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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Yeah, cause it would be from an old tree. They should make it change really slow, with a strange electronic grinding sound effect.
  2. I'm holding out, for a Howard the Duck remake.
  3. I'm curious to see what they do with this. Can't be much worse than the sequal was. I'd certainly like to see the design tweaked. There are plenty of robots in use in the real world, by both police and military, that use tracks and can navigate stairs. I'd like to see them lose the caster off his chassis. Even as a kid, I couldn't see that working well on rough terrain.
  4. Oh crap! I forgot all about that show. I used to love that, when I was a kid.
  5. I'd like to see a BSG remake that doesn't drown in its own angst. The original was such a fun show, this new one gets so caught up in drama, that it became too much of a downer to keep watching. Manimal was a neat show. If they revisited it, I wonder if they'd base it on his daughter, from that one episode of Nightman. Some one mentioned Buck Rogers. As long as they based it on the first season, it'd be great. Maybe they could get Gill Gerard to play Dr. Huer. (Though, I think the original actor is still around) They'd have to keep the pop culture refferences. Wilma: "Buck, What are you doing?" Buck (trying to sabotage Ardalla's ship): "I'm a chargin' ma lazor." Misfits of Science = Epic Win
  6. VF-25 F**k your gorram poo up
  7. Random names that have come to me.: VF-25 Voodoo VF-25 Praetorian VF-25 Kaiser (The Japanese seem to like their random German)
  8. Optimus Prime. Or, Motormaster, or Huffer, or Pipes....
  9. And, the lead character would have to contend with the fact that his aircraft is afraid of heights. (Silverbolt was acrophobic.)
  10. I like the idea of sticking with Norse mythology, just because the 25 seems like a proper update of the Venerable VF-1. VF-25 Woden If I'm remembering correctly, Woden was one of the alternate (older) names for Odin. It always sounded more intimidating to me, than plane old Odin. I think Woden was also reffered to as The Hangman, so VF-25 Hangman. In some takes on Norse mythology, the Vanir are represented as being the newer younger gods, as opposed to the older Aesir. VF-25 Vanir Or, move into the more monsterous side of Norse mythology, call it the VF-25 Fenris or VF-25 Fenry. VF-25 Fenrirkind could also be used, wich I believe would make the plane an offspring of Fenris/Fenrir. (which ever name you preffer to use for the big ol' wolf)
  11. Exactly how I feel about Mac+
  12. Seriously. I've watched both. I hate the VFs in Mac+, and the back story for the three main characters is just retarded. I stand by what I said, Mac2 is better than Mac+
  13. I hope Bandai will make some VF-2s. Mac2 always gets the short end of the stick., but it's so much better than Mac+
  14. I'm pretty sure that opening sequence was to show Sari's interest in music, so they could set up the construction of a music playing robot for her birthday.
  15. Incinerator's head reminds me more of Energon Landmine. It's the big ol' choppah mits that turn me off that toy. It's like they couldn't figure out what to do with the arms, so they didn't even try.
  16. As I recall, the original KITT developed over time, as well. I remember him being fairly impersonal in the pilot, a lot like the new KITT.
  17. I always found the Mustang mold to be one of the easier Alts to transform. Smokescreen is the one that always gives me fits.
  18. I gotta vote for the VF-2SS, with the VF-1J a very close second.
  19. Could be worse. I do model railroading. N scale (1:160) train cars average about $10. We're talking about something that's only about four inches long. I saw an N scale caboose on Atlas's website for over $25 dollars. Atlas has just anounced that they'll be raising prices, do to a sharp increase in the cost of their raw materials. At $70 dollars for a N scale locomotive (more, if you're into steam engines) $150 for something the size of a 1/60 Yammy almost seems like a steal.
  20. "They're friendly! Except for the red and white one. He's kind of grumpy, but still...."
  21. Screw your enemy mechs. I want some Mac2 lovin'. Give me a VF-2SS, already!
  22. There were two different Viper TV series. The hex plates were used on the first one. I've heard that the original driver was brought back towards the end of the second show's run. I never got to see those episodes. Personally, I'm looking forward to this show. I like the car, even if I'm not sure about that attack mode. There's no other current car, I'd rather see the new KITT based on. GM got stupid and killed the Firebirds, so the Knight 3k get's a burly intimidating look.
  23. I think the first series came out around the time the Vipers were hitting the market. By the time the second series rolled around, the production cars no longer had the side pipes. I was honestly surprised that they didn't use a newer Viper than they did for Defender 2. It's already been confirmed that Hasslehoff will be in the movie/pilot as Micheal Knight. I don't think he's supposed to show untill the end, though. I'd love to see him show up still driving the Two Thousand, but I doubt that will happen. I like the Mustang for the Three Thousand, but I'm just not feeling that attack mode. That wing is a little too over the top, for my tastes. Can't say I'm a fan of those little eyebrow bars, either. They should have just gone full louvers over the lights. It would have looked more intimidating, than the lazy eyes.
  24. I like the Mustang, I think it works. It would certainly make things more interesting, should the Three Thousand, ever meet the Two Thousand. A hybrid? No. KITT needs to ba able to break 80mph without flying apart. Besides, the original KITT was supposed to be powered by some sort of a turbine engine. I doubt that this one has a regular old V8 within the universe.
  25. That would be great, as long as they don't leave out the VF-2s! Seriously, us Mac2 fans keep getting the short end of the stick.
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