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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Well, Emmerich made "Das Arche Noah Prinzip" before, basically in a garage, but that was also his last good movie, IMO. -i-
  2. There actually IS an art book out now http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...8-9975565?? The Fairy Air Force At War DVD comes with a VERY nice art book. Very comprehensive too. The DVD it comes with is kinda lame, but that's not what I bought it for It's 50 bucks VERY well spent! 372672[/snapback] Got the artbook yesterday - highly recommended!!! C-31 Gunship anyone?
  3. ok, I'll throw in my VF-4 Lightning HiRes is here: clicky and there was a thread about this here -i-
  4. ...and didn't look too cool, either. -i- PS another one from Namco's Acecombat site
  5. Great idea, HWR. Those old anime shows like Venus Wars and Gall Force have tons of interesting hardware. Good luck with the project! -i-
  6. Did someone notice this 1/38 Mave that some crazy genius scratchbuild a couple of months ago?
  7. I dare say that this is the original novel. Nice to see that the aircraft design has leaped forward a few lightyears since then. -i-
  8. Even IF Platz makes a Sylphide, it won't be cheaper that this one and probably will come without the fantastic cockpit. But there's still hope that Omo Ole Toys will release their 1/144 yukikaze series. wm cheng, you can open an international account at amazon.jp and order from the site. They have english help to guide you through. -i-
  9. The Falken is already on "order stop" at HLJ. I hope you all have placed your order...
  10. It's from this site http://ogikimer.hp.infoseek.co.jp Looks like another ominous TAC kit. -i-
  11. Those are from Sparrow's website. Fasten your seatbelts: http://homepage2.nifty.com/sparrow2/index.htm and here's one of the Rahxephon aircrafts:
  12. Considering that the length of the X-02 is about 22 m, the Falken will have a decent size even in 1/100. AC2 gives no info on the data, anything from AC5? -i-
  13. The Kit is announced for March. Who knows, if we buy enough Falkens, they will release the X-02? -i- rraahhh...
  14. 2006 is already a good year! ADF-01
  15. I've seen stereolithography pieces with perfect finish right from the machine (crazy stuff like a sphere within a sphere), but I guess that's still insanely expensive. Good for you. -i-
  16. Is it ag4? Good look with the model + let us see the result on your site. -i-
  17. That's the mighty Detolf. Comes from Ikea and is quite affordable (40 Euros here). Looks even better if you invest some time and paint the fake wood white. -i-
  18. Goshawk, with Javascript active and PopUp blocker deactivated, the pics should open in a new window. Spatula, there is an Yukikaze thread on MW: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=4489 We yet need someone to read the original novel... Feel free to grab some stuff from my shoebox: Yukikaze directory -i-
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