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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. Don't have outbreak yet, but I play madden and Socom II
  2. NSJ23

    Max VF-1S

    I'd rather have a 1/48 Max TV color VF-1A, but yes I'd buy a 1/48 Max VF-1S since I didn't buy the 1/48 Max VF-1A.
  3. I bought the Super link version, he's tiny but he fits on my Transformer Shelf better than Energon Megs.
  4. I haven't seen it yet but I'd say yes.
  5. Born : Los Angeles, California, USA Live : Northridge, California, USA
  6. I have #4, Some of #5, some of #6 and #8. I want #3 and #9 would also be nice to have.
  7. Man that looks great. I want one so bad.
  8. If you don't see it on the shelve ask a clerk, I heard a guy at the Wal-Mart by me say they keep them in the back to stop the little kids form F'ing up the boxes.
  9. Is image anime a store or online store? and which ones are you refering to? Binal or Alt? Has to be Binal, because the Alt's are not out yet. And image anime is a walk-in and online store on the east coast. Most times they are very expensive.
  10. Oh yeah. But at least we get the FIVE TIME FIVE TIME WCW CHAMPION Booker T. Holy moly. Triple H fought Eddie Guerrero this Monday at Raw? What the heck did they do to Booker T's intro music? It's Vinny Mac's insane idea that Wrestlers can preform music, called WWE Originals. At least they gave Jericho his old music back, his song from that album was terrible, hopefully they give Booker T his old music back soon.
  11. Word! Maybe they will have them feud with Rosie and the hurricane. That's 4 big wastes of TV time.
  12. They lost them to Batista and Flair right before RVD was drafted to smackdown.
  13. Will the PS2 have multi player? Even better if it does plus it will be for free.
  14. The commercial for it says it comes out on March 27th. I Can't wait until the PS2 version comes out.
  15. So I ask, does anyone keep there Valks in direct sunlight?
  16. I had 3 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru, all three yellowed.Two were on display and one was never removed from the box. So far none of my other 1/60's or 1/48 have shown any signs of yellowing. EDIT : My 1/60 TRU VF-1A Brownie also yellowed.
  17. Yeah, I never understood that either, Ugly mold with about a million even uglier repaints.
  18. I followed Milkman X here from a link at robotech.com in 2000/2001 I think. then after I broke tab I started posting.
  19. HuH, ok, you guys are confusing things. For G1 Reissue Prime the only difference is the smoke stacks and the lack of spring loaded trailer.
  20. Man, How much do front row seats run? And I'll probably have to camp out in front of staples center if i want to get any tickets. not just front row.
  21. Yep, that would be best. That's what I had to do to get on-line with my PS2.
  22. Yes there are. And It's only $29.99 at Fry's I'm going to pick it up after work.
  23. Here's one of my VF-1S and it's new hands. Sorry about the size.
  24. Yeah, that sounds great but I wouldn't have time for all that. My favorite current PS2 game is Socom 2 and with work and a new child it's great to be able to go on-line when I have time (for free), with a X-box I'd be wasting money on a X-box live subscription.
  25. I have a Game Cube and A Disk Read Error... I mean PS2. The PS2 is my favorite. Nothing on I've seen on X-box makes me want to buy a thrid system.
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