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Everything posted by SpaceCowboy

  1. Sorry for posting in the wrong thread - it is easy to get confused between the minor revision numbers on all these toys (YF vs VF, etc - I didn't even realize there was a VF - they look very similiar to me). Yeah - it is the older YF-19 version. So the VF-19 is solid then?
  2. Argh! Goddamnit so much Yamato sucks. Was transforming my YF-19 back into jet mode, and the arm breaks off at the shoulder. I wasn't even applying a lot of force or anything. I think it is all the twisting that is required of the arm to put it back into the right spot that did it. For all the complaints, the Bandai's feel much more stable. This type of stuff makes me want to sale off my whole Yamato collection. Even before this, since the legs aren't attached, they fell off all the time (but at least they were designed to), then in robot mode, his arms wouldn't even stay up. What a piece of crap. Such a waste of money. I can just see getting the VF-4, opening it, looking at it too hard, and an arm or a leg falling off. Gotta think if I want to save myself the pain of spending half a grand and watching it dissolve in my hands at the first touch. I've used tissues that are stronger than Yamato engineering.
  3. Man, this is really getting to my tipping point. I had it in my NY cart - and was about to purchase, and I saw $400 and I'm like "man, this is stupid". I dunno...I think it might be time to get out of the valk collecting business. It was ridiculous when it was $150-$250, but I could still justify it. Let's put this in perspective - for a $100 more, I just bought a 3D printer. I realize everyone has different tipping points, I'll probably still get one...maybe...but damn...at that price, I really have to think about it.
  4. According to the tracking, it made it all the way to chicago before that line.
  5. Hey, can someone stop me from freaking out - This is the first time I ordered from Nippon-Yasan, and it is also the first time I've paid for expedited shipping - and I just looked at the tracking, and I see this: "Destroyed according to sender's instruction" WTF?? I just contacted them but I'm freaking out as I bought both a YF-29 and a VF-171 from them in that shipment.
  6. "non-Japan-based fans are simply just not Bandai's marketing-demographic for their Macross merchandizes" True - but the inability to get these products here (via shops that sell to international markets) tells me that they are even hard to come by for Japanese consumers.
  7. Just got my BBTS notification. I tried to get two, but they canceled my second one. Fair enough. Can't wait for it to get here.
  8. I don't quiet understand this release? Will I be able to get it through the usual channels (amiami, hlj, BBTS?)?
  9. I bought two at that price - thanks for the heads up! Really want the Glaug - any word on it? I did a quick search last night and it was supposed to come out over a year ago. Has it been cancelled because of poor sales of the Regult?
  10. "Hardly a glowing endorsement of the vehicle." You do realize this isn't a real vehicle, right?
  11. Want to tell us that haven't figured it out how you look at how many are in stock?
  12. Ditto - we'll see if it comes through. fingers crossed.
  13. You needed to be awake in a five minute window Thursday night to have had a chance of getting it.
  14. The difference between the VF-171EX and the VF-25v2 and YF-29, is that in the latter two cases, there were days of time where you could preorder it, not minutes. I easily got both of those by preordering, and didn't even rush to do so. Even then, that tells you they under produced, but still, days is a lot better than minutes. If this is what it becomes, then, I'll just get out of collecting this stuff. I'm not going to torture myself on what amounts to winning a lottery. If they want me to buy their product, they need to produce it in quantities I can obtain it in.
  15. That's what makes me think Bandai _way_ under produced. I mean, I can even understand a preorder selling out in a few days to a week. But when it is sold out everywhere within minutes - that is a lot of untapped demand. There is solace in the fact that Bandai realizes this and will do a reissue, but I wasn't able to get the reissue of the VF-29. If I'm out of town for a few days and not checking this site or amiami/hlj, I might miss it. Then again, it's a few hundred dollars I can spend more smartly elsewhere. I'm not going to beg a company to take my money.
  16. Good point. I have no idea how big the macross community is as this is my only source of news about it.
  17. If Yamato production runs are in the low thousands, Bandai must be doing runs in the hundreds. I've never had a problem getting a Yamato release that was widely distributed (i.e. not a web exclusive), even if I waited until after the toy launched.
  18. What strikes me as weird about this - is if you are going to have such a limited production run, why not charge more? I mean, they are leaving money on the table. Seriously, if I'm going to release such a limited run, do it like Yamato did with the SDF-1 - $500-$1000. The rabid fans will still buy it, Bandai makes more money, and even once "discounted", Bandai maximizes their profit. Releasing it for $150-$200 but not producing enough to even fulfill preorder demand just seems short sighted. If I were at Bandai, I would not be thinking "oh goody money!" I would be thinking "we just made a lot less money than we could have.". Ideally you want to have a little stock leftover, but not that much. It's like feeding people a meal - if all the food is gone too fast, chances are people are still hungry. If there is way too much left over, you spent to much. You want just enough food left over that everyone got their fill.
  19. I actually don't blame Bandai. I have one VF-29, and would love another, but I think it can be really hard to know how many to produce of an item. Produce too many, and you have a warehouse full of stock. It gets discounted, and MacrossWorld rejoices, but that means the company is taking a bath on it. Produce too few, and fans get pissed, and you are leaving money on the table. Add to that the complications in starting a production run where you have to make so many 100s/1000s of a unit for it to even be profitable to start up the machine, and that creates a really difficult equation to solve, especially with the complexity of these toys.
  20. What are the official heights of the VF-1 vs Spartas? This site: http://ptn.home.xs4all.nl/Veritech/Valkyrie.html Lists the VF-1 as 12.7m tall (battloid) vs 6.2m tall for the spartas (battloid). If that is at all accurate then a same scale spartas would come up to about the waste of a VF-1. Also, at 6.2m, a average sized male comes up to about the knee of a Spartas.
  21. Never liked Southern Cross. Never finished it. But I'd love to see a fully transformable Spartas hovertank.
  22. I'd love a Fz-109F, but given it is an enemy mech with a complicated transformation, I'm guessing it would be a limited run north of $500 by the time it came out, which would be a pass for me.
  23. "I agree, and even though everyone complains about Yamato's QC, from what I've observed, Bandai has a long way to go before they'll be on Yamato's level, in my opinion." Are you honestly comparing a millimeter sized chip to a leg, arm, or head falling off? Yeah, those are the same... I'm not saying the chipping is okay, but compared to the complete functionality of the toy being destroyed, it seems pretty minor.
  24. I hadn't thought about the exchange rate. I remember starting my collection at the 1/72 for ~$70-$100 a piece. Then they started moving into $200 a piece (SV-51 and YF-21 if I recall), and now the VF-17 is nearly $300!! Blech - stupid dollar...I wish we would get our act together...it's hurting important stuff like collecting toys! I really like the VF-171 more...I wonder what the chances are we'll see that.
  25. Man...I dunno...When I only get one of something, I nearly always leave it in the box for fear of breaking it at the slightest provocation. It's hard enough to justify $200 to leave something in the box, much less $300. If it is getting this costly to make a toy, I do wonder how much longer Yamato can sustain making a profit off of these toys. Seems like it could be a vicious cycle - the higher the price, the less people can afford it, which reduces production runs of subsequent models, which raises prices... The breaking point will be when something like the VF-17 comes out and doesn't sell at all because fans are waiting for it to drop to a price they can afford. Not saying the VF-17 will be the one that does it, but man, it's getting harder and harder to justify...
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