall victim at times to some of the same overplayed tropes of Korean drama as, well, other Korean dramas do. Namely, there's an obvious Good Guy who's selfless, brave, smart, humble, and a great tactician, who unfortunately must navigate a veritable spider's web of greedy, vain, cowardly, incompetent, self-serving bureaucrats. I didn't particularly like the revelation at the end of the first season(?), either, but it's honestly a small inconsistency in the grand scheme of things.

    I don't think I've finished... or even begun?... the second season, but apparently there's a movie coming out soon? Seems like now might be a great time to finish it up. That and the sequel show to Haunting of Hill House, whatever its name is...

  8. I mean, you saw and see the exact same thing play out with Megumi Nakajima. While obviously there are differences between her situation and Ijima's, what is it they say about history? It doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. Macross is uniquely blursed in that way. It's a unique franchise in many ways, not all of them unequivocally good.

  9. Ooh. Noticed in the announcement that its shape apparently hews closer to its AC3 design than AC Infinity.


    "This product is not a 3D model reproduction of "ACE COMBAT INFINITY", but PROJECT ACES proposes a shape that is closer to the original impression of "ACE COMBAT 3 Electrosphere".

    Therefore, the title of the source work of this product is not either of the two titles, but the notation "ACE COMBAT series"."


    Also, down at the bottom is a preview of the CFA-44 Nosferatu.

    If this is the best we'll ever get of these Strangereal planes, I'll gladly take them. But my hope springs eternal for 1/72 renditions...

  10. I've built maybe a dozen kits (I'm assuming Bandai 1/72 transforming kits) across the Frontier/Delta lines, and I've never had an issue with gold plastic snapping apart. I tend to be extra careful with Bandai's Macross kits, though, due to the delicate nature of so many parts and mechanisms. Were the parts in question broken on the runner before you even touched them? Or did they break while you were fitting them to the leg? while you were attaching the "feet"/thruster nozzles?

    If the former, I'd agree it might just be the plastic. If the latter, perhaps you're attaching them incorrectly. (I don't say that as an insult. The instructions aren't particularly clear sometimes.) Pics would help.

  11. 3 hours ago, sqidd said:



    Anyway, I'm now 6/8 episodes through, and it doesn't get much better. Oftentimes it seems like you'd have to be a fan who's already read the comics to remotely appreciate what's going on, because the show glosses over so many details about the characters, the world, the Code, the Union, the history of superheroes, etc. It expects you to be sad when character A dies, but scarcely has any time to show us anything about the character besides their costume and superpower, so I'm left just... staring blankly at a screen.

    Two more episodes to slog through, and then time to forget it ever existed.

  12. Unfortunately, that video didn't provide any substantial new details that we haven't already discussed to death on this forum. I was hoping it would have some leaks on the legal statuses of this and that, or future distribution plans, or even merchandising strategies. Something new.

    Ah well. Still just waiting patiently for proof of the supposed good tidings this way to come.

  13. After blitzing through the first 2.5 episodes for myself, I gotta say, @sqidd, you gave what has to be the most inaccurate hot take I've ever seen on this forum. It is frankly bizarre how much you got wrong, what you got wrong, and the degree to which what you got wrong was wrong.

    There's missing the mark, and there's constructing an entirely separate mark altogether, setting it at 180 degrees to the original and a quarter of the distance away, and then lobbing your shot into the nearby pond instead.

    To clarify/contextualize some points for everyone else, because it can't be overstated how far from reality sqidd's misrepresentation of the show is:


    - The closest I can tell that the show gets to "railing against PC police/cancel culture/<insert cultural bogeyman here>" is making the main character, Utopian, an old-fashioned, conservative (in the traditional sense, not the modern political sense) man who spends much of the first two episodes (and probably the rest of the season) struggling to fit his world view to the broader world and vice versa. And the show isn't exactly shy about painting at least some of his world views as self-deluded and/or naive, so...

    - The scene in which the Utopian supposedly equates Antifa with Nazis has him discussing with his brother his aforementioned struggle to adjust to the modern world. They talk about fighting Nazis in WWII, and he laments the fact that they - Nazis - continue to exist in modern times. His brother says something like, "They're not called Nazis anymore." to which he responds, "They might not be called Nazis, but they ARE Nazis." He's talking about Nazis. There are no cuts to news footage or anything while he's talking. No audio cue that harkens back to a previous scene involving Antifa, no convenient placement of "Antifa paraphernalia" in the shot... Nothing. Whatever implication sqidd got didn't come from anything in the show.

    - The scene in which the Utopian calls newspaper writers "Marxists" and "useless socialists" comes after the suicide of his father, a steel baron, at the beginning of the 1929 stock market crash. An earlier scene had established that his father, he, and the workers all had seemingly close-knit relationships, and he believed wholeheartedly that he and his father had the workers' best interests at heart, and that they were all working together to build this... well, utopic future together. After his father's death, however, he reads an article alleging that his father stole from the workers' pension fund to invest in the stock market. He confronts the author in a rage, goes on a tirade about how his father built the city and this and that and calls her and her ilk - newspeople - Marxists and socialists... and then later finds out from his brother that the story is accurate, and that furthermore the workers will all have to be laid off.

