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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'm satisfied with this ending. It doesn't remove the stink from the first 2 seasons, but I'm walking away happy from this season. Unlike The Mandalorian S3. šŸ˜’ That show's third season was a disappointment. Picard Season 3: šŸ‘ However...
  2. That felt.. rushed. Like really rushed. The only thing that really resolved was Other than that, my summation of this season is: Disappointment. Most of the season was "meh". The rest regarding Mando & Grogu feels like it got pushed to next season along with hitting the reset button, i.e., moving the goal post for the 2 characters we're suppose to care about. If there was no Season 4, it would be fine, but since they are moving forward with Season 4, Season 3 feels like a let-down. Season 3: šŸ‘Ž
  3. They actually got Klingons to look like Klingons. Was that so hard? But one minor gripe...they should have LESS forehead ridges during this time. LESS.
  4. This is probably something for a Reddit section or a site that follows YT/IG/TikTok personalities. A search around shows all his social media accounts as private and no news posted. Someone probably knows but they're not talking but news may eventually come at some point. Sorry.
  5. Jedi Survivor PC requirementsā€¦WAT DA FRAKING HELLā€¦155GB!? šŸ˜± https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/jedi/jedi-survivor/pc-system-requirements STAR WARS JEDI: SURVIVORā„¢ PC MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS OS: Windows 10 64-bit RAM: 8Gb CPU Features: 4 core / 8 threads CPU* AMD: Ryzen 5 1400 GPU** AMD: Radeon RX 580 GPU Features: DX12, 8Gb VRAM Storage: 155Gb *CPU alternate: Intel Core i7-7700 **GPU alternate: Nvidia GTX 1070 STAR WARS JEDI: SURVIVORā„¢ PC RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS OS: Windows 10 64-bit RAM: 16Gb CPU Features: 4 core / 8 threads CPU* AMD: Ryzen 5 5600X GPU** AMD: RX 6700 XT GPU Features: DX12, 8Gb VRAM Storage: 155Gb SSD *CPU alternate: Intel Core i5 11600K **GPU alternate: Nvidia RTX2070 For reference, CoD:MW2 (2022)'s specs: (spoiler'd for size) and Atomic Heart's requirements (spoiler'd for size) Storage prices are going down...but it's not THAT cheap yet.
  6. So the premise of Rey's movie is Rey rebuilding the Jedi? Are we going to see the galaxy at large as well with the rebuilding of the Republic? Is the villain someone named "Darth Talon", who was a secret apprentice of Darth Sidious? Oh just for kicks, let's say her real name is, let's say, "Mara Jade". At the end they fall in love and she takes on the name "Mara Jade Skywalker". See where I'm going with this? Just to remind us all, Lucas' original idea for his sequel was we would see Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order. At the same time, we would parallel Leia rebuilding the Republic. The main villains would be Darth Maul and his apprentice, Darth Talon. The main group of baddies would be the criminal underworld, under the Crimson Dawn Syndicate that Darth Maul created. We would see the syndicate battling the Hutts, the Pykes, and even Imperial-remnants; consolidating all their enterprises and territory under one syndicate. Little bits of Heir to the Empire-trilogy, Jedi Academy, and some other elements. It's like those stories, but sticking in Kathleen Kennedy's characters. (Frankly the criminal element and Imperial-remnant feel like better villains, post-Empire, than the First Order does because it's more organic. The First Order was JJ's attempt to make an Empire and it fell flat. šŸ¤®) This is part of why I'm not enthusiastic with this premise for Rey. Instead of doing that from the get-go, they're now revisiting those elements. But with new characters šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. Just like they did with that sequel trilogy.
  7. *Bookmarks show* Seeing how The Mandalorian has been going, it may start good, but then the roller coaster starts going down. We'll see how this pans out on the long haul. Best to go with Filoni's characters at this point. Or spend money on bad deep-fakes that some Youtuber could do a better job at...
  8. Except for Filoni, I'm not putting too much stock in any director as their projects may not see a green light, given the past few years. And even Filoni's projects might not see the light of day. *places in wait-&-see pile* And why Rey? šŸ™„ 3 movies did not make me like the Mary Sue...why keep trying?
  9. This week's episode is pretty much part 1 or prologue to the season finale, assuming episodes 7 & 8 are the last episodes this season. At least the story is heading to the season finale. It was a good episode but since we are barreling toward the season finale, if things didn't pick up by now, I would have been very disappointed. Also Ugnaught speech... "I have spoken.", I assume, translates to "PERIOD.", "NOW.", "FINAL ANSWER".
  10. I agree with @Thom. The Founders have been and played the victim for so long, that thought pattern is practically their culture and, in turn, what drives them.
  11. 'Took 5 weeks for this season to get going. It's not a bad episode, I'm just disappointed it took this long to get to this episode. Also the world building+foreshadowing...ugh shows can't be self-contained anymore can they? We're bleeding into Ashoka, Skeleton Crew, the defunct Rangers of the New Republic, etc. šŸ˜” Also the cameo from the Lesat IS THAT Lesat. It's in the credits.
  12. 4 episodes into this season...Is the point of this season is finding one's faith or finding hope when you've lost it? Cuz that's the sense I'm getting so far. And wouldn't finding a settlement in a less dangerous place be better for the community? Living next to a body of water where a bunch of Mosasaurus-like creatures also hang out...is that for building your danger sense or something?
  13. Here's a thought. Instead of posting other people's reviews, go watch it yourself and let us know what YOU thought of the movie. And if you like this comment, hit that LIKE button. And don't forget to subscribe for more moderator content.
  14. Probably no difference. If anything, a weekly release prolongs the initial viewership. Regardless, if the numbers arenā€™t there, it makes it harder to justify its existence. Itā€™s easy to do the initial investment (1st season), but gets harder from there (bigger the risk, bigger or smaller the reward) because youā€™ll want to do more given another chance.
  15. Shouldn't... I liked the episode seeing that it finally closed a open thread from 30-ish years ago.
  16. No surprise Disney+ is culling their herd since streaming services appear to be cutting back on production thanks to the current economy. I'm still waiting to see what big shows Netflix or Amazon are going to cut after this year. VFX is always expensive and another season's budget would likely raise the VFX costs. Coupled with (likely) no substantial change to subscriptions numbers probably placed the nail on the coffin.
  17. It might not split. Not every Starfleet ship can has a saucer split. Or it has an emergency one-time split that the old-23rd century designs had. If it does, I doubt we'll see it anyways.
  18. If people thought this season was brutal and gut-wrenching, wait till next season. šŸ˜‰ If you've played the game or watched the clips, you know what's coming. šŸ˜‰
  19. Now that we're farther along, Shaw reminds me of a Commander Fisk from BSG. Also, can we keep Terry Matalas for a showrunner of more Trek? Seems like we found someone who can actually do it some justice (well...anyone is better than Kurtzman...). Ok, to be fair, Matalas did have his humble beginnings writing for Voyager and Enterprise, so at least he has history with the franchise.
  20. Good episode this week. Better than the other Star Wars show running right now. I just donā€™t like the fact itā€™s taken us this far along in the season to get here.
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