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Posts posted by kajnrig

  1. 41 minutes ago, electric indigo said:

    Unfortunately, the two former movies have this great buildup to pretty lackluster endings, and the latter was downright awful IMO.

    Lamb trailer has me hooked nonetheless.

    You didn't like the ending of The Witch? I think it was understated but rather effective. I'm in agreement about Hereditary, though; I wanted something sliiightly more dramatic to happen.

  2. 9 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Yeah and the story was pretty good! Far more interesting than this 'anime' too.


    The show hasn't even debuted yet. ????

    Forgot to add that despite my misgivings about the setting's aesthetic, I think the show looks interesting enough, and I'm not seeing the issues with the CGI that everyone else seems to be. And the action looks pretty slick at times, actually. I'm still not convinced that it has enough Blade Runner DNA coursing through its veins to warrant the brand name, but otherwise... yeah, it looks good.

  3. It doesn't look bad so much as... not Blade Runner. Blade Runner's look has always been dystopic Los Angeles more than anything else, This looks like it would fit right in with the likes of Ghost in the Shell or, yes, Alita and Matrix. Or Big Hero 6. Or any number of Future Tokyo settings, which honestly has gotten a bit stale by now.

  4. Watched the second season of Beastars and third of Aggretsuko.

    Beastars s2 falters at the end, but it's a nice crescendo the entire rest of the way. It's still as weird and, frankly, uncomfortable in some parts as it ever was, but that's part of its appeal, I think. The part that weirded me out the most was probably the gazelle(?) stripper contemplating stripping for a room full of carnivores with nothing to physically separate her from them, watching their sexual lust and basic hunger comingle until they can't tell the difference between them.

    Aggretsuko started out a bit slow, as all seasons have I think, but gathered more and more steam as it went on. I always forget how much fun the show can be. I was wary of the idol plot when it showed up, but I really liked it by season's end. I'm a bit ambivalent about it being yet another dropped story thread; on the one hand, I like what's there, but on the other, that's exactly the issue. Inui is adorable.

  5. Unless that's Taiwan currency, they CAN'T seriously want $900...

    ~$30-32 USD is what it would convert to, which seems... reasonable, I guess, I dunno action figure pricing...

  6. 9 hours ago, renegadeleader1 said:

    And...that's about all he has. Everything else is just half baked plots about apartheid analogs or sticking it to the "man" full of unlikable characters who are supposed to be the protagonists that you find yourself kind of rooting against or down right hating.

    3 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    The movie looks OK which is sad as Blomkamp is talented but really is just a one hit wonder with District 9. All his follow up films were weak, and his many other projects fizzle out quickly.

    Also, he is working on District 10 using American history as plot material which doesn't give me any confidence as well.

    Too true. D9 was his most successful work, both financially and artistically, and the one that I return to most often. Elysium and Chappie both still work well enough, but their social commentary is only surface level. I think it has to do with his being more familiar with the specifically South African apartheid that informed D9, whereas Elysium's classism and Chappie's... I forget what the term is, the "what makes a human?" idea... were either more generic in scope or tried to be specific to cultures/regions that he wasn't a part of or couldn't get good insight into.

    Regardless, I'm optimistic and excited about this movie.

  7. 8 hours ago, Keith said:

    - Unit-00's soul is/was Rei. The specifics of how Lilith's soul is split/fractured/dubbed isn't specifically gone into, but the overall precedent for it is the existence of the dummy plug system.

    The rage during 00's first psync test lean's toward the soul being Rei-I. The vision Rei has of herself during the later sync test proves overall that it's a "Rei," and the discussion with herself she has during 00's corruption as well as the personality shift in Rei-III points to a rejoining of I & II into III.

    EDIT: Accidentally submitted prematurely. Wop wop. Working on it.

    EDIT 2: Well, computer accidentally shut off mid-edit, so you get the CliffNotes response, sorry.


    Right, I read that bit of EvaGeeks, and it's compelling evidence, but again, the lack of an explicit statement within the "text" of the show itself, plus all the other vagueries of the show, leads me to leave it, and the idea of souls being needed at all, and specifically the souls of the pilots' mothers, in the gray zone of authenticity.

    I do like the idea, though, don't get me wrong.

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    - Naoko was never in an Eva, she was split into all 3 MAGI, this is pretty plainly stated. Ritsuko has no connection to 00, but has various confrontations with her mother in MAGI form.

    A couple responses:

    1) I never took the MAGI setup to mean that her actual soul had been partitioned into the three MAGI supercomputers, simply that their behavior had been patterned after aspects of herself. A Dummy System of their own, so to speak.

    2) I mentioned the ineptness with which Nerv handles the esoteric technologies it uses above to reinforce the idea that they didn't (before Yui, and maybe for some time after) fully know that a soul had to be present inside an Eva, and still currently don't know how exactly to go about putting one in there. The only other experiment we know of that tried to replicate Unit 01's assimilation of Yui was Unit 02's assimilation of Kyoko, and that was something of a failure. Only part of her soul was assimilated into the Eva, leading to her psychosis and eventual suicide... perhaps whereupon the rest of her soul joined in? If Unit 00 assimilated either Naoko or Rei I's soul, I assumed it did so passively, ie it was going to suck in the soul of any person who died in its vicinity, and Naoko/Rei I sufficed. If part of Rei's soul is inside Eva 00, it begs the question: Why? Why would Nerv, assuming they know that a soul is required and how and etc., not only put her soul in there, but put a fraction of her soul in there? And if they did so and it worked, why wouldn't they just do that for the rest of them? Yes, there's talk about better sync ratio and whatnot, but... the Double Rei Pilot-Soul System works. It's proof of concept that you DON'T need a pilot's mother's soul inside their Eva in order to sync with it. The fact that Rei and Shinji are able to swap Evas and sync with different "mothers" also kind of says as much...

