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Everything posted by tekering

  1. With resin kits, you'll be requiring significantly more cleanup work than with injection-molded parts on sprues. You're going to need many different grits of sandpaper, as well as hobby knives, saws, and files. I'd also advise using a rotary power tool like a Dremel, and a pin vice with a variety of fine drill bits for accurately-sized holes. Brass rods of different thicknesses are ideal for providing structure and reinforcing connections between large parts. There are a vast array of YouTube videos illustrating basic modeling techniques for a wide variety of projects. I recommend you do some online research before tackling a Moscato Hobby kit.
  2. Your head-canon requires a macronized Invid Grub taller than a VF-1 Battroid...? [ . . . ] Yeah, better break out those Revoltechs.
  3. No, I just did some Photoshop manipulation to MEP's prototype pics, to demonstrate the inaccuracies in Hielo Metalico's sculpt. I no longer use Facebook, but feel free to share the images there... although I'm sure they're much too far along in the production process to fix anything now.
  4. Yes, that's standard operating procedure with any garage kit. Since sanding resin produces a great deal of fine powder anyway, I usually do the cutting, drilling, and Dremeling over a sink, and only give the parts a hot bath when I'm ready to start painting them.
  5. Are they working for you now? MEP's prototype is on the left side, with my suggested fixes on the right.
  6. C'mon MEP, quit photographing that same flawed prototype and take the time to fix the sculpt. You're so close! Just take a second look at the line art, and tweak the proportions appropriately. The "cockpit/head" needs to sit lower and widen as it tapers back, and the cannons have to sit higher up: It's not like you had to make concessions for transformation or anything...
  7. Tony in the racing suit looks great. Tony suiting up in the Mark V looks half-assed.
  8. Playmates have done such a poor job with live-action properties for so long, a Cobra Kai toyline couldn't possibly succeed without shoehorning TMNT into it.
  9. You're misremembering again. Legioss are prominently featured in almost every episode! Technically, no. Being a Japanese proper noun, "Legioss" is uncountable, therefore there is no plural form. I have two Sentinel Legioss figures, with a third on the way.
  10. This is what the Tatsunoko line art dictated for mecha scale:
  11. I have no particular affinity for Ben Skywalker (or any EU Star Wars content, for that matter), but I'm more than happy to erase Ben SOLO and the Sequel Trilogy from my own "head canon" regardless. I'm still surprised by how consistently good Disney's Star Wars TV output has been thus far (Bad Batch included), given how poorly most of their films turned out...
  12. I know nothing of Homecoming, but your description immediately suggested Sam Esmail's Mr. Robot... and I see he directed Homecoming's first season, so it was an apt description indeed. Thanks for the recommendation!
  13. There isn't any stuff left to find... and probably won't be until late September. Of course, I'd be pleased as punch to be proven wrong.
  14. It's certainly the most accurate of the two... although in robot mode, you could always remove all the shellforming planet bits and basically display both at the same time...!
  15. Lipstick on a pig.
  16. Hire union voice actors, like Peter Cullen and Frank Welker (not soundalikes with no acting talent). Use original models for tertiary characters, rather than recycling the secondary cast ad nauseam. If the budget doesn't allow for #1 and #2, just reduce the episode count! Three good episodes is infinitely preferable to six lousy ones. Tell the voice director to decide if they're gonna imitate G1 or not; don't leave it up to each actor to choose. If you're gonna let the actor choose anyway, at least insist on a consistent performance... Pay your actors for each line they deliver, NOT for each minute it takes them to deliver it.
  17. That defines Hasbro so succinctly, it ought to be on all their corporate branding.
  18. I know exactly what you mean. It's all character merchandise to me, so if I don't know the character, I don't need the merchandise. Mind you, after the disappointments of Netflix's Siege and Earthrise, the Bayverse films, and Rescue Bots Academy, I wouldn't even be a Transformers fan if it weren't for IDW.
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