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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Depending on what they paid, I'd say. Right now I dished out $250 for a VF-1S Hikaru and got Strike Parts too, so Im good at the moment.
  2. I have to agree. But "happy customers" should shop around more for their buck. For example if it cost me $240 with shipping to get a YF-29 from NY. If I decide to resell, I may resell at $260-300. Now if you're in the states and you want in in 3 days, then pay me that amount- plus the $15.00 in USPS Priority shipping to get it to you in contrast to paying $240 for Fedex Express shipping and still waiting nearly a week to get it. Sometimes you got to pay extra to get what you want when you want it. I do not condone however Buy Now Prices of $300+ from either local or international sellers who use Amazon or Ebay for quick sales that appear to be safe and convenient.
  3. Hi, Can we have a health and fitness thread (if we dont already)? If yes, where would I start it? Thanks
  4. <p>On second thought... I wonder if they'll fit on a standard chess board?</p>
  5. Any news on a VF-27 1/60 reissue? I want to pick up a Brera version in the coming months. Prices are a bit out there IMO: http://www.amazon.com/Chogokin-Macross-Frontier-Lucifer-Valkyrie/dp/B002V8GXA0/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1366636359&sr=1-2&keywords=vf-27 http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_kw=%22vf+27%22+Lucifer
  6. I find that funny too. I'll use Cowboy Bebop and GITS (Series) for example. A plethora of original music, both licensed by Bandai, both with multiple OST's? How can Macross' be that much more difficult to license? But yes, the HG thing puts a stumbling stone in the way of progress.
  7. I agree, the Kickstart concept could've helped in forcasting production, demand, etc. As far as the game itself, I'm a bit SDF'd out.
  8. I'd imagine that certain other entities would like for that to be true.
  9. I ducked out in 2011 for personal reasons, but now Im back in head first. IMHO-The state of the fandom seems consistant. I see buyers of product, discussions of what the future will hold. I think one thing that need to be considered is that Macross isnt like Gundam- in the respect that they're will be a new series every one to three years apart. There was a 7 year gap between Flashback 2012(1987) and Macross Plus(1994), Then 7(1994), to Zero (2002). There's filler product inbetween, but I'd say that Macross Fandom's state is better than the Voltron, Robotech, and Thundercats Fandoms. Its been my personal observation that Macross thrives because US fans are willing to purchase high end products and pay for international shipping, biting their thumbs at the US license holders, funding the producers abroad. Is it always enough or sustainable, probably not- but it really defines the level of dedication the Macross fandom does have.
  10. It was brought to my attention that I paid too much for a VF-1S w/ Strike Parts($250)- I feel victimized by myself. Thanks to davidwhangchoi, I found the rest of the items I wanted at a more reasonable price.
  11. Just curious, why does Plus get a higher rating than SDF?
  12. Zero 6/10 SDF 8/10 DYRL 7/10 Flashback 4/10 Macross II 3/10 Macross Plus 6/10 Macross 7 7/10 Macross 7 additional stuff 6/10 Macross F 8/10 False Songstress 7/10 Wings 5/10 FB7 2/10
  13. When I lost my parent, I had to sell off all my collection to cover all the immediate expenses. Now Im on the hunt to get back into Macross Valk collecting, but it seems like I chose the WORST time. Prices havent been the worse because I shop around the best I can. But it not as easy as it was in 2010/11. Just curious- What should I be paying for a VF-171, and a YF-29 Ozuma, new or used? I got a VF-1S Hikaru w/ Strike Parts @ $250 used. That didnt seem to bad (or should I have waited for Arcadia to put out something, too late now- LOL)
  14. Arcadia seems to be the most logical choice. The question(s) would be; When? and _________(whatever anyone else could think of)?
  15. Guess the shadow beta is scrapped too then.
  16. God I miss all of my MOSPEADA collection.
  17. I want actually thrilled with my first run of the game. I'm starting from the beginning again to see what I missed.
  18. I love the fight in the mud pit. "This is an operating table, and I'm the surgeon."
  19. I've seen it twice- one matinee, one IMAX. Im thinking of going for a third. How many times have all the rest of you seen it?
  20. Exactly, The Ra's story arc had to be brought full circle to end the trilogy. Depp would've (could've) been great as a more physically and intellectually imposing Riddler possibly, [eg: Pirates of the...] (probably not~eg: Dark Shadows ). But Nolan kept as true to the books as possible without going too far out of what could really happen. Kick Ass!
  21. Sorry lads... gotta disagree here. My opinion-Both titles juggernaugts in the comic industry, both with 2012 blockbusters for the summer season. The question, can one Batman have a better movie than 5 Avengers? Yes he can! Liked Avengers, Spiderman was cool, Batman beat all. And it didnt need 5 scenes or less for 3D.
  22. IMO, Considering the comic movie triologies that have been weak in some portion of their respective sets, the Nolan Batman series has surpassed: -The Ninja Turtles -Blade -Iron Man (the 3rd will suck without Favreau directing) -Raimi's Spider-man -Donner's Superman -All the X-Men movies -MiB (in short, all of them) It wasnt better than the Dark Knight, but then again it wasnt suppose to be like the Dark Knight, as the circumstances of the movie were completely different. All individually, great works of art. Together- a masterpiece.
  23. S**t, I was planning on customizing a green tread. I wonder if its really worth the wait (as in; will it truly be released)? Probably not. (Goes back to customizing toys and waiting patiently for the Dark Knight Rises.) Posted here too: http://www.manofactionfigures.com/products/robotech-mpc-beta-fighter-volume-4-toynami
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