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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. But kids these days are born with advanced ADD.They need a new opening every so often or else they think they're watching a repeat.
  2. Most likely superseeding. Check if all your peers are at the same % done as you are. If so and you are all still advancing, the host is using that option.
  3. Probably. I still cringe whenever I see an onscreen kiss. Actually any kissing. GAH!! Ever felt geeked out by someone at a con? Now multiply that by x1000 and watch your unease skyrocket.
  4. Yeah Overdrive's deal is the best by far and they are only asking you to commit to less issues in each subscription. That way if for whatever reason you have to quit it's going to cost you less as well. Me? I still don't know. I'm 50/50 either way at the moment. I'm heading off to the store tomorrow to pick a mag up so I guess I make my final decision then.
  5. ISBN is the be all for book shops. You got that and they can track anything down for you. The only reason you won't get it even if you provide it is either they can't or won't. Since they want your cash they will give it a good try.
  6. Looking at the concert link, I'm both equally envious and terrified. Envious as it looked like a great show with terrific energy; terrified because it's geeked out otaku energy. There's a good reason why I've never been to a concert, people go too over the top. As for footage for the concert. Heck, I'm still waiting for the 15th Anniversary concert.
  7. Yeah, that's exactly the same problem I'm having. It's awfully expensive and frequency it comes in will bleed my wallet so much it hurts. So... Still going for it?
  8. You lost me there... I'll be picking up this issue of CompAce though mainly for Rakkyo stuff in it for a friend. I hope this is a new series cos the last Frontier manga serialised in it looked pretty silly. Not the funny silly but "What the..?" silly.
  9. I've contacted my local Japanese bookstore and looks like I have to make a special order for it. On top of that I'll be paying an extra $10 on top for it. *sigh* Basically that means that each copy will be well over twice what it originally costs in Japan when the currency conversion and shipping costs is all factored in. I'm tossing and turning if I can afford it now.
  10. It's most probably still too early but are there any sales numbers for it yet?
  11. Yeah, I guess. I just never see it refered to as such. It's usually BR or the full name whenever I see it. Thanks for the heads-up.
  12. I think this depends on Bandai. If they think there's *any* chance they could sell and release it on the western market, it is unlikely we'd ever see subs in the Japanese releases. After all, this is the reason why BluRay* won the market in the first place. The companies want localised control of the market. *Subconsciously wrote BD when I meant BR or Blu Ray. Really got to stop posting on the fly.
  13. I always thought that the original Macross had a huge impact, though largely contained within the anime community("Otaku no Video" hinted at this quite clearly). I also always thought that only reason it doesn't have an as large imprint on the community is that it didn't keep the attention of the public like Gundam did with a new series every 2-3 years. I actually do know a couple of Japanese people who's first exposure to Macross was Macross 7. They were confessed fans of it at the time but still never watched the original series. I think one of them didn't even realise the original series actually exsisted. Anyone got a pic of the Animate freebie? I wonder if Gamers and Toranoana have their own freebies as well.
  14. Actually, Osaka has just as large anime scene these days. On my last visit to the city just earlier this year I decided to visit Den Den Town, the Osaka equivalent of Tokyo's Akihabara. You'd probably be surprised at the size of the anime market there, it has just as many stores but more spread out. They also have a seven story Gundam store. However for gaming it's still Tokyo you'd have to be since that's where the new games are field tested. Btw, with the use of word 'burnout', in what context is it being used in? I mean I've been to Tokyo quite a few times now though I still like it, great transport system, reasonable knowledge of the city which makes finding things easier, I am getting tired of it and was probably why I had a better time in Osaka the last time I was there. However I can't say I'd use the word 'burnout' in relation to my feelings of Tokyo. That is probably why when I was at the TAF, there was a booth event at Satelight that Kawamori was present and his time there was literally spent marketing Chronicles. It makes sense now.
  15. I'm relying heavily on my local Japanese bookstore for the Chronicles. Can't make subscription orders for it since they have a strange policy of not taking them. I'm reduced to calling them on every shipment day to reserve a copy if they do bring it in. Annoying to say the least. As a result I'm not even sure if they will be bringing in the binders. Oh to be back in Japan and Ikebukuro in particular right now....
