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Everything posted by F360°

  1. That sounds a bit creepy to me. In A1's head, he'd be making love to Minmay (a cartoon), no Mari (all woman). Eeewwww... Sorry, to me Minmay is the hotest chick ever... Or she is in a dead tie with my favorite cyborg chick, Cher. but wouldn't it be funny if she yells out "Hikaru", "Hikaru"
  2. Blacks good and all but what if a newbie flying a Valk crash into you cause he didn't check his radar. There's lots of newbies.
  3. I enjoy it also,, love the art work and story, even burn a set for my friend. But he didn't really like it, said it was boring, perfer hentai series instead .
  4. I hope Macross Zero wouldn't be the last, it better not be. I want remakes. so they can continue on after the Prequal. As for the new series, as long as it's not about little boy and girls it's fine with me.
  5. $749.99??? it's that alittle too much,, I'm a big Tenchi fan and all but $749 . AS for Tench muyo GPX it's a bit wacky,, but I guess you get to see Ari-sama ( tenchi grandmother) for the first time. Along with other Misakis.
  6. Yeah and I said The TV SDF-1. It has no arms for awhile. Then it has 2 ships. No hands, no arms.
  7. yeah and the Macross TV SDF-1 has Ships and not ARMS, only DYRL SDF-1 has ARMs. But you know, Hero's mostly battle the odds, like 1 vs 2 or more. So if they can even the odds a bit they'll add the ARMs. I mean why not, it's mecha and not human so it's fairly easy. The life of an Mecha hero without arms is just too short since he's not smart enough to add the arms.
  8. hey, that look pretty good, now if only you can do a Minmay, or Misa .
  9. I saw a short glims of it and it's pretty much just 2 guy talking and shows 1 or 2 sketches. Nothing worth wild. Their comments was boring too.
  10. ahh,. damd it, why do you have to reminding me about Misato,, it took me so long to forget , oh well, back to hating Shinji all over again
  11. Shin didn't lose to her 3 times, the last one was a tie, both planes went down. And besides I wouldn't count the first time as a lost either considering the difference in fighter ability, F-14 vs SV-51 ( he did pretty well with a F-14) And the 2nd one was just him plasting aways without even knowing what to do with it, also that VF-0 was already damaged so the aiming could be way off. So in ways it's still a Tie. But it all comes down to how is he going to save the World from......
  12. Did anyone saw Fushigi yugi? the Death sequences of Tamahome's family was just too sad , there's not one death sequences more sadder than that one.
  13. the transformation may look simple but it's not, all the loose pieces flopping around make it even hardering. But once you get use to it, it's so much easier. Mine is displayed in fighter mode with out the armor also. love the slim look.
  14. it was not good, but it wasn't terrible. It's O.K. <_
  15. I love ep 1, you know with Techi's mom not dead and all. But ep 2 wasn't that good, too much question pop up, not mom but another sister, and techi's feancee, is she suppose to be "Kiyone" ( mihoshi's GPX parnter). Why can't they let it stay with the look of "Kiyone", which I think looks better than what's her name now. Oh did you know Tenchi Aunt was is Techimuyo GPX, so is this connected to that series? ,, well I'll just wait for number 3
  16. i'm waiting for MG3 instead, beat MGS on psx too many time and play the hell out of the standalone VR mission disc.
  17. The choppers ok, but the bot mode looks pretty good.
  18. I don't know about you, but all you'll need is a Cucumber, draw some panel/detail lines, add some toothpicks and place it on a stand for a super cool zentradi ship. what size is up to you.
  19. I just don't know, something don't seem right about this, maybe it's the face, the height, the shouders, hip and the skin color. But the breast seem right to me, I like it
  20. Both the 1/72 and 1/60 should be about right.
  21. so how big is each of them?
  22. Woohoo, I guess it right,, it is a Zero toy , Anyways,, I guess their main reason to make it more afforable is so that it can bring in more Fans back to the Macross universe. I mean having a OAV with Mecha but no Mecha toy in stores for purchase in a big No-No. So the cheap 1/100 VF-0 is to boost sale and intrest from protential buyers into the Macross Zero/ Macross Universe. Then after awhile they'll make their 1/60 perfect transformation VF-0 and yes the Sv-51's and the VF-0D too. The 1/48 scale is alittle too big for me, I wonder can they do the perfect transformation in 1/60 scale for the VF-1.
  23. I'm ok with swaping as long as it's one or 2 parts. It better look good if swapping is required.
  24. This is my first time reading your post, and I was like WTF is he/she talking about, what Footage??etc? You should atleast paste a link of your other post with the Question details, because without it, seems like you're just ranting away and don't even care about the answer to your question anymore. As for getting which version OAV or Movie? you should get them all. I mean a dollar a day within 2 month you're set. The OAV is around 180minutes and the Movie is 115 minutes, that's a 65 minutes difference. So if you just get the movie you might miss a scene or two that you might enjoy. You can get the movie here: deepdiscountdvd.com And since I was there I notice that their Macross Mini box set is pretty cheap, at $37.79 each shipped. They don't charge taxes either.
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