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Everything posted by aaajin

  1. I can? then, cpt! I want 3 sets for 2 week's supply (just j/k)
  2. DArn it...now Im regreting not paying right away...but I have to wait for my next income or Ill have no food to eat at all this whole 2 weeks
  3. Here's my current humble US collection : DYRL VF-1S's & Pilots TV M&M and CF Isamu Other scales
  4. aaajin

    Rohby's SD Max 1J

    I believe the plastic was molded in blue
  5. Sent you an email. I may not be able to pay you this week...so I dont mind if you push me a few names back to your 2nd run (when you get your supplies) aaajin
  6. aaajin

    Rohby's SD Max 1J

    what's that metal thingies that holds the backpacks?
  7. why do we have to discuss about the price...Yamato wont listen to us about price do they?...
  8. 335780[/snapback] Heyy....I thought I sold you one didnt I?
  9. aaajin

    My Chase max

    hey, where's the rest of your 1/48 VF-1J J/M ???
  10. I knew youd be the first one to reply
  11. but still, freedom vs impulse is synonim to a generator vs a rechargeable alkaline battery....also, Destiny cannot be compared to S.freedom..too much difference
  12. yeah, the problem is would they want to sell their one-of-a-kind toy cheap to us? I doubt it....other factors can be set aside if theyre the only business in town and that the demand is high...Yamato rules
  13. at first, my friend bought loads of gundam kits from Ken...then he introduces me to Ken (early 2003 when he just opened toy-wave), I bought off a LV (my first 1/48) for USD 130 shipped...then I accidentally introduces him to this forum .....if not I wouldnt have any competition to buy valks at cheap cheap price
  14. aaajin

    1/48 VF-1S

    try lick the box... if it's sweet then its the 2nd edition well...it really doesnt matter at all whether you get the 2nd or the 4th edition...for me, theyre all good as long as its Yamato. Aint I right? unless its a tooooynami !#@$#$ crappy toynami bastids! aaajin
  15. Hi capt, sent you a PM because there's typo on my name (on da list). Its aaajin, not Aajin Thanks aaajin
  16. ehh? HCM pro strike freedom is already out?? where'd you get those? any pics? thanks
  17. MORE HCM pro DESTINY <---click here ...cant wait to get mine
  18. now, anyone has the HCM pro destiny pics they can share with? Thanks a bunch
  19. I dont quite understand what youre trying to say...are you referring to the pics on the box or the figure?? what is missing? and does the box pics comes with different arrangements of characters? Is that what youre trying to say? Im totally confused EDITED : OK~! now I understand..its the arangement of the figures in the box !
  20. yeaa..I agree! ...someone ought to recast em!!
  21. Found the website~! destiny sure looks nice... LINK
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