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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. I'm not sure, but I think I'd vote for the F-14's with the T-Rex pilots.
  2. I will offer my takes: The Core Booster as drawn by Hajime Katoki in Sentinel 0079. The Jet Core Booster from Gundam 08th MS Team. While these are not fighters, I still really like the Type 61 MBT and Type 74 Hover Truck from the same OAV's. I have a strong dislike as far as Star Wars is concerned, but I think the TIE Advance as flown by Darth Vader in A New Hope was pretty nice. What did that machine evolve into? I'd list X-Wing, but everyone and their dog's mother think that ship is cool, so I won't bother. As far as uglies go, nothing take the cake quite like 0079 Zeon fighter crafts. Flying eggs... Okawara should burn in hell just for that. Now, if we were to talk starships, my favorite design is the Intrepid class ship from Star Trek, of which the most famous ship is, of course, the USS Voyager. The Nova class (USS Equinox) ships are nice too. Of course, the Vector Assault Mode capable USS Prometheus can kick some serious ass.
  3. Yeah, she's cute, but I think she's the typical Asian anime fan kind of girl, and I think that's rather boring. It doesn't matter, either way. I'm not likely to ever run into her :-P Has anyone read comics by her employer? I looked at their website, and their art is incredible! Check it out: http://www.udoncomics.com/
  4. I believe the sheet is seen at the bottom of this scan: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...g_aug2001a2.jpg All three came with the same sheet of decals. EDIT: Akula's picture is better :-P
  5. In the real world, planes will not transform. Pray tell, how the hell do you go from 400 knots in fighter mode to 100 knots in Battroid mode in midair in seemingly very little time? The acceleration would kill the pilot. Don't give me this Macross is more realistic than Gundam propaganda. The entire Macross community hasn't sufficiently convinced me. You can believe what you want. No one's forcing anything on you. Does the Compedium actually compare the power of the Gundam's beam shot to the Gunpod's rounds? I don't think so. So where did you get that each round has about the same power as the Gundam's beam rifle? Doesn't address my question of what was the point of the comparison, does it? A beam saber in the hands may work as a beam rifle in the hardpoint. When the Zeta Gundam actually holds the beam saber and shoots things with it, then I'll have a problem. As is, I'm not convinced. It's not an error. The power of the beam rifle does not come from the E-cap alone. The E-cap simply provides the MegaParticles for the rifle. The Mobile SUIT's generator provides the punch needed to throw those particles out there. Think of the E-cap as the rounds, and the generator power as the gunpowder needed to launch them.
  6. The VF-1S Strike Valkyrie kit already contains parts to make a Super Valk. Including two addtional heads do not justify a 800 yen price hike. We better get something good in that package. I look forward to the VF-0B and VF-0D. I really like the VF-0 designs; So much that the VF-1 designs seem rather... bleh (desu), now.
  7. Wrong one. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/0080/rgm-79sp.htm This is what we're talking about. No kit of this design ever existed.
  8. 1/144? Hmm... I don't quite recall seeing that symbol, but I often don't pay attention to Gundam manuals anyways, Simply put, that icon means rotate part 180 degrees.
  9. We should hope. With Bandai, though, this is most likely some form of stickers. These are probably the dry transfers. By the way, in case anyone missed it, the dry transfers are the ones on the plastic sheet with painted markings underneath it. To apply it, cut out the appropriate marking, place and secure it where you want to apply it, and use an unsharpened pencil or your thumbnail or something to apply pressure to the top evenly, so that the paint transfers over to your model. By the way, the #11 is most seen in the G Gundam MG kits. Those are rare in UC kits since they don't usually have all ABS frame. PS: "Mecha Bible" :-P
  10. Haha. Indeed, it is humor, but to the devoutly religious, this kind of joke is equivalent to ethnic slurs, in a sense, so I see GodMedia's point. However, I think there are things out there far worse than the Froating Head joke. This is rather trivial.
  11. Bingo. Cut off this piece. This usually refers to additional plastic injection gate that cannot be placed elsewhere. Sometimes found at the tips of V-fins. 6 - No. This icon means this section should be assembled first. An example would be an elbow block, which would be sandwiched by forearm halves. 8 - No. This icon means that identical parts should be used for the other side. This is for cases where there are duplicate trees for arms/legs, etc... 13 - This means "Do not over tighten screw." This icon means the other side should be moved. For example, the 1/144 Wing Zero has two wing pods. If one wing pod should open, open the other as well.
  12. That thread is offensive, especially to GodMedia, is because it implies that Shoji Kawamori is God, which, to a Christian, is offensive because it is idolatry. It is not about Christianity or any other religions being flamed, it's about one of Christianity's main beliefs being ridiculed, and even though I'm as anti-religion as the next guy, I can see where he's coming from. Just a thought.
  13. Each build up spans several pages. If we lump them all into one thread, that thread will be the mother of all theads. I recommend a catch-all thread where links to the build ups are archived instead.
  14. Hmm... Looking at the VF-0S model, looks like that thing has a very small chine too.
  15. A hell of a lot faster, and a hell of a lot less realistic. Bipedal robot is one thing. Bipedal robot that transforms... What are you basing this on? By the way, what was the point of the comparison? Who's they? When? Where? Beam rifle is based on the concept of megaparticles bursting out of its I-field. Beam saber has always been based on super heated plasma. They were never mixed.
