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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Use this knowledge only for good, not for evil: There is absolutely no copy protection on the Animeigo DVDs and they are only single-layer. So, you can back up your Animeigo DVDs using just about any blank DVD and any DVD copying software. Just make sure that you choose a type of blank DVD (DVD+R or DVD-R) that your home DVD player can play.
  2. Just made an entry about this on Macross Nexus. The $39 price for what was once a $200 set deserves some attention! Especially since it's the best "archival quality" set of the original Japanese (w/ english subtitles) SDF Macross we're ever likely to see.
  3. The ones in the images I just posted are the HG rerelease of the original Animeigo remastering which are not in english. But it has very good english subtitles. The only Macross english dub (not including Robotech) is the one recently released by ADV. The ADV release makes use of the same video as the Animeigo remastering, but unfortunately made a lot of changes to the sound effects for the english track. To make matters worse, if you wanted to then just watch the japanese track with the original sound effects (with english subtitles), they also used an inferior japanese language track when compared to the original Animeigo remastering. All of this means: If you want/need an english dub and are willing to overlook the way they've replaced the super-cool Macross sound effects with something more appropriate for G.I. Joe, then go with the ADV set. But if you want Macross as it was originally aired with original sound effects (presented in a better japanese track than the optional one on the ADV release) and excellent english subtitles, go with Animeigo (either in its original 'plain black box' incarnation or in its spiffier form at robotech.com).
  4. Well, seeing as the Animeigo release is still the Ultimate release, I decided to splurge a bit on the repackaged one at the RT store to supplement my original Animeigos. HG can have my money as long as they keep doing stuff like this. . . and I figure buying pure Macross stuff from them might encourage them indulge us with more Animeigo-like projects in the future. Thought you guys might want a shot of the box from every angle. I'm actually quite impressed! And, as you can see, there is no doubt that these are just the original (and wonderful!) Animeigo DVDs inside. I'm sure you Animeigo owners will recognize each of the individual cases. I'm probably not even going to break the plastic seal on this boxset unless something happens to my other one. For only $39, it was easier than backing them up myself! The artwork is very high quality. The reflections coming from the clear plastic wrap and my camera flash make it look more washed out than it actually is! I can forgive the big HG logo on the top (obscured by glare and reflections in images). . . since there is not one single mention of Robotech on that box as far as I can see! Best, H
  5. The problem with panel lining is that it's very subjective. Some people don't like them at all. Some people like them dark and bold. Others like faint ones. Some prefer them in black. Others in grey. While still others like to do them in a subtle shade of the underlying paint scheme. It would be impossible for Yamato to satisfy all those varying opinions on how panel lines "should" be done. So. . . in my opinion, it's better that they not try to do it at all.
  6. I'm sure someone, somewhere, wrote a letter to their local station. But was it substantial enough to affect the show's success? I don't recall anything approaching that level.
  7. I don't recall any parental outrage at there being death in RT. I think this might be retroactive politicization of things.
  8. Nobody calls themself an MCP.
  9. Haha! I'm such a tool! I thought that "references" below had gone out somehow and gotten my MW username (or actually, the "name" of my computer since that's what I call it at home). But, of course, I couldn't figure out how it could (safely) do that because it wasn't. I see now that it's just making "reference" to my "exhaustive release list" post and it appears there for everyone. D'oh! Face. . . getting. . . more. . . red.
  10. First functioning PS2 emulator for the PC? Link Edit: Upon further reading, it's clearly not yet ready for prime time. But maybe some day.
  11. I've been wondering about that too. Though, it does look like it keeps your name as you submit it (curious as to how it knew I was "Hurin"). I also wonder if it will allow us to submit twice (bad), or if it just over-writes our older submission (good).
  12. Oh, and SpacyAce, report back when/if your problem is solved so we can close this thread before I hijack it entirely via my computer reminiscences.
  13. I'll see that and raise you the Maxtor 15k! Hehe, I was speaking about widespread desktop usage. On a totally unrelated note: I can't abide these gamers who run 10,000rpm Raptors on their gaming rigs so that they can load their game levels two seconds faster. I'd rather dump my money into video cards. And don't get me started on these same guys putting such drives into RAID 0 arrays for desktop "single-user" usage. Talk about a waste! I should admit, however, that I used to put a SCSI controller in my gaming rig and run 7,200rpm (with a whopping 20GB storage) back in the early nineties. . . before I came to my senses! When I'd build an IDE system for a friend or family member, I think I may have actually sneered a little.
  14. That's all well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that Windows Defrag doesn't base its decision regarding whether to recommend a defrag on how much drive space is left or whether there are lost clusters. Defrag will either not notice such things and go onwith its basic calculation of how much fragmentation is present or tell you that a defrag can't be run until scandisk is used to fix underlying issues that it stumbled across. And that was the only thing with which I took issue: And, for the record, I was referring to engineers that actually design and build hard drives. . . not people like you and me who read a book, take a test, and then declare ourselves "Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)." God, I was so ashamed when I had to get that done for one of my jobs. We made ruthless fun of all the "cert-weenies" at my first job. We had a sys and network admin who seemed to know absolutely everything and there was a standing order that whenever a customer called and said: "I'm a consultant with xxx certification". . . he wanted the call transferred to him. He always had fun with them.
