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Posts posted by jenius

  1. If I were a betting man, I would think ThreeZero would be much more metered in their approach. The most aggressive I would imagine them being is one per quarter but I suspect it will be one every six months to nine months. I wonder if they'll hold out on the 1S and wait to get through the 1J repaints first.

  2. I don't agree with that take at all. These firms hire designers that work with multiple companies. I remember hearing during the VF-17 and VF-171 days how the same team was working on both and trying to determine ways to differentiate them. During the V1 vf-25 days, Bandai tried to do things in house... It was not so good. Also, the toys you site have significant differences from their predecessors. The DX VF-1 is VERY different from a V2 while being the same vehicle, the 19 also has pretty dramatic changes. Let's not forget Bandai made an amazing VF-31 toy with no toy to take inspiration from. The 21 might turn out to be a clunker... But it's not because the only way Bandai can make a good toy is if they have a good toy to work from. 

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