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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe I should buy another one and paint some of the armor parts blue and put it on my VF-1J Max like I did for my 1/60. Anyone want a spare VF-1J Hikaru?
  2. I forgot to post this nice pic in this thread.
  3. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Not bad. Mine both shipped. Can't wait.
  4. sh9000

    3P SD VF-1S

    Lol. Come on Bandai. Reissue the Joke Machines or release updated ones instead.
  5. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Just paid for my 2 Armored VF-1J's at Amiami.
  6. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Awesome. Thank you Bandai. Ok.....
  7. My VF-0D doesn't have any of those problems.
  8. Just ordered a second Konig Monster.
  9. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone who is no longer interested in this line feel free to donate them to me.
  10. I got these Wolverine claws for super cheap. They are sharp, heavy, and pretty cool.
  11. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    There is a little grey square underneath that you can push very slightly with a pin. It is attached to the pilot but the pilot doesn't come off. I don't want to risk breaking anything.
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