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Everything posted by treatment

  1. The OVA is very much different from the TV-series. There is no comedy in the OVA. They did not hold back anything in the OVA, either. I guess if we have to make comparisons with Macross franchise, the Kenshin T&B OVA is like 1000x DYRL over SDF-TV. Simply put, Samurai X Rurouni Kenshin's Trust and Betrayal OVA is one of the very best anime ever made.
  2. The HK boots are the only way you can get Orguss-1. No-one knows if Mangle has the US-rights from the old US-Renditions. Rankings: the good: [*] video-quality: good. prolly ripped from the last Japan-R2 set. [*] audio-quality: good stereo. [*] price: very decent enough. Avg $30 to $40 for the boxset. the bad: [*] character-designs: Abundant Minmay/Misa clones. [*] subtitling: horrible engrish. name-substitutions and name-mangling run amok as you progressed thru the whole series. However, it's a simple story so you can follow it even tho the grammar and name-spellings are pretty high on the weird-scale. As for the Orguss-story, it's kinda interesting pilot-turned-wandering-gypsy-due-to-time/dimension-warp-disturbance. Interesting sci-fi plot but average story-delivery. Pretty much un-interesting and really boring unless you're so into 80's sci-fi anime. The only good mecha design is the Orguss itself, tho it's pretty much weak and ugly compared to Macross and Gundam mecha designs. In contrast, the Orguss-2 OVA is a better story and has a better video animation production, as well as great character-designs improvement over the original Mikimoto-designs, i.e Orguss-1 Mikimoto-characters all look like Minmay/Misa clones. As others have stated, it only tries to un-necessarily and half-heartedly hook up with the original Orguss-1 in the last two episodes. Although it echoes Macross-II sequel-tradition, the closest story-parity/plot-relationship I can give it is prolly Gundam-MS-08th's relationship to MS-Gundam. Same people made Macross-II, Orguss-2, and Gundam MS-08th, anyway iirc. Very very much darker in tone and delivery than Orguss-1.
  3. Well, I guess the Spirit Rover is experiencing a Minmay-Attack as of Friday 3:55pm EST 1/23/04:
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/01/22/s...tact/index.html
  5. I voted for the VF-1S. If (when) only Yamato had released the 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru, it will still rule over the other valks including the YF-19. .
  6. I think the bigger problem, as has already been said, is that Macross manga misses out on one huge part of Macross: music. Losing such an important aspect of a series in manga form, really counts against any substancial Macross manga being made. Not just the music. The transformation-sequence and the vocal-performances are also quite integral to the Macross franchise. At least to SDF-tv, DYRL, M+, and M-0. Even M2 had good stuff, even tho it's non-canon. I think the manga will only be good for M7. That way, the M7-music is muted for the benefit to most of us.
  7. treatment


  8. I'm against any Macross in manga-form.
  9. The opening themesong is pretty kewl. It grows on yah. It is kinda fruity, but it's fun. I hated it at first. Both the English and Japanese versions. Now I really like it. Both versions. I don't have the full English-version, but the full Japanese-version is quite a vocal-range accomplishment.
  10. Simple. Strike for the Hikaru-1S. Period. Strike or Super for the Roy-1S.
  11. I guess it depends on the location. I heard of horror-stories about Fry's, but I guess we're a bit lucky here the two branches here in SD have very good customer-service/returns stuff than any of the local Bestbuy, Circuit City, or GoodGuys. I know coz I've returned some stuff and there weren't any hassle at all compared to the hassles BB and the others have given me throughout the years. At any rate, Fry's is known to sell used stuff, but the DVD's (especially anime-dvd's) are genuinely always new at Fry's with pretty good pricing.
  12. Well, I don't shop at BestBuy or Suncrap, but Fry's is selling the Signature Series titles for $14.99 and the Signature Series movies (like the Tenchi movies) for $10 in retail. Here's a partial listing of the current Signature Series releases: http://www.pioneeranimation.com/search.php...view=newrelease The only caveat from these re-releases that I know of is that the Tenchi-OVA Signature Series is only audio-2.0, whereas the Ultimate Edition is in audio-5.1. Trigun's always been audio-2.0 in the original, iirc. Oh, yeah. The packaging cover-designs really looks like the corny Playstation2 Greatest Hits games as you can see from the attachment.
  13. correct on both counts. I would ask another that even I can't remember it fully. It is non-canon (iirc), but was one of the original early BT sourcebooks/playbooks. [*] Who was the Star League officer that was sent into the future by Gen. Alexander Kerensky?
  14. Wow. Didn't know we got classic battletech/mechwarrior-trivia going on here. how bout this easy follow-up to the last trivia: [*] Since you all already know Gen. Winston of the ELH was killed, what mech was she piloting when she got killed? [*] What is Horse's real name? edit: friggin kb.
  15. We don't know for what, in story, reason the new Macross Battle vessel transforms. You certainly don't know that it doesn't have a "real" (in story) reason for it. Maybe the SDF showed them that the main weapons work better. Maybe the main weapon can be made more powerful/damaging at the cost of a radiation or something that necessitates it being held away from the crew areas of the ship. The real life reasons are because both anime are replete with transforming mecha and that's the ultimate. Battle 7 makes alot more sense than SDF. It's a pure military ship with no civilian housing, etc. Yes, having articulated fingers, etc isn't realistic, but it's quite so for a much smaller valkyrie as well. Realism and transforming hominid/jet mecha are almost (if not) an oxymoron anyways. You don't make sense. The SDF-1 was a pure military ship in both it's original Supervision Army role and the UN-Spacy role. The "Macross City" part was just hastily incorporated into it when it folded to Pluto. How does that make less sense than Battle-7?
  16. damn! the black-heatsheild sure do rulz on the Hikaru-1S! I'm not sure about the black-skulls on the FAST-packs, tho.
  17. But Guld likely didn't have a link open. Sharon only got into the YF-19 because Yang was busy trying to hack her from the backseat, which required an open computer connection. That's an interesting trivia, JB0. If that was the case, then why didn't Sharon take over the YF-19 when she got to Yang? She brainwashed Yang and almost succeeded brainwashing Isamu, all the while basically leaving the YF-19 untouched, unlike the X9.
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