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Everything posted by treatment

  1. ThreeZero's Robo-Dou Scopedog available for PO at HLJ for 24,960yen: https://www.hlj.com/robodo-scopedog-votoms-thz92718 146mm Sept-30, 2024 tentative release-date
  2. fyi, in case it gets lost/buried in the PreOrder thread, Amzn-US has just relisted the DX YF-21 as of this posting: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRK23S71
  3. Got some time today and played it a bit more straight campagn now. Selected Hikaru again, of course. I got up to the second part of the Everlasting whatever dimension or something, with the confusing moving vertical lines. The first part was in GERWALK mode and rather easy, but Basara's VF-19 keeps getting annoying as a tag-along. Enough for the night. I'll pick it up maybe next weekend. That said, my favorite dimension so far is the Remembrance, where Regulds, Missile-Regulds, N-Jers, and Q-Raus are the enemies. It's just really cool to battle against them than against the Vajras, Varautas, and Drakens. At least, visually. Guess I'm just so easy to please with DYRL enemy mechs...
  4. Wonder if the YF-21 needs to be unlocked. As such, I'm tryihg out Gamlin and Basara's VF-19 gets to be annoying...
  5. from TD-Forum: https://bbs.toysdaily.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=470399&pid=8213334 HM-R compared against the ThreeZero RabidlyDog:
  6. Hmm. Bandai seems to really luv the 2000 Flushes/Clorox toilet bowl cleaner canopy color...
  7. Here's my Hikaru screenshots so far from my PS4: No FAST-Pack installed, yet, tho. Not sure if the FP needs to be unlocked via achievements...
  8. https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1771766924096991665 web-translated: https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1771839452383433177 web-translated: add/edit: https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1771840364602700198 web-translated:
  9. No Wotafa nor MarkH, yet, but here's another YT of it:
  10. Quite nice overall. As such, the various sprue marks are very disappointing for such an expensive and weirdly difficult to procure item. Hacchaka diid mentioned in his review that it is mostly bare plastic, too. Damn Bandai for idiotically extremely limiting inventory and distribution for such an awesome item.
  11. I don't know if that was applicable to the Switch version, but the way I understood the news before, only the Japanese PS4 and PS5 disc-releases will already include the so-called Hikaru/DYRL DLC. The localized non-Japanese PS4/PS5 releases (discs or otherwise) will not contain the DYRL stuff like Hikaru nor even Minmay's art on the cover.
  12. Hacchaka just posted up his pictorial review of the HM-R Scopedog RSC: https://hacchaka.net/archives/52106974.html sample:
  13. welp! Bandai's being a d1ck again. upcoming HM-R Turbo Custom is a TWE/PBandai item: from Dengeki-Hobby: hobby.dengeki.com/news/2270409/ officiial site: p-bandai.jp/item/item-10002075170/
  14. mine arrived today, too. both packages are as big as my old ipad 10.2... PS4 contents:
  15. this guy's from hk, iirc. surprisingly, he didn't provide CCs/Subs on this review for yt auto-translation. his reviews usually contain CCs, tho. as such, I get the impression that he is just not that happy with his 171EX Revival purchase:
  16. add a dramatically torn cape and a red bass guitar, and it'll be a nice homage to Canti... Which got me thinking... Can it duplicate Canti's badass poses at all? If it can, then that will be totally awesome!
  17. just got a dhl-text this morning regarding tuesday-delivery next week for my order...
  18. saw this posted at TD-Forum: https://bbs.toysdaily.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=254653&pid=8212575
  19. Yeah. I hope they do fulfill it for overseas purchasers.
  20. fyi. (web-translated): The webform to fill out is below that message at: https://form.bushiroad.com/form/macross_si-ws0314 You will need a browser that will auto-translate the fields to english (or any non-japanese) for you.
  21. My Missing Link C-01 was delivered today. pictarz.... usual sucky amz-jp packing Underside to check for crotch tabbing issue some owners have been reporting recently: C-01 vs MP-01: C01 vs HM-R JetFire: C-01 vs UW-04 Devy: Other notes: I had to loosen up the thigh-screws as they were way bit tight when trying to rotate the thighs the first time. Other than that, no issues found so far. Despite Takara nerfing the Trailer by removing the spring-launcher for Roller, this C-01 is a pretty awesome release!
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