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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. You're nuts Radd! How could anyone like this design and color scheme? People (like ME) must be crazy for liking this. Who really cares if the color isn't exactly like a real F15? Who cares that it isn't exactly like the cartoon? It's a bad ass jet that transforms into a bad ass robot. What more do you need?
  2. The color of SS doesn't really look all that bad. Looks more like a hardened warrior now than a fruity fairy with the cartoon colors. I'll be getting one of these for sure.
  3. If people would just stop breeding stupid wimpy kids, we wouldn't have these restrictions in pointy objects.
  4. Who's paying $40 for Alternators? They're only $20 here.
  5. That image fits perfectly on my 17" widescreen. Thanks EXO! BTW, how much did that cost to have done? I'm thinking of getting a poster of that myself.
  6. Those aren't my images. I just copied the ones from a previous post to show a difference when the nose is closer to the ground. Just wanted to clear that up.
  7. Are those Technobot legs with a Stunticon body and arms?
  8. That's pretty much what I was getting at too. It still looks like Starscream, but we dont' have the luxury of "anime magic" to make him look exactly like the cartoon character.
  9. So you're saying that the original G1 toys was EXACTLY like the cartoon looked? The MP Screamer has way more identifying features that put him closer to the cartoon version than the G1 toy ever did. I can't believe that people are jumping in a "he doesn't look like the cartoon" bandwagon simply because Shoji made a minor (yes, MINOR) change to the leg design. Thinking of what he's given us so far for the past twenty-plus years, if anyone knows what will be good or bad for a transforming toy it;s Shoji.
  10. All you Starscream haters are going to buy one, and you know it. You'll all come around when the final version is released and buy one.
  11. I think I rotated it about 3 degrees to get the nose closer to the ground. I think it takes the focus away from the underbelly (a little bit).
  12. Unless the front landing gear is really long to compensate for elevational differences between the nose and the legs, keep in mind that in fighter mode it won't sit as it is shown in the picture. What I'm saying is that the fighter will be tilted with the nose a little closer to the ground, so the underbelly thing might not be as noticable.
  13. Shaggy and Scooby getting busted for drugs was great. Finally, someone was willing to admit that it was all about weed. The ep with the Jetsons was good too.
  14. The only good thing about CN is Foster's Home. I don't care what anyone says, that show is hilarious!
  15. What about Harvey Birdman? Most of those were great, but I hear this season may be it's last. Season 2 is coming out on DVD in October.
  16. Is it even possible to do a 1/60 VF-11B and allow for a sliding heat shield? I wouldn't want another plastic tabby thing. It'd be battyin' if they could.
  17. The KO Constructicons DO suck, big time. I bought a set for my son since he's always going on about my G1 originals, figuring "if he breaks them they're only $5.00." Well, he did break a few and he wasn't even being rough with them. They just kinda fell apart during a transformation. Not to mention they had this sticky adhesive all over them, the stickers fell off and they didn't fit together very well. I guess they aren't even worth the $5 I paid for them.
  18. Now if someone with more Photoshop skills than I have can turn the CAD drawing into a background, that would kick some major ass. FYI my screen size is 1440x900...
  19. I guess I should have said I don't know WHY you're complaining. It doesn't look all that bad, especially compared to the Trannies that are being released these days.
  20. I don't know what you're complaining about, it looks fine to me. I'd buy one of these without a problem.
  21. LOL! It's a G1 80's style Hummer. All it needs are the stiff arms.
  22. Wow, in 26 days it will be July, 4 2007? They've now managed to reduce time AS WELL as robot sizes.
  23. Why am I getting more Transformers news from a Macross site? Odd... If they do the magical "small radio to giant robot" thing, I'd love to see them explain it. A small robot could be used for recon missions in hard to get places and that would be great for semi-realism. Otherwise, what's the point of making a realistic looking movie if they pull the size change BS?
  24. Anyone here looking at the Intel Macs? Sounds like it could be a good move for me, running AutoCAD and all.
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