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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. Wasn't aware; thanks for the heads-up. Hope it'll see release.
  2. At the rate Arcadia's moving, I think we're more likely to see a YF-21 from Bandai as a follow-up.
  3. I was anticipating this guy, but earlier reviews had already put me off, and Mike's review just reaffirms. While they did get some stuff right (the placement of his treads in his torso), overall, things like the main turret being immobile are disappointing. Out of all the Studio Series, the only fig I'm interested in now is Dropkick, and I hope it's a decent figure. From what I've read, the movie character is supposed to be a triple changer, a feature which obviously didn't make it into this design. I'm ok with it, as it looks pretty cool as an AH-1, and the bot mode seems to stray a bit from the Bayformer aesthetic moreso than the other Bumblebee movie figs, which is perfectly fine by me. I wish they'd abandon that aesthetic entirely going forward. Curious to see what the other 80's alt mode figs from the Bee Movie look like, especially aircraft. If they make that F-4, and it turns out well, I'll have to grab one of those, too. I'm digressing a bit, but I've known a number of old F-4 mechanics, and at least one of them always referred to it as "God's jet" with pride. Not sure why, exactly, as by all accounts it was an absolute bear to maintain, but thought I'd share a memory from my AF days.
  4. Hoping reviews, and sales, are stellar for this figure. I want a Proto-Garland, but that probably won't happen unless the Garland is successful.
  5. Appreciate that link. I hope he doesn't just stop at the head; I'd love to see him put some articulation back into these things. I may give it a shot myself. I hope LEGO makes the Netflix version, perhaps at a slightly scaled down size, with better articulation in both individual Lions, and in combined mode.
  6. Agree with the comments that it lacks the apropos amount of grittiness, but as far as being an adaptation of a manga/anime, I think they've done a decent job making it look so. The cyborgs look pretty good, and definitely evoke an anime vibe. Thinking they could have deep sixed the love story and trudged right on into gory ass-kicking. Curious to see how it turns out. Seeing the big cyborg dude, I can't help but think of the Boomers from Bubblegum Crisis. I wouldn't mind an adaptation of that either. I think it'd work well as a series on Netflix, or one of the other premium channels, where they can create a longer story arc, build the world, and explore the characters better. They have the budgets and lack of content restraint over regular tv that would serve the medium more effectively.
  7. I'm a VIP member, but I exhausted my account balance earlier this month to get the UCS Falcon, as well as buying a few more sets online, plus one or two on clearance sales. So, for now, I just need to chill on the spending and wait until 1 Aug to get my Voltron and perhaps DB5. Who am I kidding, there's no maybe about it.
  8. Concerning those old Disney pics, indeed. Everyone has a skeleton or two, has made a poor decision, or an offensive comment. I certainly have; I try not to anymore. It's part of maturation as we get older. As he said, he was trying to provoke a response, and nothing provokes in the US like pedophilia, so it was the easiest hot-button topic to address to get a rise. I don't agree with it, and apparently neither does he, looking back. Anyway, I wish Disney would take a moment to give a second thought to their decision, as I don't think anyone else will do as good a job with GotG- it's been his baby, and his storytelling and humor have been the fuel to make it successful.
  9. What I like about his take is the subtlety with which he approached the idea of these people being more than just average folks; they have abilities, but they're not so over -the-top like Superman. Moreover, Shyamalan concentrates as much on developing these characters as human beings, as much as super-humans, and that's what really drew me to Unbreakable. I'm glad he eschewed the bombast of the Marvel and DC films, and did it this way instead. Likewise with Split; on the surface, it just looked like a film about a very mentally disturbed guy who kidnaps three young women, and their trials to escape. Like Unbreakable, Shyamalan maintains a level of plausibility throughout, and presents the story in an understated tone, for the most part. McAvoy did a great job realizing his character(s). The other thing I've always admired about Unbreakable and Sixth Sense was how he, as a director, was able to dial down Bruce Willis' performance, as he's typically in John McClane mode in nigh everything he does, and it was great to see him play as something other than the overly-self-assured tough guy. Likewise for Sam Jackson. Both Bruce's and Sam's characters were kept grounded throughout, and that made watching these two veterans all the more enjoyable. The trailer for Glass doesn't give me that same sense of subtlety- it strikes me as closer to the action films we're used to seeing, and I kinda wish he'd maintained the more subtle course as a cat-and-mouse game, especially since McAvoy's character isn't aware of Bruce's. However, the idea of the three of them together in an asylum is interesting. I wouldn't have thought Bruce's character would be in there, as he keeps his abilities close to the vest, but it should make for an interesting group session. Anyway, I think the dynamic between the three characters should make for an interesting film, and Shyamalan seems to be in his element here as both writer and director (say what you want about M. Night, he has a great, if dark, sense of humor), so I'm anticipating the installment.
  10. Unbreakable is one of my favorite Shyamalan films. I liked Split and was, like probably everyone who saw it, surprised to find it tied to Unbreakable- pleasantly surprised. Very much looking forward to Glass.