  15. --21 posts deleted-- I don't want to come off as a prude. And I hate to be the party pooper. And, nobody needs to feel bad or like they're being disciplined here. But a thread about whether or not a woman's "private area" is shown in an anime, followed by all sorts of euphemisms (some quite vulgar) for said "area" is not exactly appropriate on a "family friendly" board. Shame on all of you! Your Prude,
  16. What am I? An engineer at Seagate? I think a lot of the logistics is handled "in hardware" between the hard drive controller (usually on the motherboard) and the logic board on the hard drive itself. Now, I'm starting to get out of my depth. This is the sort of stuff you learn while having a storage array problem on a server, and then promptly forget until the next time you have a problem. But, I believe there is a "master database" or "table" of sorts that keeps track of where everything is. What scandisk finds most often are "orphaned" entries in this database (either data with not entry in the table, or a table entry with no data on the disk). Edit: For more info, here's a quick thing I googled. Some of which probably contradicts my fuzzy memory above.
  17. A fragmented file doesn't have any parts of it "lost" or unreadable. Nor does the amount of hard drive space available have anything to do with when Windows will tell you that you should "defrag." A "fragmented" file is merely a file that is split up and written on two or more parts of the hard drive rather than "all together" sequentially along the hard drive platter. Because a hard drive's head(s) has to jump around on the platter a lot to read all parts of a fragmented file, performance can suffer (though not as obviously as in the past). Back in the day, a fragmented hard drive could drastically affect computer performance. While having a defragmented hard drive is still preferable, in this era of 5,400rpm and 7,200rpm hard drives with 2, 4, and 8mb caches, most users won't notice the performance penalty incurred by having a moderately fragmented hard drive. Windows "analyzes" the hard disk and does a quick check to see how much of the drive is fragmented. If a certain percentage of the files are fragmented, it will recommend a defrag. Edit: It looks to me like there is some confusion going on between "defragmentation," which is not a "repair" but something done to improve disk performance. . . and "checkdisk" or "scandisk" that is used to repair damaged file systems. Scandisk finds lost chains, clusters and/or "fragments" of files that are not properly mapped out on the file allocation table and can also be used to scan the surface of the disk for physical defects.
  18. Yeah, I can confirm (yet again?) that the Animeigo Japanese soundtrack is far superior to the one on the ADV release. As has already been said, the ADV one has much more hiss and is far less vibrant. I actually just finished buying the ADV ones because some day I may want an english dub for little ones. But, having just tried to watch "Love Slips Away". . . I just couldn't get over how badly they've managled not only the voices on the english dub, but the sound effects as well. They have added a lot of generic sci-fi sounds that are just totally out of place. . . such as an accompanying generic "peeyow" along with every earth shattering blast as they impact during the "rain of death." And, don't get me started on the original "buzzsaw" sound of Valkryie gunpods being replaced with a generic G.I. Joe "laser gun" sound. $39 for the Animeigo set with that very nice box? I'm all over it.
  19. Clean out the cache, but also delete all cookies. Make sure you're running Firefox 2.0.1. And, finally, if all that doesn't work, delete you entire Firefox profile (unless you're one of those types that has tons of customizations). If that doesn't work, then your computer is just odd.
  20. I'm thinking the same thing. May see about bringing some more attention to this in other ways too.
  21. Of course, I don't believe that you're black since just about everything you've ever said about yourself has turned out to be false. And, to my knowledge, this is the first time you've mentioned it. Either way, it doesn't matter. Now, if you were a Swede. . . then we'd have trouble. I hate only two things in this world: Intolerance of other cultures, and the Swedish. Anyways. . . you're gone. You've been given more than enough chances to do the right thing. H
  22. Lord Kungfu, We can't continue to just let you brazenly lie when it's been demonstrated that you're making this all up. If you were just harmlessly concocting all these fantasies of yours, we'd let it slide. But you alternately bash other members based on your own fanciful wealth, or just post random nonsense in order to brag about wealth that you clearly don't actually have. So, you have three choices: 1. Substantively address this post where it is demonstrated that you are lying. If you can somehow explain away all that damning evidence, great! Otherwise. . . 2. Admit that you have been making up all these tales of your fabulous wealth (and stop doing so). And then we can all move on. 3. Keep ignoring these warnings and be banned for abusing other members, trolling, and brazenly lying in order to stir up trouble (jealously, resentment, etc.). Until you actually make your choice, your posting privileges are revoked (posts must be approved by a moderator before being made visible). Best, H
  23. This is why I shouldn't read threads backwards. I hadn't seen this when I wrote my prior post immediately above. And here I was ready to forgive and forget. After all, it's not hard to forget what you've said since it's all demonstrably lies anyways. I'm not sure we should ban you for clearly lying so frequently and brazenly, but if you keep using this fantasy existence you've concocted to insult other members, I'll ban you myself. So, please, just come clean and admit that, for whatever reason, you've been screwing with us. . . and we'll all just move on. H
  24. Hey LKF, Am I correct that your recent six month absence had something to do with this post. That's some pretty conclusive evidence that you've been yanking everyone's chain around here. Did you think we'd forget? You're welcome to stay, of course, but just admit that you've been making this stuff up for whatever reason, and let's all just move on. Best, H
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