    - "25% of the cast isn't gay or trans" and "racism hasn't been mentioned once" are both attacking the same nebulous strawman that gave rise to the "railing against political correctness" point above. The first point is presumably true, though 1) I haven't confirmed the sexuality and/or gender of all of the characters in the first two episodes, and 2) it's rendered a moot point one episode later anyway by an overtly lesbian couple. The second point is also true, I suppose. The show hasn't (yet) addressed race either as a direct subject matter or as subtext. Frankly, I don't think it should try.

    My impression of the show after two episodes is pretty in line with what @Tking22 has to say. It's bland, derivative, and fairly predictable as far as superhero media go. The action and effects I can take or leave to a certain extent, but the writing and acting are too inconsistent; other superhero media have dealt with similar subject matter better. It's a shame, because I always like me some good meditation on the ethics of superhero-ing. And the show DOES have some legitimately good moments. They're just surrounded by too much bland and derivative and predictable.

    I disagree, veeery slightly, with the idea that The Code should have been tossed to the wayside. As Tking22 puts it, it was never a part of the original story, and I believe it. Whenever Utopian brings up The Code, I don't get the impression that it's a rule set self-imposed by him because of some deeply-held moral and ethical values. Instead, it sounds like a code of conduct forced onto him by an outside entity, and he's being forced to abide by it. I noticed that he never explains the reasoning behind the precepts of The Code, just demands that he and everyone else abide by them.

    But it's precisely the alien-ness of The Code that draws my interest. Without it, the show would just be about an old man with old man worldviews struggling to apply them to the modern world - which is all well and good as far as premises go, but again, other superhero media have done it better already. With it, the show unintentionally transforms into... almost a horror mystery? Like there's some unspeakable cosmic horror lurking above all of the superpowered goings-on. After all, what could possibly spook Superman so much that he does its bidding?

    I suspect the answer to that question will be decidedly underwhelming (if it exists at all), and it'll turn out to be nothing more than bad writing from a bad show that badly adapted a comic book.

  14. 1 hour ago, electric indigo said:

    The Myung figure is new...

    Sorry, I meant to say that there are no new announcements, just showing off what they announced previously - ie Myung YF-19 and the repops. I was hoping against hope for a VF-171 reveal to compete against Wave, or maybe a Cheyenne II, or etc.

  15. I gave it the old college try, and oy vey, I had to tap out after... I think it was when Cyborg confronts Diana for the first time? I don't know what some of y'all wanted in a Justice League movie, but this can't have been it.

    So. Much. Slo-mo.

    The. Movie. Could. Have. Been. An. Hour. Shorter. If. Only. It. Didn't. Stop. To. Linger. On. Every. Third. Shot. Like. It. Was. The. Most. Important. Thing. Ever. But. You. Know. Snyder. Man. Needs. Us. To. Know. That. This. Scene. Is. E. M. O. T. I. O. N. A. L. A. N. D. O. R. S. Y. M. B. O. L. I. C. D. O. Y. O. U. S. E. E. A. M. I. G. E. T. T. I. N. G. A. C. R. O. S. S. H. O. W. A. N. N. O. Y. I. N. G. I. T. W. A. S. T. O. S. I. T. T. H. R. O. U. G. H. A. L. L. T. H. A. T.?

    Like I get it, he wanted to emphasize how sad Lois is, or how sad Cyborg is, or how sad Martha is, or... basically how sad any one character is, but this couldn't possibly have been the most effective way of doing so, right? This one-trick pony of slow motion footage set to pop ballads?

    And I admit it's a bit a-hole-ish to nitpick on a stylistic choice like that, but it just happens SO MUCH and I was so bored by everything else in the movie.


    Speaking of everything else in the movie... It's still bad. The writing is still awful. The actors still do all they can to act the crap out of this script, but their efforts are being wasted. I agree with I forget who here mentioned that it's important to keep in mind this movie isn't the movie Snyder originally set out to make. But I also think that, whatever differences between the Snyder cut we got and the one we didn't, it's still a bit of a wash because they're still fundamentally bad movies. The original Snyder cut is bad. The Whedon cut is bad. And this, the third version of the movie and the second Snyder cut, is bad.

    I thought I might try to finish it before my subscription lapses at the end of the month, but I dunno. We'll see, I guess.

  16. 4 hours ago, Tking22 said:


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    He shouldn't have been tied to any legacy characters, let alone Scorpion, one of the most popular characters.  



    With the periodic visions of hell that he saw throughout the movie, I expected him to slowly be taken over by Scorpion, as like an avenging spirit or something; by the end of the movie, "Cole" would no longer exist and Scorpion would have successfully returned from the dead. But nope, guy is just loosely related to Scorps and Scorps just kind of... comes back, somehow.


    4 hours ago, Tking22 said:

    I'm not bummed there wasn't a tournament, I don't know how many of you actually play or know MK lore, but the vast majority of the story and fights happen outside the actual tournament. In fact, the tournament usually gets glossed over within the first couple hours, only in the first three games was the tournament a real factor, and once again, the vast majority of the fights and story happened outside the tournament.

    A tournament would give the movie some much-needed structure, which this movie lacks. But even that aside, given that they emphasize the tournament in the early parts of the movie, it's only good storytelling to pay off on it. They could have neglected the tournament altogether, that could have worked just as well, but as it is, it's just... poorly executed.

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