  11. I'm kinda glad it's a deluxe- cheaper and less space, esp for a Bayformer.
  12. Out of WfC Seige, so far only Sideswipe and Hound are definite buys for me. I may get Chromia (although I like her bike bot figure better) and Ironhide, as he's not too shabby as a Cybertronian van. Not digging this line's version of Prime or Ultra Magnus, both primarily for their nasty alt modes. Hoping they'll do Earth alt modes for Prime and Magnus, esp if they keep rocking the very G1 esque bot modes. It'd be nice to finally have a voyager G1 Prime that actually looks like G1 Prime in the CHUG line. (Not really counting PotP, as too many compromises for the combining gimmick with Orion Pax). As for all the microbots, they're just like the toys we got over a decade ago- pretty much same articulation. Would it have killed them to give these little figs ball jointed elbows? I already have a ton of microbot TFs, and, unfortunately, these bring nothing new, other than crappy weapon modes. Just when I thought I was completely done with Bayverse, they throw Studio Series Dropkick in the mix. Not sure I can turn down a transforming AH-1 Cobra helicopter, or at least a close facsimile thereof. Bee Movie Bee looks like a shell former-meh. Deluxe Shadow Raider looks pretty good, too. Love that alt mode. http://news.tfw2005.com/2018/07/19/sdcc-2018-transformers-studio-series-and-bumblebee-bee-vision-helmet-official-images-368554 Scroll down past the Bumblebee mask to see the new Studio Series figs.
  13. I've been admiring Mike Psiaki's MOCs for years- just a super talented guy, so I was thrilled to find out he'd become a LEGO Designer. From time to time, you see the stuff some of these AFOLs produce, and you think, 'man, I wish this guy or this gal worked for LEGO'. Mike was definitely one of those folks in my mind. Having the VW Beetle, and seeing the work that went into the DB5, glad he got the job, as we the fans are the better for it.
  14. Third party Punch/CP would be interesting to see. I bit the bullet and PO'd him from Amazon, as I like the update. It's not an exact update, but it looks nice and still does everything it needs to. Considering it may be another 20+ years before they make another, I got him. I can't imagine why, but I hadn't actually considered that these War for Cybertron: Seige figures might be repurposed, likely with slight retoolings, to become more G1esque for secondary releases. I'm down for that. That Prime looks great in bot mode- the armored Cybertronian truck mode ruins it. But remolded to become an Earth cabover- so bought. I was looking at some pre-SDCC Hasbro booth pics over at TFormers.com, and there's a very G1 looking Hound standing between Prime and Sideswipe. Starting to get a little excited for this line if, in fact, G1 Earth modes are coming in the line at some point. https://tformers.com/sdcc-2018-transformers-hasbro-display-booth-preview-night/33927/news.html That said, I still hold Classics Hound on a pretty high pedestal, especially for the time when it came out. The Hound in the pic looks to be a step back, as like the majority of their deluxes now, there appears to be no foot articulation. Very much wish they'd apply their increased articulation philosophy to the mainline of Generations.
  15. Beat me to the punch; I was just getting ready to post this. The back of the box shows all the features. Sorry for the smaller pic; I attached it initially before successfully linking the larger pic. Editor won't let me delete the smaller pic. Not a car guy either, but given that they not only had to make it resemble a real car, but also incorporate all the Bond gadgetry, I think the designers did an admirable job. Making anything curvy with LEGO is a challenging proposition, and I doubt that many of the car folks hating on this have ever tried building something like this, let alone the features and all the safety and other constraints the designers work under, at this scale, and pull it off so well. But y'know, haters gonna hate. This set 'll still do well, as there are lots of Bond fans. Moreover, at a glance, it looks like a nice parts pack- lots of rounded light bley parts-yummy.
  16. Toon accuracy, bro. They're all about it, and to be fair, the original toy had the same configuration, so from that standpoint it's a faithful representation. However, I wouldn't have had a problem with MT's copying the Takara so the chest intakes face forward in jet mode. The technique benefitted both modes, IMO. Not a dealbreaker for me, as so much else is pretty spot on. In this instance, I prefer the toonier aspect of its overall shaping. The original toy, as well as the official MPs, were rather blocky and stiff looking. The curved legs and shaping of the pelvis help the MT version a lot aesthetically. Purely my opinion.
  17. That Lightning is a lovely figure. Shame about the lower wing area, but the rest is just about as 'right' as you can get. Still wish they'd put optional shin vents in the box for these guys, but not a deal-breaker.
  18. Bad parenting? It was a plot device, obviously, to give the audience a visceral idea of how dangerous the beasties can be, and I'm sure it struck a lot of parents in the gut. I don't have kids, but I can still empathize. Anyway, the creatures can't see, and, IIRC, no-one knew he'd put batteries in the toy car (been awhile, but I think the sister knew he had the car, but was unaware he'd put batteries in it), so as long as everyone moved along quietly... but how much fun would that be? The gods of horror demand sacrifices! And, it served the story, too, by virtue of the family's guilt and grief over the loss, an insult to injury due to their already stressful way of life amidst the critters. I try not to over analyze movies too much. As this kind of film goes, it was done well, and the cast and director did a great job putting you there with them. Some great emotional performances by all, too, which elevated it above the typically cheesy schlockfests these things generally devolve into. Easily watchable, and enjoyable, again.
