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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. That's what we're here for, G&C
  2. A real good solution is (and I'm being serious) Silly Putty -- the rubbery stuff that comes in eggs. It goes on nice (although it will spread if you leave it on for an extended period of time -- it also has a risk of drying, but you have to leave it on for weeks on end for that to happen), leaves hard mask edges, has zero danger of paint underseep, and 99 out of 100 times comes off clean (if you're masking canopies or other areas where there is a pronounced gap, some will seep into the gap if you leave it on too long, but it can be cleaned out easily with a toothpick). And it will not take off accessory parts if they're glued on properly.
  3. As for pineapple salad, I've not had the recipe that Claudia prepared, but I have had, a couple of times a nice Waldorf that uses pinapples. As for Roy, his ignoring the wounds isn't that big a problem -- you're right that it was meant to be a John Wayne moment. But I still defy anyone to explain how everyone on the fraggin' ship (especially Claudia) failed to notice those three large and bloody holes in his back!
  4. Which begs the question -- what posessed them to decide they needed a slum added on?
  5. Let me just say that I'm going to steer clear of asking your opinion on <old "Critic" joke> James Caan </old "Critic" joke>
  6. Right now, here's a sampling of what's on my iTunes: The Destroyer "Soyokaze" -- Kenji Kawai Twilight -- ELO Glori in Excelsis Deo -- Gregorian Chant Soul Man -- The Blues Brothers Minnie the Moocher (the original 1931 recording) -- Cab Calloway Ja Nus Hons Pris -- King Richard I Couer d'Lion No God -- The Germs Ai Oboeteimasuka? -- Like you don't know who sung THIS one... Grosse Messe im C-Dur (Great Mass in C-Minor) -- Mozart Xanadu -- Olivia Newton-John and ELO The War song from "Duck Soup" -- The Marx Brothers Survive -- The Bags Powerhouse -- Raymond Scott Message in a Bottle -- The Police I Can't Hide -- Mari Iijima Yesterday -- The Beatles Accidents will Happen -- Elvis Costello
  7. Kinda esoteric topic, but what the hey? I've always liked that rising and falling series of musical notes that plays faintly int he background in a lot of the Zentradi ship scenes, especially in DYRL. It's a cool noise.
  8. No. The closest thing that there is is public domain. In theory, after a set amount of time (for the US usually 70 years after the author dies, or int he case of works for hire either 95 years from publication or 120 from creation -- whichever is shorter From this page) copyright expires, and the work becomes public domain -- society as a whole owns it and can do what they will with it. But merely being unpublished for a period of time does not by itself make a work public domain unless the author or copyright holder him or herself explicitly relases the work into the PD. Further PD status has nothing to do with when the book was published last -- Shakespeare's plays are PD and they've been in circulation since the 1600s. Sherlock Holmes has never gone out of print and all of the Holmes tales are PD.
  9. razzinfrazzit wrong button pushing...clicked "quote" when I wanted "edit..."
  10. Amen to that, Roy. Especially since, particualrly in California and the West Coast (and to a lesser degree in New York, Chicago and other metropolitan centers across the US), there are Japanese bookstores like Kinokuniya and used manga/book stores like Book Off that have a decent chance of having it -- or if they don't, they can special order it. These books are not the holy grail (except the Gold Book, but I'll pass on it...that 800-year-old knight creeps me out ) And as for fair use, to be fair, if it's purely for a fan-based purpose (such as the hypothetical archive) it probably wouldn't hold water if a company decided to make a stink (fortunately, in most cases, they see it as free publicity, so long as the sites don't go overboard with it). fair use was meant to make sure that researchers could draw on earlier works or reviewers could criticize novels, plays, movies and the like without running into copyright problems. It was never a carte blanche for anyone to post anything so long as they scrupulously keep to the amount prescribed by law (which is pretty small, when you think about it). Remember all the Simpsons fansites that had their fair use claims laughed out of court when 20th Century Vole told them to knock it off.
  11. I went and picked up two of the Toynami Valks myself while at AX. I've gotta admit, they've redeemed themselves after the MPC business. the booth itself was all Macross. on the Toynami side, it was as if Robotech never existed (and even the HG booth had finally discovered Macross also ) The box is nice and sturdy, and is very reminiscent of a Japanese release - they even went and put "Hikaru Ichijyo's VF-1S Valkyrie" in Japanese under the English. The toy itself is pretty well done, and has an easy transformation sequence between the three modes. I'd say it's reminiscent of (insert your fave Valk toy here), but there's very few ways to engineer the transformation for such an iconic mecha. For $25, i'd say it's a keeper asa nice inexpensive collector's mech. It's not going to replace the 1/48 Yammies as my favorite, but they're pretty good. Good: Excellent detail (for the scale) in Battroid and GERWALK mode, good choice of accessories (missiles and micro-missile pods, plus gunpod, replacement hands and display stand), released under Macross name with zero (IIRC) mention of Robotech outside of HG's web address, sturdy and locked together in all three modes, logical transformation sequence, clear instructions Bad: Leg swingbars look to be a bit flimsy although not fragile, the head is a bit stiff, gunpod keeps falling apart (it's a two-part assembly with a switchable trigger and mounting jig), fighter mode leaves a bit to be desired, sticker decals are not as good as Yamato's.
