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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Actually, the VF-11 pilots don't appear to be escaping via the nose cone ejection mechanism. The VF-11s just seem to explode and come apart the right way. Note: I use VF-11s (plural) even though it's the same one exploding each time . Let's say the pilots are using the nose cone ejection mechanism. It seems to work a little too well each and every time - lame by Macross standards. I guess the VF-11 could very well have been designed to explode in that manner, but it's a reach.
  2. Radd, that's about the best thought out response I've seen in the "we did this last month" M7 debate.
  3. Oh, and if you were referring to the other VF-1, you can check it out here.
  4. That's was my motivation for watching M7. I was curious about the whole Max/Millia story. The rest of it bites.
  5. Dobber, is that VF-1 all done by brush, too?
  6. My point on the character development (how'd I get stuck in such a boring point?) is that most of the character development in M7 seems on the order of filler. The conflicts are lackluster as well as a lot of the personalities. As far as battles go, I never made the argument that the battles in M7 should be "epic." My point is that they border on total absurdity. Now, I hestitate to use the word "realistic" when in comes to animated battles, however there just isn't a real feel to the fights (mainly because the "show's main focus isn't fighting"). If you're going to have a fight scene, put some thought into it, or don't bother when you're being held to a standard - that's all. Let see, I know the difference between a VF-11 and a VF-19. Pinpoint barrier or no, Basara does jack squat while the precision "spiritia" beam-operating Varuta pilots can't seem to hit the side of a barn in the same sequences. And, having the VF-11 break apart in just the right manner for the Varuta pilots to zap the VF-11 pilot's energy is a little to convenient (especially when the same footage is constantly reused). On the whole, M7 just fails to live up to the original SDF Macross series, no matter how you cut it. This being said, you can leave this statement at that if you don't want to continue a discussion with me; I mean, I know you and Agent ONE have some real bickering to do!
  7. So, watching M7 is like having crabs? LOL!
  8. Dobber, thanks for sharing. You've got mad brush skills! Here's what the collision between your VF-1 and SV-51 looks like.
  9. Can you provide a link to an appropriate pic of this chick? Just curious.
  10. Let me start out by stating that I'm sure that you were responding to Agent ONE, and I don't want to do a lynch mob style debate. That being said, your character development assertion simply isn't supportable. Also, the excuse about the "mecha battles" being a result of a TV budget is just that, an excuse for poor fight scenes. Let me clarify my second point; my argument on the fight scenes is the fact that the battles seem like those of the old G.I. Joe series, where tons of weapons are being used, yet nobody seems to get killed. For example, the VF-11s come apart so neatly for the Varuta pilots. Also, the Varuta pilots seem to operate with such precision in getting the VF-11 pilots, yet they can't seem to hit Basara with any weapons fire, when he's not even paying attention to flight controls. In fact, Basara doesn't even execute complex manuevers and fires speakers, with precision, into the Varuta pilots to force them into listening to his obnoxious, singing. Then there's the crappy-looking enemies, but I'll save that for a different post.
  11. Wicked Ace

    MW Custom Fest!

    I like this one. aircraftresourcecenter.com
  12. I also enjoy all the "this has been done before" type arguments on here. Oh, and the "why can't we all just agree to disagree" suggestion misses the point. Sure there's divisiveness, but healthy debate in our society is good - even if it's about something like whether or not M7 is good. I have seen people get way too carried away over these type threads, and I just don't understand how internet discussions, like this, truly upset people. For the "we did this already" bunch - who cares? If you don't want to discuss a topic, then don't. I understand posting a link to a previous discussion in order to help a newbie out, but I don't get why some people can't resist posting up a disparaging "we did this last month" type comment. Some people are new, so let them click the ADD TOPIC button, even if it is a "hey, got my first Yamato today" thread. It's not like there's so much happening in the way of new threads that it matters anyway. And, when it does become an issue, that's what moderators are for - they'll fix it. Oh yeah, and there's tons of quality character development in M7! LOL! *edit* This should not be taken to be a personal attack on anyone and should not be taken as an assertion on my part that I'm somehow more intelligent than the next person or that my views are worthier than the next member's.
  13. I agree that Macross Plus took a different direction; however, the difference between Plus and Mac 7 is that Plus focused on an adult theme and a somewhat realistic military theme. Mac 7, in contrast, focuses on a rock and roll theme, coupled with fight sequences that are comparable to the old G.I. Joe cartoon. As far as the military goes, how is it that civilians have state of the art valkyries (VF-19, etc.) and are allowed to interfere with military operations by singing annoying songs in the middle of battles? Oh, and shooting speakers into enemy fighters to force them to listen to the annoying songs. . . And, somebody explain how valkyrie-mounted speakers function in space. "Sound Force" - whatever.
  14. Wicked Ace


    I though the 1S had better armour and engines than the 1A Hybridchild I believe these are the not readily apparent from looking differences.
  15. What shop has the cheapest price on any of the 1/60 line, right now. I waited too long on the NCX $29 Max.
  16. Wicked Ace


    Oh, and I believe there's other differences in the "bodies" of the -1S, -1J, and -1A variants that are not readily apparent.
  17. I like how some people just can't resist replying to other Macross fans in this manner. Nice.
  18. It seems "outrageous", because Macross 7, despite SK's involvement, the series is seriously lacking (use whatever anime evaluating criteria you want). Let's take the enemy "space monster" for example. That thing looks like something ripped off from Yu-gi-oh. My point is that this series bears so little in common to the original Macross concept that it doesn't warrant the use of the Macross title. Anyone that disagrees can, once again, please post up a creative argument. LOL! This ought to be good.
  19. Wicked Ace


    I'm sure somebody is going to post up Nanashi's site link. I do recall that the body types look the same, it's just the heads and avionics that differ between the models. I believe that when (if) you ever see a pic of a CF (brown valkyrie) with a VF-1S head, it's a VF-1B.
  20. I was in the same boat. I began watching, because I was somewhat interested in the Max/Millia story, but the rest of the stuff just had me asking myself why SK agreed to this. Call me a hater, but crap is crap. I really, really struggle to see why people stick up for this particular series. It's interesting to see the the far-reach arguments some people on here come up with in order to get people to like it. I've read some pretty creative stuff. My favorite one: "you haven't watched all the episodes yet, so how can you have an opinion?" LOL.
  21. I think that's the U.S.S. Flagg (G.I. Joe).
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