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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I wish I agreed. So far I don't see a single thing that gets me thinking "CMs did this right!" I'm sure you're right as to the "durable" and "toy-like" but i'm an adult, I'm looking for a lot more from my $250+ toys than being able to zoom them around making jet fighter sounds. I want them to be very impressive display pieces and so far the Toynami looks like it's playing all sorts of trump on the CMs there. Then again, we know next to nothing about the Toynami at this point so time will tell.
  2. I am dreading the inevitability of looking at both and saying "CMs did this right, Toynami did that right, and between the two of them is one great toy or two mediocre over-priced ones!"
  3. If I had to bet, both Desmond and Juliet will get off the island. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the next episode is dedicated to that very fact. Then again, we've seen post-island Ben and he doesn't seem concerned with Juliet so maybe that means she's still stuck there.
  4. Size-wise it's just fine but I doubt that connection point area would be exactly the same on both. You could probably rig it up easily enough, just too early to tell at this point.
  5. Seems a bit early to do the full scale panic job on the MHs. I'm going to let a few more reports of broken toys come in before I become really frightened. The failure rate on just about any manufactured good should make for one bad experience amongst all the good we've heard.
  6. So does that mean the intakes/chest move freely now? The toy didn't fall apart right, it just looks sloppy? Consider yourself lucky, I had an arm fall off on a toy that was sitting completely unused. The MPC Alpha is such a fail in regards to durabilty it just makes no sense. Here's how I imagined it worked: Factory guy: "Hey, so you said to make all the moving parts out of thin plastic and the parts they support out of heavy diecast right?" Toynami: "Yes, that's exactly right." Factory guy: "And the hands, everyone's going to be fidgeting with them, you want them made out recycled erasers?" Toynami: "Yes, that's exactly right." Factory guy: "Aren't you touting this as an Alpha toy and collectible people will actually be able to pay with?" Toynami: "I don't pay you 7 yuan an hour to ask me questions!" Be afraid people, there's probably an exec right now talking to Factory Guy about the Beta...
  7. I used paypal so i imagine you have to pay at time of order.
  8. I think I just scored one of these off eBay... I'll save my celebrating for when it's actually in hand. Then will begin the huge debate... to open or not to open.
  9. The chances they get the color perfect are slim but they should be close enough. It's only the first 3K of Scott's that are different from the last 10K. Otherwise the Alphas all have the same paint throughout the entire run.
  10. Oh hey folks, let me explain how this worked. When I checked the first day they were on Order Stop so I sent an email. They responded saying "We were waiting on an allowable figure from CMs and have reopened the item on the website for additional orders." (that's not an exact quote, i'm going by memory). When I checked the website, sure enough, it was no longer on Order Stop so I went ahead and processed my transaction as normal.
  11. I don't know if Aaron would count since he was just a fetus on the airline. Yes, Kate does have Aaron and apparently that freaks Jack out. I could have sworn the preview said we would learn who the sixth is last episode so by my count that means they must be counting Aaron right? 1) Jack 2) Kate 3) Hurley 4) Aaron (??) 5) Sayid 6) Sun Apparently some of "the others" make it off the island also, Ben being the most notable so far. Speaking of which, seems we're long overdue having heard from them.
  12. Go a page back, SaveRobotech went with them to a trade show. They have a website, URL is on the previous page.
  13. Man, I don't know jack poo about intergalactic travel, gamma ray bursts, or stars with huge names. I was just trying to figure out if we necessarily had 8K years to live or if the explosion could come sooner. Sorry I posed that question in such a way as to ask if any particular member's understanding was right or wrong or included both sides of the light speed coin.
  14. Kamikaze, do a google search for Robotech Genesis and you'll see all you need to see. No toys, nothing official, it's a big fan project.
  15. The only point I meant to make, and the one I think that JBO is affirming, is that in the quote I've taken from page one above, you didn't acknowledge that it could have blown 7999 years ago and we wouldn't know about it until tomorrow. So yes, if it blows today we have a lot of time left but if it blew 7999 years ago that'd be more reason to be more concerned... of course we'll never know when it actually blows until we see the repercussions 8000 years later so there's still no reason to be concerned.
  16. Looks like it's from that group of people who are trying to recreate the Macross saga in an all reimagined way as to avoid legal issues... unfortunately the story is part of the legal issues I imagine so good luck to them.
  17. I agree, nobody really got screwed by this screw-up. I doubt anyone (Tam or Joel) had actually put an order in with Toynami for tons of cases of these things. Neither one will probably be placing their orders for quite a while from now. Then, when you consider the fact Toynami has never even come close to hitting an initial release date, they would both have even more time to change orders around. The only thing that sucks here is that Joel and Tam have a bit of egg on their face for putting something up that had the wrong price and those things happen. This is nothing as shady as when Toynami upped their production run figures on the first MPC VF-1 series after preorders had already been taken. "Lots of diecast and only 10K made!" That was a bit more of a debacle. I didn't even preorder this Beta at the $79.99 mark for that very reason. I want to see a complete fact sheet about what it comes with, which ones are being made, and what features it has before I agree to purchase it at any price.
  18. I found my overdrive response in my spam email and went ahead and ordered. Looks like it will be more like $260 shipped via EMS and that works for me! I don't mind being a guinea pig for people, I'll let you know how the service got was and how quickly the item was delivered. I was searching around through SR's pictures and found one that totally hits a pet peeve of mine. Before I think it was Yamato's first YF-19 toys that were the worst offenders but check this out: I really hate it when a fighter that isn't supposed to have gaps in it when you look from below or above has gaps... having gaps that huge is a real turn off . If there's any doubt that the legs will be stuck way out in combined mode this should really put a fork in that. Seems to me like you just straighten the legs out so they don't come back together and then park the Tread in between 'em.
  19. LOL, not trying to get into more of a pricing debate. The $280 price, which seems pricey at the moment, may prove to be more the norm with a dollar dropping in value and the green and red ones being harder to get was all I meant to imply. Not that you were wrong in some way.
  20. Yeah but with the weakening dollar and the exclusivity of the green and red there's a good chance some of this might prove quite pricey. Then again, much like we bank on Toynami products getting cheap quick too, there's gotta be a similar phenomenon that happens in Japan with toys released there. Maybe a few months after each release they'll be available at much more reasonable prices... although I find it hard to believe that'd happen to the greeny being a website exclusive.
  21. The part about Toynami giving people the wrong price?
  22. The good news is, I got one of every Alpha very shortly after release at a typical savings of about 30% or more. I remember I bought the Shadow Fighters for $55 shipped on each and I think it was maybe six weeks after release... not bad for something that would have been $90 shipped preordered just about anywhere. The other good news is that something that expensive ought to be packed with features... time will tell. Roger says "No." George Sohn said "yes" up until the NY Toy Fair but Roger says that while at Toy Fair George admitted that he was wrong again and Aoshima would no longer be releasing the Beta as a Tread in Japan. Personally, I find that whole debacle retarded and think it's a win-win situation if Aoshima just orders like a couple thousand of each Tread variant (sans Shadow since they didn't release the Dark Legioss). Have those made at the same time as the Toynami version and boom, easy money for everyone.
  23. Saverobotech said it was slightly smaller than the Toynami (the Legioss that is). If they're billing it as 1/48 it should be the same size or slightly larger but as you've already noticed, the CMs seems to be quite wonky when it comes to scale... We'll know for sure in a few weeks though since the CMs is due to hit the streets at the end of this month if I'm not mistaken.
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