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HG Blows

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Posts posted by HG Blows

  1. Hmmm, we cant really wait around to find out, that could take months-years. I think you should leave the valk out in the sun for a couple of days and blow cigarette smoke on it every hour. That ought to speed up the process... :D

  2. Got my SPEC Black Sarena yesterday. Played around with it.

    Its a very simple toy. The Aestivalis is small and has metal parts. Despite its small size, its pretty heavy feeling. The poseability is just so so as i found it hard to do a crouch, and not sure i its possible. The shoulders pop off the torso when playing around but its not too loose. The Black Sarena armour is made of plastic and pops in quite easily and so does the hi-mobility armour. I left it as Black Sarena mode after awhile. Poseability in this mode obviously isn't much. The box art shows the Black Sarena to have a blue visor but i can't see it on mine. Its just black...or maybe its there but its hard to make out.

    Overall a pretty nice toy but abit smaller than I expected. Sure it looks big after you put the high mobility armour on it but that's like a huge brick and I don't really like that mode.

    I give the toy a 7/10.

    I was also surprised how small the figure was when I got it. But I think its super duper. This is my first SOC fig, and the quality is excellent.

  3. looking for any 1/60 yamato valks. Preferrably loose. Incomplete OK, yellowing OK, broken OK (depending on severity) Also looking for:

    GBP Armor

    Misc parts (Missles, boxes, canopys, gunpods, pilots, hands, arms, legs, basically whatever).

    PM'd you.

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