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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. You want the Dendrobium Orchis. Dendrobium Stamen is the Gundam unit itself. Stamen Core Fighter sucks. Zephyranthes ground type Core Fighter is better. :-P
  2. You could do what aircraft modellers do with their aircraft canopies: tint Future floor wax with some food coloring and cover the canopy with it. Or use some clear paint to paint the canopy. You can get the same effect.
  3. Can anyone post images and/or review(s) of the Revell Republic Star Destroyer? I really like that design, and I figure it is as good a kit as any to start my Star Wars model binge. PS: Price too, please.
  4. These are the ones I look forward to seeing. I'm expecting War of the Worlds to not be a complete disaster (at least it should be visually interesting), but after the fiasco that was Minority Report, I have no hope for Spielberg and Cruise to not fart up a classic. I like Lindsay Lohan, so I will give Herbie a shot. I like Johnny Depp, so I will give Charlie a shot. What exactly is Brother Grimms? Some sort of horror fairy tale movie?
  5. Jessica Biel sucks. It's Angelina Jolie AND Brad Pitt. I'm there.
  6. This is in the book, folks, so don't bother looking for it in the movie. :-P
  7. Indeed. I seem to recall something about pieces of dragonmount flesh flying all around Obi-Wan?
  8. That is my major gripe with most saber designs. There are poo all over the hilt to get in the way. No such thing on my designs. No sirree bob. Sleek is the way to go.
  9. Understandable. :-) What was the standard size, if you recall? In my experience, it is easier to find standard drill bits instead of oddball metric sizes. I've been looking for a 5.125mm drill bit for heaven knows how long.
  10. The Parks Rogue is very similar to Anakin's Episode II saber. For those not in the know, you can even pass it off as such. ;-) I've considered getting a Parks blade as well, and then take it apart to see what makes it tick. I think I have the blade construction down though. I just need to find a cheap place to get the damn EL sheet.
  11. I really missed that line too, which went something like "Why couldn't he (Sidious) give the order BEFORE I returned his lightsaber?"
  12. 3.13mm is a rather odd size. I'm curious as to why you decided to use 3.13mm instead of, say, 3.0mm?
  13. Specifically, the hands in that conversion came from the MG Gundam GP01 or GP01Fb. The High Detail Manipulators are static display pieces and are not articulated. They look a hell of a whole lot better though. The arms were built from styrene tubing cut to shape.
  14. The book really showed Anakin as struggling with difficult choices. Hell, he was shocked, SHOCKED(!), when he learned that Palpatine is Sidious, and was physically sick. The movie turned him into a bitchy little twit.
  15. For $250 bucks, you can get either Obi-Wan's or Darth Vader's lightsaber (or both? The description isn't really clear) as authentic replicas of antique parts: http://www.parksabers.com/kit.html Frankly, I think it's about time. Both Parks and Graflexshop offers Graflex replicas (Luke's saber from A New Hope, which is, of course, Anakin's saber from Revenge of the Sith), but no MPP replicas that I know of. Of course, these are still ridiculously expensive and I will invest in the parts to rebuild Vader's saber instead, which are available both at Parks and Blast-tech sites, and I can control the innards so I can make my own EL blade. I just need to find EL sheet that can line the inside of the polycarbonate tube. EL wire doesn't work as well as I would like. For a smaller investment in money and a larger investment in time, I can make the saber I've always wanted. PS: Parks also offers the MPP shroud plated in chrome just like Anakin's saber from Attack of the Clones. With prequel style grips offered by Graflexshop, I can also reproduce Anakin's Episode II saber. Now I just need someone to form the stamped emitter shroud used on Yoda's saber and I'm golden. Does everyone here buy their sabers instead of building? That's the impression I've had so far. No one seemed to notice mine, since it was built and not bought. PPS: Chowser, is this what you were talking about? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=6526665260
  16. Testors Dullcote is particularly notorious for yellowing over time. I've had a white Gundam coated in Dullcote that was so yellow that it matched the yellow chest vents. Well, maybe not quite that bad, but it was pretty yellow.
  17. You guys really should give Bandai more credit than that. Their injection molding technology is topnotch and consistent. Revell manages to botch every other project of theirs.
  18. The Kashyyk battle scene is unnecessary, though, as the Senators' meeting is a pretty crucial plot development in the story.
  19. I don't suppose I can have "I like big butts"?
  20. That is the one. I didn't even know about the other two. Now I must hunt down the TIE Interceptor.
  21. HLJ parts always cost more than they should, really. If you can, go with Rainbowten. That canopy doesn't look too bad. With a little elbow grease, I think it can be salvaged. Sand it down and polish it up. It is going to be discarded anyway, right? So it is worth a try.
  22. Nothing nerdy about that. I bought junk food and Pepsi so I can have the freebie Lego Jedi Starfighter (which is pretty farting cool and well worth the junk food).
  23. Which is odd, because they physically peeled those things off in the book as well. Go figure.
  24. The book mentioned that Obi-Wan and Anakin were using the Force to fly their ships. I suppose that they didn't have enough Force left in them to peel those droids off.
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