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Posts posted by azrael

  1. 3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    It'd really depend on when you set it... and exactly how broke the operators are.

    Generally speaking, by the time a fighter aircraft is two generations old it's considered past the end of its useful service life and has either been retired or is in the process of being retired by anyone who used it except for the very poorest nations. 

    Why not set it whenever they are in the timeline. The present, whenever that may be. And who says they need to be broke? 'Have some imagination.

    2 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    It would also allow the characters to show development in their combat flying skills, and really push people to their limits in having to improvise tactics and strategy to overcome the limits of the tech they're using and the advantage of the enemy.

    Max Jenius in Macross Delta. The man is in his 70s, flying a YF-29 like he was in his 20s, kicking an entire group of kids flying the new hotness. Granted, a man of his age shouldn't be flying. And he should not be piloting a YF-29 and definitely not like someone 1/3 his age. I'm surprise he didn't go into full cardiac arrest pulling some moves like that as opposed to just clutching his chest.

  2. 6 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Without de-railing the thread too much...what is the problem with the VF-3000...I love that design, was curious why they never did anything with it (in the Macross Universe)

    Speaking of the VF-3000, I would like to see a series where the heroes are forced to use older VFs. For. The. Whole. Series. Not a Vanquish-racing situation where pilots intentionally take old VFs and soup 'em up with impossible performance numbers. Not as training vehicles. But use as their primary military vehicles. Like pre-VF-171. To tie to the real world, the US sells F-16 to other countries. The current stock of F-15s are being upgraded to F-15EXs cuz there aren't enough F-22s and F-35s to go around (and other reasons but nevermind that). F/A-18s are still out and about since the F-35 rollout is over-budget and delayed. The F-16 is a 50-year old design and is still seeing combat. The F-15 is 36-pushing-37 years old. The F/A-18E is 28 years old (with the original being 44 years old). All of them are still seeing use in combat. Why can't we have that in a Macross-series? It would be a good way to reuse some old toy molds with only minor tweaks and a new paint job on the merchandise-side. Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island showed us the classics still look good with a bit of detail and some modern touches. Let's see some VF-4s, VF-5000s, VF-14s, VF-11s, proper VF-19s & VF-22s.

    No VF-1s. 'Seen that twice already. No need to retread on that.

  3. 22 hours ago, kalvasflam said:

    But would a production stop for a writer's guild strike?  Presumably the writing (meaning the script an variants thereof) for the movie is already done and ready, right?

    Not necessarily. Writing can take place during production. 'Happens all the time.

    Example, during production, actors mess-up their lines (hence the famous outakes & blooper reels), so the actor goes up to the director and discusses the dialog. The director says let's shoot it again as is. The director sees and hears it being said during the take and agrees; the dialog, as written, doesn't work. The writer is also on set, sees and hears their script, now being produced in film. Agrees with the director and actor; the dialog doesn't work. So the writer rips out the page and starts rewriting the dialog to better convey the dialog of the scene.

    Another example. After multiple tries, this one scene doesn't come out right. They'll shoot it later when everyone is happy. Problem is, production has already started. But thanks to the miracle of editing, they can stitch it up in post-production. When the writer and director is happy with the scene on the page, they finally shoot it. Unfortunately, it's been 2..3 weeks since they filmed that whole act of the production. But, thanks to the miracle of editing, they can insert that scene into the act, after the writer worked things out.

    This is why production slowly starts coming to a halt when the writers went on strike. They can film up to a certain point, but since writing still happens during production, they can only film what's on the page (hence the old adage, "If it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage"). After that point, they will have filmed everything on the page and if a portion of the production requires re-writing or to have something new written in, they need writers, who are on strike.

  4. 3 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    ...The reviews are (subjectively) wrong.  For one, I didn't appreciate how bad the bezels are on the Switch until I got a Steam Deck.  The Switch OLED has a slightly larger screen than the original Switch, but the console itself is the same size simply because Nintendo shrunk the bezels.  But the difference in the quality of the screens in absurd.  If you think of the OLED as if you're looking at colorful flowers in bright sunlight, the original Switch is like looking at those same flowers at night with fingerprint-covered glasses.

    I think the number of years you've had the 2019 revision have probably made up in ROI to invest in the OLED revision. 😁 For me, mine has lived mostly in the dock so I haven't felt the need to get the OLED.

  5. 11 hours ago, treatment said:

    from MikeRoz's recent Otakon pic post:


    so, is this some kind of scoop that Zero-BD is gonna be released in the US now?

    for reference, it almost look exactly like disc-1 of the Japan release:

    It's very hard to tell from that angle. It could be the original BD release or the new BD release here:


  6. 18 minutes ago, Raikkonen said:

    You are right here. Never saw it like this, but how long can these few thousand desperate fans keep them going?