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    - Eva series 5 - 13 are all Kowaru/dummy plug based, so it's likely the souls are also Adam based.

    The fact that you have to qualify that statement with "likely" reinforces my point. It's canon that Evas need their pilots' mothers' souls inside them, but that canon is often enough abused that I feel comfortable disregarding it entirely. The only Evas for whom it is vitally important that they have their pilots' mothers' souls inside them are Unit 01 and, to a lesser extent, Unit 02.

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    - Which takes us back to Unit-04.

    Unit 03, but I take your meaning. (Unit 04 is the one blown up in Nevada(?) during the experimental S2 engine installation.)

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    Recall again that Ritsuko explicitly states that Toji's selection was directly tied to a core being readily available to prep for him. This isn't a difficult mystery to solve.

    Fair point. I imagine the language is... vague... about it, but all the same.

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    The "only" instance of an Eva functioning without a soul was conditional When Kowaru took control of 02 he was able to do so because like Asuka, her mother"s soul retreated inward. For that time Kowaru himself served as the Eva's soul, and you'll note he wasn't actually in the plug.

    Unit 02 still has a soul, so it's not functioning without one. Kaworu is able to "synchronize" with that soul, receded into itself as it is, and pilot the Eva. I think he says something like "If there were no soul, I could be absorbed into it," indicating to me that the presence of a soul is stopping him from simply becoming the Eva a la Bardiel.

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    - No one said 1.0 & 2.0 Asuka & Mari weren't the same, the question lies with Mari's existence in general, as well as Asuka's state in 3.0. I personally find Mari's mystery to be fun, especially since she's one of the rare series characters that doesn't have a "Nadia" or "Gunbuster" parallel. That just leaves her manga epilogue appearance as a clue, which is completely out of place unless viewed as a prologue to her Rebuild presence. I'm hoping 3.0+1.0 sheds any kind of light on her origin.

    Mari's appearance in the manga I just took to be Sadamoto liking the design and wanting to use it in a fun, unexpected way. It wasn't made with the intent of tying back any more strongly to the Rebuilds. But, of course, fans being fans and people being people, they wanted there to be connections so they damn well made there be connections! and now we have... whatever we have in 3.0 and 4.0.

    Or maybe it was intentional. It did come out after the first two Rebuilds, after all. Maybe it was a hint of things to come. Regardless, I just... don't care? about Mari as a character. I don't care much about the Rebuilds in general. I'm sure 4.0 will be good. Maybe it will make sense of the nonsense that was 3.0. Maybe not. Maybe we'll finally get a reason to care about Mari other than being another fanservice vehicle.

    Regarding Asuka, I don't remember any part of 3.0 implying that she's a clone a la Rei, which you claimed it did.

    8 hours ago, Keith said:

    I honestly don't see what your aversion is to the Toji's sister thing.

    I've just never heard it, is all, and it seems rather tenuous and farfetched. Or well, maybe not the latter so much, but certainly the former.

  8. I think I'd be more interested if it was at least a full-detail (or, well, pseudo-full-detail) kit. A nose radar, full cockpit with maybe functional EX Gear system, removable panels, wires/hoses, etc...

    I mean, I still have half a mind to get this just to scratchbuild the rest of it, but still... :lol:

  9. 3 hours ago, Keith said:

    It's a pretty clear series of events.


    ...what? This is the first I've ever heard this idea posited... or that it could be Toji's mom. The first sounds more farfetched than the second, but I'm fairly skeptical of both.

    It's canonically stated (in "supplemental" material... sigh...) that Evas require souls - specifically the souls of the pilots' mothers - but that statement of canon is often at odds with the events of the show itself. Or at least, it causes... friction. Of the 13 known Eva units, only 2 - Unit 01 and Unit 02 - are known to have their pilots' mothers' souls inside them. In 02's case, it only has part of her soul (for a time, at least), leading to her psychosis and eventual suicide (after which it might have absorbed the rest of it???). 00's soul is unknown; apparently the prevailing theory points to Rei I, though I've seen both Naoko Akagi and none posited. Aside from those three, the show and supporting material says nothing at all about whose soul reside in which Eva Unit.

    If anything, I lean towards the "soul" of Unit 03 being no one at all. Once it comes into contact with Bardiel, the Angel simply puppets it, even more easily than Kaworu puppets Unit 02 in episode 24. I always got the feeling that the characters of the show don't even really know that an Eva HAS to have a soul to synchronize with someone. Or if they do, they aren't able to comprehend anything more than that. The what, but not the why or how. Yui Ikari might be the one exception, and even then I'm not sure.

    3 hours ago, Keith said:

    When I say Mari & Asuka are clones I mean of themselves  "The curse of Eva" is vague at best, with nothing pointing to simply piloting being a cause of impacting biology.


    "The curse of Eva" is nothing more than an excuse to keep the pilots young and marketable while fast-forwarding the setting 25(?) years, but I didn't see any reason to not take it on its face. Piloting an Eva has caused the pilots to become ageless. Sure, alright.

    3.0 Mari and Asuka are the same as 1.0 Mari and Asuka as 2.0 Mari and Asuka. Who Mari is beyond that... eh, I don't really know and I don't really care.

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