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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I HATE the spoiler. Either have a fast back, or not, that stupid razor thin thing is just aftermarket-junk looking... This is what a proper fastback car looks like. http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Lotus/th1/Lotus-Exige-S-Roadster-3.jpg They need to go all the way, or just a flat back like every boring sedan, this half-way crap looks terrible.
  2. No. No F1 driver expects to die. Yes risk is higher compared to playing competitive foozball, but still, no deaths should be tolerated. Ayrton Senna is the last guy that died in F1 and that was 10 years ago.
  3. Nailed it! Though the new film was sorta funny... I would have liked it more if it had not been called 21 Jump Street. Is this change in brand a metaphor for how the youth of today views serious problems? Anybody see Juno? We have comedies about teenage pregnancy... We sure didn't have that 20 years ago.
  4. Nah man... He was always just a thug. You just built him up to be more in your head when you were a kid. Watch A new hope again... Tarkin is "holding vader's leash." Vader was never #2 in the organization.
  5. The trailers make it seem more interesting. I do not like the idea of mexicans hijacking black exploitation films, which was the model for the first Machete film... This one looks more like an action comedy.
  6. the Shadow Chronicles was original, right!? That is what I was referring to... They worked on that for like 5 years or something. I actually sat with Tommy Yune in his office and discussed it with him (yes I used to work in entertainment). So this new thing is a clip show? Just reusing old RT stuff!? WTF?
  7. I guess I will see it, but why does it take them SO LONG to make an hour plus of animation. The first sequel OVA or whatever it was took them YEARS from start of the product to shipping DVDs.
  8. If it had the flavor of the first, I'd be in. Think about Rambo... First blood was better than Jesus in an MMA fight, and the last one was pretty good also. Not as good as First Blood of course, but I was happy the story had a conclusion. I want FIFI in it: http://madmaxcostumes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/mfp15.jpg
  9. You should not be embarrassed to like M Zero. It was pretty good. Remember this is "Macross World" not "Tentacle Sex World."
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