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Posts posted by jenius

  1. HG's claim only applies to merchandise, so I think as long as BW doesn't try to sell products of the forbidden cameos, it should be fine right? I know HG has implied something different but I think they're just being self aggrandizing. 

    It's a great question though, can a macross plus game have a YF-19 flying in front of the SDF-1? Lots of circumstances that could be unclear.

  2. 1 hour ago, ValkAddict said:

    ^ This +1 please Arcadia. We need a Premium Finish release of the VF-0A (with legs that don't break off)

    I would definitely second that! It feels like a no brainer with the secondary market demanding a premium on the QC plagued first release and the PF treatment having been done to the two other toys. C'mon Arcadia, get on it! Also, do a limited run of the CF at the same time and you'll save on costs!

  3. Whoa, this was wild, I decided to try my Robotech version (once I realized they were the same I was going to just sell it off but now I had to know). In my Robotech version there's an extra baggy that includes two more bracers, one of each L&R. In more awesome news, the ones in the blister were screwed up in the opposite way from my Japanese release! 

    Big S, check your Robotech release for a baggy of corrected parts. 

  4. The one in that pic looks like it would have the same problem. 

    Funny follow-up, I opened up an Acid Rain Stronghold figure I have to show the weapons attached to the ride armor... first time I ever opened it. That toy has guns on either side of the head and wouldn't you know it... it came with two guns for the left side and none for the right. Is this just a joke they like to play? That's even more serious though since the guns are staggered differently left and right and the ride armor issue is just paint.  

  5. I would do a video on it. I couldn't convince myself to spend money on the first KOs because they were all paint jobs I owned the original toy on but if they're going to do things Arcadia never would, that seems fair game to me. I've never ordered from ShowZStore though, and I hate the idea of an open preorder with no solid ETA... so I'll probably wait before I put an order in somewhere. 

  6. Does anyone have the B2Five Yellow figure? It appears I received two right-hand bracers/gauntlets for mine. In bike mode, if I point the motorcycle to the right, the number is "10". If I point the bike to the left, the number is an upside down 10. Does anyone have the 10 look right in both directions? I just want to confirm it's a packaging issue for the one I have and not a universal problem. 

  7. That guy did something VERY similar to me on a Bandai VT-1 back in the day. I listed the toy as "excellent condition" which it truly was. He filed a dispute saying it was "good" condition. He also complained about things that were clearly visible in the pictures as part of his complaint. 

  8. I think Aramaki worked on Halo so that probably makes sense.

    1 hour ago, CoryHolmes said:

    Hmm.  Someone's been copying from Halo's notebook, but trying to change a few things so the teacher doesn't catch on.


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