  19. Punch/CP was, AFAIK, a one-off on the triple changer idea, only instead of two vehicle forms, he had two bot forms. It was a cool change-up from the usual transforming gimmick, and the spy story they created for him just added to his character. I never actually saw him in the animation, if in fact they ever used him in the toon, but the bio on his tech spec was enough for me. That and the original toy was pretty neat in how it accomplished the dual bot personas. They've mostly captured that with the new fig, except they gave him the same arms in both modes and only the hands change. Of all the design elements of the original, the double set of arms was the one I was most looking forward to seeing implemented, and they totally cheesed out. Ah well, guess at this point it's par for the course. I still think it's a nice update, enough to PO from Amazon. JBO, the old Sideswipe/Sunstreaker mold was made into Punch/ Counterpunch as a 2010 BotCon exclusive:
  20. Agree. Really, just undo the whole 'armored truck' thing. If you're going for a Cybertronian mode, then do that; don't make it look like an Earth truck with a bunch of sh1tty add-ons. Or better, make the sh1tty add-ons optional. Everyone wins. So, been wanting a Punch/Counterpunch fig for some time, and with all the G1 homaging of late in TR and PotP, I thought it might come to pass, and it has. The caveat: Hasbro made it an Amazon exclusive with a $25 price tag, similar to Grotusque. I paid it, but I did so grudgingly. I vehemently hate these exclusives, as they are naught but money-grabs to fleece the fandom, and I don't appreciate it. A nice box shouldn't double the price of a deluxe figure, and I feel like I'm being taken advantage of for supporting my hobby, and ultimately, Hasbro. Granted, I'm an adult, and can freely choose to buy or not buy, but I still think it's a shady way to do business, and knowing that it'll most likely be adult fans familiar with the G1 character going for it, a cheap and opportunistic way to prey on their more ardent supporters. Those are my feelings about it, anyway. What kills me the most about this sort of thing is that some folks on the TFW boards are buying multiples of this thing, like 3 or 4 copies, so they can display him in all his modes and keep one MISB. I guess if you've got the funds, more power to ya, but it just seems like you're rewarding and encouraging bad practice to me.
  21. Sucks to pay that much just to glue it into a static model. The transformation is, after all, the selling point. Hopefully Arcadia will take a stab and, learning from this figure, make a solid toy. But, first things first, let's hope their Garland is solid before making future projections. Digits crossed- I want a Proto Garland, so I hope their Garland is awesome.
  22. 'Tis a shame that it's such a floppy mess. They totally nailed the aesthetic; it's a beautiful display piece if you can coax a decent pose out of it and get it to maintain. But for the asking price, this should absolutely be a solid figure. As Jenius said in the review, they had to have handled this thing a lot during production and known beyond doubt that it was not ready for release. Perhaps Arcadia will give it a shot; just looking at this figure gives an idea of the difficulties and challenges in making it work. That's probably why they made it a smaller figure, and yet it's still too hard on the joints.
  23. -Gotta agree about Buster Skywing (honestly, these names)- totally unique take on Jet/Skyfire that makes sense from a more realistic alt mode perspective, even if it is a fictitious plane. They could have chosen a much worse alt than a Quinjet, but that alt mode itself makes him that much more appealing, to me anyway. -Y'know, until your comment, I never noticed Grinder's ape arms. It's one of the first things I noticed, and disliked, on MP-10, but somehow I didn't even register them on Grinder. After reading your comment, I had to run downstairs and take a quick look- sure enough, ape arms. Somehow, though, it still doesn't bother me near as much as Prime's. Concerning Giga's Grimlock, I wish they'd taken a standing pic next to MP-10- that's one massive Dinobot. -Something seemed off to me about FT's Warpath, too, so you're not alone. Badcube's looks better to me, esp in bot mode. I like the chunkiness. Magic Square were there, with a number of legends class G1 figures that look very close to their original toys, albeit with articulation. I thought they were deluxes initially, which would have filled a CHUG void, but no. Still wish we'd get a more exacting G1 Sideswipe and Sunstreaker for the Generations line. Got my eye on the upcoming War for Cybertron Sideswipe toy, as that may be the closest we'll get, depending on how that alt comes out. I don't remember seeing any pics of MS's MP OP, which I would have thought to be their centerpiece. I don't remember seeing any pics of TE's OP in the slides or dealer room pics, so they may not have been there. It looks pretty good from the pics I've seen previously, so if it had been there, I'm sure there would have been pics aplenty from every imaginable angle. Aw, fandom.
  24. Agree with your assessment of Mr. Krasinski's directing talents. Wouldn't mind seeing more. After The Last Jedi, I'm not sure if anyone can rescue the main Star Wars films from their current direction. Wouldn't mind seeing him helm a side story, though. I think he'd do well with an Alien film... something along the lines of the original where isolation plays a major role towards establishing environment and tone.
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