  16. Hmm... A middle schooler allowed to get a credit card. Time has indeed changed since my time, three years ago.
  17. Sand casting and resin casting are quite different beasts. From your post, I understand you're saying that they're using sand as the mold material, and aluminum as the skull, right? Reversing the procedures so that we use aluminum as the mold is not a good idea, since the whole point of resin casting is using the rubber mold's flexibility to capture details and allow undercuts. With metal as a mold, there are many things that must be taken into account. By the way, Bandai uses metal molds to make plastic models. The process is called injection plastic molding. As far as using aluminum as the "resin", I don't think the heat will pose much of a problem to the molds. People have been casting white metal for many years now. Of course, white metal has a considerably lower melting point than aluminum.
  18. That doesn't mean anything. There were Labor in Action and Dunbine in Action lines too, and guess what happened to them?
  19. Is that body a solid hunk of resin!?
  20. Ok. How about that Misa by herself?
  21. Happy Anniversary. 25 years and still going strong. Here's to a bright new future and a better 25 years.
  22. 1. I don't do toys. 2. I don't do ugly toys. 3. I don't do AU. 4. Re: SOC: See #1. Graham: Katoki has his share of good and bad designs. I don't blame you for disliking the Virtual On stuff.
  23. Indeed, but this is how it happened, so don't knock Gundam :-P Whether we can believe it or not, Okawara designs are not based solely on his discretion. The designer actually has much to say in the design process. Did you know that the first iterations of the Gundam had it looking very much like a scaled up samurai? Did you know that the Gundam as Clover wanted would have been called Gunboy, featuring (fear this) the Guncannon as the lead machine? And no real robot in sight, I can tell you that. While Gundam could be so much better, it sure as hell can be a whole lot worse. I won't argue with you here, since I believe the optimum size for piloted mech is about 8 meters tall, the size of a PatLabor. Of course, that makes the Valkyrie grossly oversized as well :-P I don't think it's fair to compare Mobile SUITs to Valkyries. That's like comparing apples to oranges. Or fighter planes to tanks. Mobile SUITs are not long range interceptors. They're close in combat machines. The whole point of Mobile SUITs in the first place was due to the AMBAC system, which, subjected to anime physics, flailing arms and legs would maneuver the mech into position, saving propellant. While it wouldn't work in real life, it's still fun to pretend. I still think it's better than strapping rocket boosters to an F-14 and make it fight giant aliens. Actually, see above. Compare the 20 beam shots to what, 5 seconds of shots from the VF-1's gunpods? I think I'll take the 20 beam shots, each capable of bringing down a space cruiser, than 5 seconds of ballistic projectiles. As large as a Mobile SUIT is, most of the space is dedicated to propellant and mechanics. Unlike Macross, Gundam does not rely on a magnet driven engine. While it's true that Gundam had fusion reactors, it still needed to pump propellant around the reactors to produce thrust. No magic magnetic fields to push exhaust gases out the back pipe. No catch-all OverTechnology either. Usually, when I deal with Gundam, I don't care much for official stats. The 60mm number must clearly be wrong, as you have pointed out. However, as primitive a technology as Gundam seem to have (compared to Macross), I'm inclined to believe that projectile launching equipment must have shrank in size considerably from now until UC 0079, which would be set in roughly CE 2148, or something. Besides, the Gundam Vulcan cannon is tripple-barrelled, not six, which cuts the gun's size down to half, effectively. Note: The cannons on the RX-78NT1 Alex's forearms are called Gatling cannons, which is a misnomer, since Gatling is used to designate a six-barrelled gun. As far as the catch-all Minovsky particle is concerned, it makes enough sense to me. I don't think the particle was meant to trap IR signatures though. As I recalled, the only waves Minovsky particles can scramble are those with longer wavelengths, such as radio. Visible light and infra-red are unaffected. Why they don't use laser and IR track systems is beyond me. The Minovsky particles aren't directly responsible for the beam weapons. Minovksy particles are either positively or negatively charged, and said charge is distributed randomly. The charges forces the particles into a lattice structure, and when compressed enough, the Minovsky particles fuse into Megaparticles. Immediately after fusion, there is much energy stored within the particles, and when a certain threshold level is reached, the particles burst out of the compression field. That burst is the main theory behind beam rifles. Minovsky particles are only indirectly responsible for the beam sabers' deadliness. Those metal tubes project a Minovsky lattice structure to hold in super heated plasma, which is the material directly responsible for the cutting. In anycase, there is a method behind the madness of Gundam, and once you've come to accept the strange quirks and inconsistencies (which Macross has plenty of), it's rather fascinating. I'm in it for Katoki's mechanical design, and not much else. EDIT: Those who beg for more Kado Senshi stuff must die, for you are directly responsible for unleashing more hideous Okawara retro ugliness upon this world. While it's nice to have a hunk of metal in your hands, I find it quite a moot point when that hunk of metal is so ugly that it's offensive to my eyes. VIVA KATOKI!
  24. Blame it on the people who wanted to sell Gundam toys. What was the name? Clover? Tomino originally wanted a pure white Mobile SUIT. Clover wanted red, white, blue, and yellow. He who has the gold makes the rule, and so Tomino had to settle for the demonstration colors. Unfortunately, that Gundam set precedence for the rest of the Gundams that come after it. I need not remind you that without Gundam, none of those things would be realistic, right? I don't think that's true. Gundam was created at a time where Super Robots were rampant, and there were very obvious traces of Super Robotism in 0079 designs, quite possibly because Okawara did not want to alienate the Super Robot fans by straying too far from established norm. Perhaps I am giving the designer too much credit. Maybe Super Robots have had a stronger hold on him than I can see, but still. By the way, that last comment is contradictory. If you think Votoms is so realistic, how, then, can its designer have little understanding or appreciation of military technology and design? I love Katoki, and there's a reason.
  25. Ouch. Must have put a pretty damn big dent in your pocket :-P
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