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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i have been saying the same thing for years
  2. it looks prettty good, but it seems to lack the really good paintjob like the rest of the series, i noticed since the first release the Gouf, that the paintjobs are becoming lesser and lesser and that they are starting to look like normal MSIA just with vastly superior movement. this one seems to lack the shading effects on it. it still looks good however so i might pick it up. chris
  3. a good place to get GFF is on ebay sometimes you can get a really good deal on them, as for the wings on the Nu Gundam they are called Funnels, they are like heat seeking assault lasers that fly around and attack the enemies, similar to the Dragoon bits on the Wings of the Strike Feedom Gundam edit : posted the same time as wolfx
  4. here is the first real Katoki artwork of the Nobel Gundam.looks good i am looking forward to seeing how it looks with the GFF markings on it.
  5. while this sounds cool, i can say that I am not to keen on the art designs, i hope they try something different for the final version. chris
  6. are you planning on restoring a machine with this? if so do you have any pics, i have been a fan of arcade stuff for awhile, i was forced to sell my Neo geo cabinet off awhile ago, and i really regret it
  7. it is also nice because i like to pose each of the configurations, so this will save me from having to buy 2 of them. chris
  8. most gundam fix are 2 figures sets, unless you are saying you are geting 2 full complete figures in one box instead of the dual configuration armor like the rest of the series has, then that is pretty cool. but the price seemed kind of cheap for 2 figures in one box. do you have any pics of them? chris
  9. it is sad that this is ending up this way, alot of people put money down on this they are owed big time. i hope soemthing can be worked out this kit started out with such great promise. chris
  10. since the red car does not appear to have any visable markings or logos, i am guessing a Kit car or Custom, the front does look alittle like a Aston Martin perhaps that was one of the inspirations. chris
  11. I am with Dangard Ace on this one they remind me of the Brave Express Mightgaine series. chris
  12. I heard they also cause yellowing on all Yamato Macross toys and figures. chris
  13. hi i also love the design, i wish they made some real merchandise for it instead of the few kits that are out there. just to let you know that this thread is probably in the wrong section of the forum, hopefully someone will move it to the right section soon. by the way welcome to the site, chris
  14. i am so hoping for a Crossbone X-1 and a F-90 at some point, who knows we may even see a Victory Gundam someday, even though it will be smaller i am not expecting by much kind of like what they did with the GFF versions, they were evened out at the same size of the other figures, i am expecting the frame on this one to be about the same size as the main body of the MG Wing Zero Ver ka. even though it was smaller then most MGs it still looked great along side them and not to small for its own good. chris
  15. look at this. it looks like there may be a Master Grade F-91 in the works for this year or next. i sure hope so we may even see a F-90 as well at some point. by the way this Ad is real. chris
  16. neat , i love the stuff people can do with legos. chris
  17. ok this is new, i wonder how this is going to turn out., chris
  18. I also liked Brosnan as Bond, i thought he was one of the more stylish Bonds out there. i truly loved Goldeneye and Tommorrow Never Dies, i wish they could have kept him on longer. i do not mind the new guy i will wait and see the film first before I judge him, for all anyone knows this may turn out better then Goldeneye. it really is hard for anyone here to critise a film they have yet to even see the trailer for, so i will simply wait. chris
  19. i think he is also intersted in non macross stuff, i just picked up on ebay some nice super robot figures from a company called Yujin they are of 2 of the main mechs from the King of Brave series, one is of Great Exkaiser and the other is of Great Fighbird, they are virtually the same as the Gundam import MSIA figures, but they seem to have better paintjobs, i got lucky and found them for around $3.95 each, it was a steal they are cool figures they have decent poseability and they look great on my shelf. they also have some nice Gaogaigar ones edit; i just realized you did not want rainbow colors i am pretty sure these fall in to that catogory of 1980 thru 1990 colorful anime super robot. they are still cool though.
  20. wow all of those rock, i hope they are all released. chris
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