  16. Or that Satelight actually went back and clean up the visual quality of the show for the DVD. Adding in more effects and some such in the mix. Something I'm seeing more and more these days.
  17. I think this depends heavily on whether the series have properly address Ozma's relationship with Ranka and what happened at 117th Research Fleet. I haven't seen the latest episode so I can't say for sure either way. That part of the story needs to be properly fleshed out first IMHO.
  18. Hmm... Shipped and sales are two separate things. The actual sale numbers are what counts since shipped means that the stores have received the copies of them but they don't mean anything if they're going to end up just sitting there on the shelves. This has been a marketing trick used by company's PR when they want to make it look like the their product is really successful. However though the large numbers of the discs that have been shipped do mean that there is a huge demand for them, quite possibily stemming from the pre-orders made from the said stores. So looking good. Keep us inform of the sales numbers when they come thru though. I'm really interested in seeing just how much the fanbase for Frontier actually translate to it's sales.
  19. My dvd just got shipped, which means due to the weekend I won't be seeing that package till next week. For All That VF, is that as high as the resolution goes? Looks somewhat grainy.
  20. In some ways the numbers are understandable considering the timeslot of the show. The very fact that each episode broadcasted, which these numbers are from, are one day after the MBS broadcast. Now the fans of the show will no doubt have no patience for the wait, are technically savvy and will get their episode the same way we do. Either by the raws or the keyhole streaming, either of which are avaliable some scant hours after the first broadcast. (Come back Horrible Raws! I miss you!!) That no doubt will sap the numbers for the Kanto region broadcast which leave the casual viewers and those who do not have access to the material like we do that ends up making the numbers we see. A good example of this is the show Toshokan Sensou a.k.a. Library Wars. An anime based on a popular series of light novels of the same name with a good animation company behind it. However that show is only avaliable to the satellight channel Fuji TV, which is also only avaliable as far as I know in the Kanto region. It also has a rather late timeslot as Frontier on Fridays (Saturday mornings to us) but due to the very fact it is only avaliable in that one market, the show consistently rated in the top 5 of the anime shows with numbers never dipping below 3.0%. ie. if you want to see it, you have to see it there and then; Something we can't say for Frontier in the Kanto region since Kansai has already showed it a day ahead of it. This is also backed up by the very shows that are rated highly in that list. You'd see that most of them are kids shows and you think those kids own their own PCs and broadband connection to get the shows the way we do? In anycase we'll have a better idea on just how popular Frontier is after the end of this week when the DVD/Blu ray vol.1 is released. The OST and singles already showed it has a huge following. Well, that's my 2 cents anyway. Now where's my change? Btw, not surprised at the Slayers drop but the radical volume it dropped is though. Guess nostalgia will only get you so far.
  21. I think that's a light novel. I just checked the release dates of the singles and found that the Triangle OP single was released some 2 weeks after the broadcast of the first episode. "Lion", the 2nd OP single is being released on the 20th next month, so that means that we may very well have the new OP either this week or the next if we're going by that trend. That also makes sense since we've passed the halfway clipshow mark and the story is now entering into the next part of it's arc.
  22. I'm still wondering on when the new OP for Frontier will be. Before the 20/8 or after.
  23. Finally watched it with subs and I think it's a very successful in it's intregration of a clip/recap show that also advances the story and characters. So I really don't get those people who whines about this episode. I love the fact the story tells of how the SMS is effectively giving the Galaxy conspiracy operation the big finger. Considering how big and evil what the Galaxy is doing at the moment, I'd love to see the SMS continuing to throw wrenches into their works and finally turning the screws into them in the end. This of course, if Birler isn't a part of the conspiracy, that is. And btw, since it needs to be said. Considering that the show has passed the halfway mark and had a so-called recap episode, does that mean we can expect a new intro and OP soon? The release date of the new OP single doesn't bear that out though since that's not until 8/20 and we've seen that they have been releasing the singles at the same time it is broadcasted so far.
  24. Same here. I kept checking until I had to leave home. I also need my Japanese ads fix as well... Well I'm here now which means I won't be able to check anything out for quite a while. Kei's subs would probably be out by the time I get back.
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