    North America is not the only market.

    As I've said, I know for a fact I am not the target demographic for current Macross. I'm fine and happy with that. My expectation is for the franchise to bring in new fans to, as the business-side of me would like, keep that cash-flow going with new fandom and not rely on nostalgia and a stagnant idea base.

  7. Ep 7 "Those Old Scientists" dropped early. SSDC folks got to watch it at the convention. It was hilarious. 🤣


    Mental warning: Consumption of Orion Delaq may cause psychedelic and hallucinogenic side effects. Caution is advised. Drink responsibly. Effects may be compounded with other alcoholic beverages.



    Gotta live the fanboying & fangirling Pike's command crew did with Archer's crew and ship the way the Lower Decks cast does. Ah the parallels and the memories. :rofl:


  8. 3 hours ago, David Hingtgen said:

    Suggestions for a new SSD as my OS drive? Currently have a 960 EVO , 250GB.  Definitely want 500, maybe 1TB if not too much more money.  

    I see that Best Buy has 870's cheap, but "SSD specs" are hard to parse--is it an upgrade or a downgrade? 70 vs 60, vs 800/900, evo vs regular/pro...

    Vs a flagship 990 Pro or something   

    ::edit:: Gah, mobo only has 1 M.2 slot and it's being used by the storage drive---I don't think there's a SATA version of the 990.   So the question really is---for those of us stuck using SATA, best bang for the buck SSD?

    You could try cloning the drives to reflect a better layout (i.e. clone your M.2 drive to a SATA and vice versa to make your M.2 drive as your OS drive).

    I'd avoid the PCIE Gen 5 drives unless you know your mobo can handle it. Also, many Gen 5 drives come with heatsinks attached so there may be a clearance issue. Gen 5 drives can hit 10 GB/sec reads and near 9.5 GB/sec writes so they can generate a lot of heat. Gen 4 speeds are good enough for most people and most tasks.

    For OS, a 1TB offers the best size to cost. If you have to go lower, 500/512GB is the smallest size I'd go these days.

    Since SSDs go on sale quite often, it's hard to judge but my picks for a drive are (in no particular order):
    Crucial P5
    Samsung 980 Pro/EVO
    WD Black SN850X/SN770
    Sabrent Rocket

    For SATA
    Crucial MX500/BX500
    Samsung 870 Pro/EVO
    Seagate Barracuda

    For storage drives, I lean toward greater capacity vs cost, even at the cost of speed.
    Crucial P2/MX500/BX500
    Samsung EVO/QVO
    WD Black SN770/Blue SA510
    Sabrent Rocket
    Seagate Ironwolf
    Leven JS600

  9. 'Not sure how we got into Disney's social & economic choices but tread carefully.

    My comment was in reference to the fact that even though an article title is a possible Gargoyles movie, it's debunked in the same article and yet we got comments like:
    "It’s Disney, so I’ll keep my expectations low, really low, really really low"
    "loved those cartoons as a kid! Hope they do good by it."

  10. 1 hour ago, kajnrig said:

    From the article itself:

    "I heard someone say a new donut shop is opening up, but someone else said it isn't." This is about as news-y as a fart in the wind. I'm fine assuming it doesn't exist until concrete evidence turns up that it exists.

    Yeah. Gotta love 'dem interwebs. Turning maybes into "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY"RE RE-MAKING MY CHILDHOOD SHOW!!!!!! OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!"

    We should know. <_<🙄

  11. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    "I want Macross, but without the things that make it Macross" will never not be the weirdest hot take from old fans.

    "I want Macross but without all the Macross-y stuff"
    "So you want Gundam?"
    "No. I want Macross. But without the stuff that makes it Macross."
    "So you want Gundam?"

    🤦‍♂️ Every time we get a new Macross, this exact conversation comes up. Every. Damn. Time.

  12. 7 hours ago, Roy Focker said:

    Shut up already with the sexist vomit you're all repeating from your favorite YouTube man child reviewers.

    Since some of you didn't get Roy's hint, you get a vacation from the board instead of the thread getting vacation from you kids.

  13. 5 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Expect less MARVEL and STAR WARS. I think this is a double edged sword as Disney+ is in desperate need of fresh content but they shouldn't saturate with STAR WARS and Marvel too.


    Streaming is not a profitable a business as many studios would have hoped. Disney, like all the other studios, are finding out that it's not enough to have new subscribers coming in, you also have to retain them. And with rising costs, people have had to make cuts. And lets face the facts, streaming subscriptions are luxury cost to us customers. And with rising costs of production, studios have to rein in their spending.

    As the saying goes, less is more.

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