  12. Don't get your panties in an uproar over nothing. It was leaked a while back that someone held the license for a region 1 release after Manga fumbled the ball. It was just a matter of time finding out who held it. I always felt it would be Bandai, and it is great news, considering how ADV Films like to use southern accents in their dubs for their representation of people from Osaka. Noriko is from Osaka. As for the trailers, the guy who made the post said they were airing trailers of past work that the company had done. Since Bandai provided much of the financial work for Aim For The Top!, it would only be natural for them to feature clips of the series in their portfolio, so to speak. 413483[/snapback] The thing that I was surprised on though when I saw the trailer at AX, (BTW, I can confirm that it was unmistakably a license anouncement) was that they could realease it AT ALL. It had been my understanding that the Japanese sound masters had degraded to near-unusable. The Bandai Vis rep said that apparently somehow the sound masters did survive.
  13. I'm sorry, Guts, but as it's been mentioned in the Big Thread of HG v. BW Doom © (: due to the fact that at a very minimum three companies (and almost certainly more) are scrambling for the biggest slice of the pie that they can re: DYRL, and that the licensing situation makes the TV series' wrangling look straighforward and comprehensible by comparison, it's almost gauranteed that DYRL will never get a decent R1 DVD release. Even Robert Woodhead (who released the AnimEigo disks lo those five years ago) has said to not hold one's breath. ): As for Clash, the license that Celebrity for Kids had expired years ago, and HG will see that it's never reissued (for once making HG on the side of the angels )
  14. Don't think they're mailing them out till pre-reg closes on the 15th. 405718[/snapback] Cool, thanks YLM.
  15. Hey, do y'all know if they've started mailing the badges out? I have to admit it's getting a little harder to keep saying "There's still three weeks left, my precioussssss...."
  16. Actually, it seems that there are some other minor changes, some of them which seem to be better (at least from my perspective). The only one that actively changes a line from the AE version is a line spoken by Hikaru while he and Minmay are trapped in his fanracer. In the AE version, after Hikaru discovers the air leak, and Minmay asks him what the hising noise is, he says "Well, it's not an alarm clock, that's for sure." The ADV line is "Well, it's probably nothing to worry about," or a line to that effect, IIRC. Also, it seems that the video is slightly different, in that it removes a couple of "blips" in the AE version, including one where in the AE version of "First Contact," during the pan across the destroyed radar room, there was an inexplicable split-second ghost version of Hikaru and Minmay's tent from episode four.
  18. Not to mention, thy have no leg to stand on in blocking Macross Plus anymore. They let it through, and if they try to now, ten years on, say "oh no no no, we are asserting our rights," they'd be laughed out of court. Now that being said, they could scare off small-fry companies by the threat of making any courtroom victory in the matter a Pyhrric one.
  19. They're going to have to be very, VERY careful though...Kirk and Spock are iconic characters and Shatner's and Nimoy's performances burned into the public mind. They'd better cast their net far and wide to find the actors to play them, and not resort to *shudder* Jude Law or *shudder* Orlando Bloom or *barf* Ben Afleck.
  20. All in all, I'd rather be in Philadelphia...
  21. At least Hikaru's not flourescent pink like the old Adm. Lick
  22. I will say this: Even though it is HG product, it has three things going for it: 1. It is under the Macross name. 2. They look pretty decent (even though I'm not sure I like the molded-on skull on the heatshield of the valks or the opaque canopy) 3. Say what you will, that 12-inch Hikaru is light-years beyond that Robotech abomination from 1985 (with the un anime features and hockey hair ) If they come to the local Toys R Us, I fear my wallet may open for them.
  23. IIRC, Toho was responsible for that train wreck. They had been awarded (before the legal FUBAR) distro rights outside of Japan. Those rights are either gone or on legal hold pending a resolution of the BW/HG-Tat legal circus.
  24. Only, my friend, when someone finally takes Shakespeare literally.
  25. I think they almost had to, as Kakizaki now seems to have that role in the dub cast. Yes, Hayao Kakizaki is supposed to be dense, yet they made sound more like a blithering imbicile in the dub. It could be worse. Actually, I'm getting used to the pronunciation (don't like it, but I'm being stoic about it) and most of the voice cast doesn't bother me. I like Mari Iijima's vocal work in the new volume (she seems to be getting more comfortable with the English dubbing work) and Hikaru's voice is getting a bit better. Roy isn't as grating here, but as I mentioned that's only because they moved all the gratingness to Kakizaki. Max is OK, but could have been better. Some times the voice is great, but at times he sounds like Lumbergh from Office Space. Kamujin needs a lot of work. He does not sound like the backstabbin' badass he's supposed to be. Instead he sounds like a bored Regency fop. The absolute worst, though is the announcer of the Miss Macross contest. Note to that actor: Couldya ratchet down the gayness a few clicks, please?
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