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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Who's to say what is and what is not a product of sci-fi? There are things out in the universe that's stranger than any sci-fi can ever get, but once again, I digress. Spontaneous cold fusion reactions of course does not exist, but catalyzed cold fusion does. Take your time to look up muon catalyzed fusion reaction. Last I checked on it some 3 years ago, they reached economical break-even, meaning they're able to get as much energy out of the reaction as they put in, when viewed from an economical standpoint.
  2. Yes, you can, as long as, of course, what you are saying does not impinge another rights in anyway, or damage said person's reputation, but I digress. Talk about it? Fine. Use it? Not fine, right?
  3. No, of course not. But if you were to go and ask them where to buy it, and they reply publicly on the board, then they should be reprimanded. See the difference? I'm all for the discussion. I'm not for publishing bootleg distro links.
  4. I feel compelled to reiterate: "If you mention you happen to see a series through bootleg, that's OK. Telling others how to come across said bootleg is not." So my feelings about it is that we should be able to discuss bootlegs as we see fit, especially since it's such a prevalent and pretty much unavoidable part of our world that it would be ignorant to not. However, I do not believe in publicly annoucing where we got our bootlegs from, especially digital data. One or two, or more, personal PM's, E-mails, IM's, etc... is fine. Publicly post an explicit link to where you can download things is not. That's my personal feelings, like you said Whether it is OK to watch bootlegged programming or not is up to the person, but like I said, if one feels that it is OK to watch it, one should still not mass distribute. I am guilty (more often than not. Most of my exposure to anime is through bootlegs), but I don't go to message boards to post links like http://www.macross-bootlegged-anime-shows-free.com, right? What about things that were never free to begin with? Movies that cost millions of dollars to make and rely on people to give up 10 bucks each to see the work of art (or crap, as is too often the case ) to pay for the movie costs and allow the people to continue making movies that we love? crap, I'd hate to think that Macross can never be made again because everyone refuses to buy the series, forcing Big West to go out of business and some half-assed hack (:cough: Harmony Gold :cough:) to pick up the pieces.
  5. Perfectly clear. Thank you. Now, since you don't provide the decal for the back end of the gunpod (it would be quite impossible to apply, I would bet), I'd imagine that it's a bitch to try and find the right color match. I'm absolutely horrible when it comes to colors. I might as well be color blind. Any possibility of strike battroid or fighter mode decals?
  6. Damn right, you bastard, you! :-P Yay, Anasazi DOES have the 1/72 Minmei Guard set, though it seems a bit unusual... I don't really know what it is. At least now I know I have the option. Nice to know.
  7. The artist's name can be found on the lower right corner of the box, assuming you're holding said box right side up. You can even check the posted VF-0S image: Hidetaka Tenjin can be seen pretty clearly. That's your artist. I think he's great too.
  8. Hello guys... I'm a total Macross newbie, but that's ok, because I love Macross. I've seen many Minmei Guard valks around, but I wonder if anyone has ever considered duplicating the decal sheets? I'd love to have the option to build Minmei valks without having to shell out ridiculous amounts for out of print kits. So far, we have the fighter mode valk, the battroid valk, and the strike valk, correct? That's three killer sheets of decals that I'm sure many others would be itching to get. Also, is it just me or is the VF-1S Strike Battroid Minmei Guard box art *the best* boxart ever? It's so clean and simple, yet stunningly elegant and menacing at the same time. I'd gladly make that boxart the star poster in my room. Move over, Kristanna Loken.
  9. I believe that falls under distributing bootlegs, whether or not you are selling. Whatever the case, I believe this is in bad taste, the thread should be killed, and BUYING OR SELLING BOOTLEGS OR LINKING OTHERS TO THOSE WHO DO should never be brought on the boards. If you mention you happen to see a series through bootleg, that's OK. Telling others how to come across said bootleg is not.
  10. Then a nuclear meltdown (granted, it's fission, not fusion) would be imaginary. Still wouldn't explode, I guess... A fusion reaction could just as easily get out of control, especially when we get to the point where cold fusion is a day to day occurrence. Of course, I can't rule out artistic licensing/anime physics, can I? :-D
  11. Stamen0083

    Will Hlj?

    Perhaps images will help? I'm no good when it comes to word descriptions... I might want some 3 images to fully describe your situations. That amounts to some 3000 words. Take your pick.
  12. I don't know if this means anything, but the MS in Gundam is powered by a nuclear reactor. In 08th MS Team, a damaged GM had its reactor breached on purpose to create a nuclear explosion. In MSG 0079, Amuro's destruction of the first Zaku resulted in a nuclear explosion, which, if I recall, punched a hole clean through Side 7. So I don't think Gundam's popularity has ANYTHING to do with nuclear reactions.
  13. See the lower case 'r' in HobbySearch's description? It's not an 'r', man. It's a lowercase Greek "gamma". Why? I do not know. Should someone else? Probably.
  14. A man after me own heart, Master David. Pirotess as the lead character in a Lodoss RPG... Or some such. I would kill for that.
  15. I've found all giant robot things far less realistic than PatLabor.
  16. I am most definitely in the minority when I say that Voyager and Enterprise are among the top Trek series. I loved DS9 and TNG too, just about equally. But Voyager is what got my interest in Star Trek. Before Voyager, I cared not for subspace. Besides, Voyager has about the best ship designs in ALL of Trek. The Intrepid class is about THE MOST beautiful ship class, ever. I also love the Nova class, and I need not mention the Prometheus. Besides, where can you go to find a Borg woman and a holographic doctor, who, by the way, are the best characters in Trek, save Data, who ranks way up there in way-coolness as well? I can't bring myself to like TOS. Too retro/campy for me. The 60's died before I was born, and I'd rather let it stay dead.
  17. Do you "build" the Gundams or do you snap them, 'cause it's a pretty damn big difference between the two?
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