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HG Blows

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Posts posted by HG Blows

  1. Apparrently in Spiderman Unlimited they made Brock more like Peter, just dressing more grungy or something.  Thye were both smart.

    In the Ultimate Universe, Eddie Brock is a normal college student. He only gets super buff when the suit takes over. It can work, why the hell not?

  2. I liked it. I never played FF7, so I don't really know much about the characters and all, but it was perty. The one thing I disliked was Cloud looking like a chick. I thought they should of gave him some more rugged features...

  3. That's dub for ya, f*ck dubbed anime.

    But I have to comment on Naruto, as I have just completed the 150 episode marathon in 3 days. The characters are cool and all, but the progression and flashbacks are almost unbearable. All the Sakura self-pity sessions are annoying too. That being said, the animation is surprisingly good for such a long series, and the fights are interesting. Rock Lee is the poo.

    I also wanted to ask, how many more episodes is it till Naruto leaves to train with Jiraiya? I'm not too familiar with the manga's progression. And also, how often do new episodes come out?

  4. ugh.... you don't wanna know.... The exhibit hall was like a swap meet. There was like only 20 vendors there. Wow. I've never been to a expo that was that small before. I'm soooo glad that I didn't pay for it.


    You know what's sad? I did pay! What a joke this con was. Man, I'll be surprised if PMX lives to see another year.

  5. I dunno if an of you know abt this, but the Seiyuu for Y'zak is the same person who does Sagara Souske's voice in Full Metal Panic!


    Damn, I would never have thought of that..... so different... mazing....


    Different? I thought it was pretty similar, same with all the other characters he's voice acted. Maybe I'm just a Tomokazu Seki fan. But what surprised me was Maaya Sakamoto was Lunamaria. I didn't realize it till like episode 20.

  6. I don't think he exactly owned Shinn.  Owning Shinn would be chopping Destiny up to little pieces like he did with those Goufs.  Obviously that didn't happen, so let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.  Kira may still put him down at some point, but at the moment, it's almost even.


    I agree. I don't expect to see anybody owning anyone till the last 1-2 episodes. I have to say though, Freedom's entrance was totally anticlimactic, one second Cagalli is about to get owned, then 15 seconds later Freedom pops into the atmosphere and saves her? Timings a little off...

  7. Well, it's official - NO DRAGOONS for the Strike-Freedom MSIA:

    Dammit, that's REALLY weak Bandai.  Seriously.  Not including the main defining gimmick of the suit??  WTF.  I really cannot express how much I was looking forward to this figure, and how disappointed I am in it now.


    Well, despite the non-removable Dragoons, it's still a pretty good figure. No real flaws, no warping. Good articulation, joints nice and tight, holds weapons well, reasonable paint job (although I don't like the gold bits).

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Shinn in Destiny kick Kira's ass in Strike Freedom, cus we all know that after Impulse delivered the smackdown on Freedom, Kira is Shinn's bitch :lol::lol::lol: .



    Whoa, thems fightin words Graham. But about the MSIA SF, are the elbow and knee joints that off compared to the hands? From pics I've seen, the molded joint color is much more dull and off-gold compared to the shiny hands and belly gun.

  8. Gallery-o-rama!!

    (please smack me if these have been posted already!  ....just not too hard.... :p )


    ZGMF-600 GuAIZ



    ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam








    #7002 ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam





    Does anyone know where the guy from the licos site gets those clear display stands? I could use some of those.

  9. Just an off note about Orb, I'm assuming they don't have a large national guard, so why not put some well placed positron cannons at the shore, and start blowing away anything that comes close? Or at least have some submarines or something. It seems like all they have is mobile suits and a fleet of ships whose only purpose is to carry more MS and be sitting targets. Who the hell's running the department of defense?

  10. Strike Freedom MSIA has just been released and is for sale on Ebay!  I just bought two, can't wait to get them in and settle once and for all if it has removable Dragoons or not!


    CrossZGundam right? Haha, I've bought all my Freedoms off him, just picked up one of these as well. How long does yours usually take to ship?

  11. People still use MSN group?  They have really crappy implementation and layout.

    Anyway here is the toy.  However the previous girl figures are total junk so some have low hope for this set.


    I dunno, they look pretty good to me. Any more info on these? Release date, manufacturer?

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