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Everything posted by aaajin

  1. well actually I was thinking of paiting just the head...so, if I paint it white...it wont match withthe rest of the body rite? hmm....so that means I just leave the rest of the head and just paint the antennas...and of course the red dot on the forehead & the arrows on the sides... anyway...thanks EXO for the tips...but really...actually my main concern is whether I can just use a black aerosol paint to paint the antennas...any help? Thanks again, aaajin PS : & actually the seam lines dont really bother me that much....what really bothers me is whether the glue will leave any ugly markings on the seam lies
  2. Hi to all, Sorry if I'm in the wrong thread...but I just wanna ask...how did you guys paint the antennas on the 1/48 VF-1s heads??....I planning to paint my Rohby's recasts heads over this weekend but I'm not sure how to do it.... Im totaly new to customizing and painting toys...can I just use the regular black aerosol paint?(the spray can)...or Should I be definetely needing an airbrush to do it? And one last thing...for Rohby's 1S heads, should I paint it over with white or can I just leave it as it is after I glued the head parts?....Just wondering if the glue marks will become extremely visible and makes my eyes hurt And any helpful tips on assembling Rohby's 1S recast heads? Thanks in advance~! aaajin
  3. Last night...while I was browsing the internet searching for some display cases for 1/48 yamato's, I came across this website that sells em for quite cheap...At first I tried ebay but found nothing that can be used to display a 1/48 valk (or model kits)....but after tryin google, I found THIS Hope this helps people who's still looking to find a nice place to display their built models.. And I'm just wondering...are the prices cheap? or are they cheaper elsewhere? Just wanna help, aaajin PS: im not sure whether this thread belongs to the toy section or the model's...but i think model section is more appropriate..
  4. aaajin

    Yamato Stand!

    ouch....but nice tho..
  5. aaajin

    VF-11 FastPacks

    If that's the book you guys're looking for, I thought I saw several of em being auctioned on ebay.....the costs is about 30-40 bucks per book i think
  6. Hi Mr. Hikaru..what happened to your hair? stucked in your helmet? ...anyway, Miriya's helmet looks cool though..
  7. aaajin

    VF-11 FastPacks

    waht kind of book r u guys talkin about? is it Design Works by shoji kawamori??
  8. have u ever heard of Macross ear plug?...if not...here's the LINK...so rare that it's almost impossible to find it anywhere on the surface of this planet...
  9. just paste em all over the place...especially at the area between the legs...NO STEP! SENSITIVE AREA
  10. Like i said before, ya shoulda left your valks with me, mate. I don't mind just "imagining" having that many valks. That's like RM6000 in there. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
  11. Im sold too...so, what's the approx. costs for this babe? around 30 bucks is it (if i recall myself) ?
  12. cuz I have to part with em for another 2 years...I've to leave them behind in Malaysia and set off to the US to continue my studies...and if I put the FP's on them...and leave em like that for like..2 years....I bet the stress will magnifies and eventually will break all of the backpacks....tho I've bought some BP8 recasts from rohby, I wouldn't sacrify the originals just for displaying purposes.....and anyway, those are mine and my brother's....he's getting into macross lately...tho he's the one who introduced macross to me when I was a little boy... aaajin
  13. aha....I HAVE to do that cuz my little cousins are some little brats who will break anything they think 'interesting' to them....
  14. is that YAMATO's phone number at the bottom of the pic? if it is, i think YAMATO would prolly gonna have to change their number.....
  15. what the hell are THEY doing in the car overnight?...please mind your own business....they're married couple aren't they?
  16. Me & my brother's latest collection before I went back to the US...few days after arriving in the US, bought 2 more 1S hikkies, a 1A max, and few 1/72's to add to the collection + CMs figs.....man...the showcase's gonna get pretty crowded...
  17. I see....so you paint the arrows on a decal sheet, cut em, and paste em on tha head...ooo...so de si neh~! brilliant idea!
  18. Read me. L-Vis Presley nah...just kiddin...its Low Visibility...the grey valk...remember now?
  19. SAW it~! enjoyed it~! as an overall, watching this film makes me feel as if I'm attending somekind of a philosophical class....really makes me think of what's gonna happen in the future....how's things gonna be...how the human will react if robots slowly gain consciousness to be a part of this world, a part of the society we live in...will we accept them as our counterpart? just my pathetic 2 cents aaajin
  20. looks great...cant wait to see it painted~!
  21. Hey haterist~! Can you please post more pics of your valks with rohby's 1S heads on...esp. your low Vis...Just wanna see how cool they're with the replacement heads~! Thanks, aaajin
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