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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i do not think there was any reason in particilar, thats just what they came up with
  2. hey Armor did you already get your waterslide decals in? i just posted that link up like a day or 2 ago. i just got my PG GP-01 in today, ot seems to be about the same size as the other pgs i am not sure why the pg looked so big in those early pics compared to the 1/48 valk unless like I said it was a little bit in the background, i will post some pics up later tonight of mine. chris
  3. the new shiki fix is cool it can convert between 3 different versions of the shiki .the shiki normal, shiki Kai and the heavy armor shiki (not the name I cannot remember it) this will be a nice big gundam fix set, i hope the armor is cromed and not just yellow plastic.
  4. it looks like the 1/100 blue astray is out if anyone wants to see the pics i cannot wait to get it i just finished my providence Gundam awesome figure quite big to might I add. here is the link to the astray blue frame astray
  5. nice i cannot tell if the ZZ is a new sculpt or not, and the rickdom is only a normal MSIA so i am not expecting a accurate sculpt anyhow chris
  6. guess i am solid snake we got a lot of those around here dont we could not get the picture to post
  7. nice collection, i cannot wait to see more of it. how much do those cases cost anyhow i would not mind getting one. also do you have to order these? I do not know where to get something like this from. thanks Chris
  8. yea i have seen this, somebody posted pics of this alittle while ago, it is very nice I would not mind getting one for my shelfs.
  9. yea the Toys R Us over here has tons of Sideswipes and Smokescreens, but not the new ones yet, maybe the reason they are not getting them over here is worse, you mentioned that there is a high demand, I think greenguy42 might be right maybe in some places there is no demand and they do not feel it is worthy to get anymore different ones until they begin to sell down what they have. i hope that is not it, beacuse most of the stores around here do not have the new ones yet. and i got a bad feeling I will not be seeing these for awhile, looks like it is off to ebay Chris
  10. the alpha fighter it is to freekin small what is the exact size of it anyhow i heard between 6 and 7 inches but it looks smaller, i am not sure if i want to spend $80.00 for the preorder anymore it is to much for something of that size
  11. i actually never washed the parts and have never had a problem with dry transfers or water slide decals, so i do not think it is a big problem if you do not, the only time i have seen factory residue is on any sort of Resin kit those must be washed) but never on plastic , at least not that I know of. you should however clear coat them with something i have yet to do that as well, any suggestions on what to use?
  12. you are very welcome armor, by the way are you going to do all of the panel lines and stuff to yours? also if you by the decals make sure when you pay for it by paypal that you are using a confirmed address or it will get delayed I found that out a while back.
  13. hey ARMOR you might want to check these out i just ordered some for my PG GP-01 they are water slide decals they look much better than the stickers that come with the kit. he has others for Master Grade kits as well Perfect Grade 1/60 GP-01 Decals chris
  14. they are alot of work to put together beacuse they have tons of parts but they are alot of fun, i am a horrible painter so i will never be able to get them to look as good as the ones you see on the web, but even with alittle bit of detail work and some panel lines they look awesome. i definetly recommend one. if you can put together a MG kit then you pretty much have a idea of one of these ,it is similar just with about 6 times the parts and screws but it is all snapfit and polycaps like a MG kit, chris
  15. hi are these your HCMPRO's? if so how do you rate them in terms of quality? i thought about getting some but i have been spending so much on other stuff i want to make sure they are worth it. thanks Chris
  16. yea so it is true originally Tracks was suppossed to be out this month, but he got pushed back until August does anyone know if the Blue Tracks is official?
  17. the blue frames sword looks awesome, i wonder if they will do any of the upgraded astrays next, i would not mind owning either of them
  18. yea mine has a little bit of chipped paint on it already as well. it is bound to happen to most at some point chris
  19. hi Image Anime has one it stock that is where I got mine from. the price is good to Image Anime
  20. hi Aegis! you might want to get the 1/100 version it is very nice, the blue frame one is coming out this month the body is mainly the same but it has a incredible sword. i do not like the color on that astray in the pic you posted i like the normal red white version instead you will not be disapointed in the kit i highly recomned it .
  21. he is talking about the new Gundam Fix number #0022 is going to be the normal ZZ gundam , i was wondering if it is going to be a repaint of the original #0005 Ful armor ZZ or a retooled version for the new release , and he was saying there is not much difererence between the 2 releases so it will be a simply a repaint of the orginal #0005 full armor ZZ. there is some difference on the heads however and the gun that becomes the cockpit.
  22. maybe we will get a gouf flight and a EZ8 the EZ8 had better be convertible between the RX-79 the Hyaku Shiki looks awesome 3 configurations wow , i hope the normal shiki comes with the Mega launcher , looks like it is going to be a really good year for fix owners chris
  23. more great gundam fix news looks like the ZZ is next, i wonder if it will be a retooled normal ZZ without the armor as it appearered in the first half of the series or just a color variant of the #0005 FAZZ in the Red white and Blue color scheme hobby link japan
  24. I do not think they mean that type of closet i did not know ryu was like that, i know on Ken's Picture that he mentioned he used to have sex with Ryu, maybe its true now that Ryu mentions about coming out of the closet i will never look at these two guys the same ever again
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