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Everything posted by Noyhauser

  1. Nothing at all. Actually its what made it so great. But look at the budget, 70 million?... its not really all that much for a sci fli flick that doom should have. Something tells me that the budget for the latest doom game was probably more (or I could be wrong here....). So they probably couldn't have really intricate deamons, special graphics, great actors or unique sets. So its they probably changed the story to make it cheaper. 50$ says that the big "tie in" with doom will be someone picks up a shotgun half way through the movie and lays down some serious lead. At that point the super Doom geek fans will be "ooooh... its the shotgun" and snicker themselves silly because they think that they alone understand the significance of it. While I will have exited the movie 30 minutes ago to sneak into another theater after I saw how badly my childhood has been raped.
  2. sigh, how hard could it be to keep to something as relatively straight forward in sci fi as in doom. *SPOILER WARNING* for those who haven't played doom for its story yet The only reason why I'd ever watch a doom movie was to see the devil himself as a half Goat half mechanical being walking around firing missiles. That and him getting roasted by the BFG5000... sigh.
  3. slim to none The helicopter carrier is to be as un-offesnsive as possible. Its a strict helicopter carrier, that is designed to be used for ASW work, thats it. Anything more would be a contravention of the Japanese constitution, which forbids the possession of offensive weapons of any kind. Notice how the Japanese really have no long range strike weapons either... same reason. Its a really politically touchy subject. Its really more like the old Moskva Class of Helicopter cruisers the USSR once fielded, even in design. with no ski jump, it makes it highly unsuitable for carrying this sort of plane. Here is a link to the old Moskva (I really liked this ship) http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/row/rus/1123.htm Even if the Japanese did secretly intend to use their helo carrier for offshore support of a land force (I can't even begin to tell you how unlikely that would be)... it would pretty obvious they were doing so if they started buying harriers.
  4. i know, i'm being obtuse .... either way we could asssume you were being obtuse for the sake of being funny, or actually being serious. My previous post was made in the spirit of you post.
  5. might explain why the Monster has the funky hands... legal issues? I can just imagine the legal arguments stated in a court... "members of this court, as you can see quite clearly in this frame, with the deployment of these hands, the Monster in Macross zero episode 5 is nothing like the one seen in SDF MAcross" And about the series being called Macross and not being macross... give me a break. Hell why don't they call it HWK Monster? its the only thing that appears in all the series.
  6. I'd like to second this. LOGH is one of the greatest Japanese Sci fis in my mind ever, and I've been watching anime since I was a child. (but I haven't got all the way through... I'm only at the end of the second season, because if I start Season 3 I'm not going to stop and its exam time) Its shockingly good. You want a realistic space battle using real tactics? This series has it. Its not really comedic, but serious with a deep dark overtone. Realism is the key, politics, war and people are all thrown together and you really have an epic. You can find boots on EBAY if you need to... No other series comes close to this one for its deep story.
  7. Wow.... Ewilen best answer ever! Well at least one of the most intelligent posts I have ever seen on this board. It succintly explains in a theoretical level what I think Kawamori (may) be getting at.
  8. As I've pointed out before, Mac + isn't really in the pattern of the Macross stories, because it never was supposed to be one according to Kawamori. It was originally supposed to be part of an alternate universe under the title of advanced valkyrie... but that got shelved and he reused the script to create Macross plus later. Compared to Zero, Seven, and SDF, it is the odd one out.
  9. Has somebody asked the obligatory what scale question yet? no? Okay what scale is it? All joking aside, congratulations on a beautiful boy. I hope all the best for him.
  10. wha? Hey ewilen you forgot me! (really I just posted that as an excuse to use my favorite smiley)
  12. I would LOVE to see the Sweedish hangers built into the sides of mountains to protect them. I thought it was an ingeneous idea to deal with a first strike threat.
  13. Noyhauser

    Zero VF-0S

    I think that VFs should be dirty. This isn't a normal modern jet fighter. They roll on the ground, dig their engines into earth kicking up dirt, dive into the sea, ect. Neither does dirt affect them as much as other fighters. They aredesigned to be extremely tolerent of all environments. A bit of dirt here and there won't really do much.
  14. I really do not get these statements. Did I not post two pages ago why it was more macross along macross's real meaning than say macross plus? Do people not read?
  15. The gun never actually became a factor as the F-4E later proved...Cunningham's 3 kill mission was without a gun too although it was handy to have one around. I'd disagree on a few of your statements. During Vietnam, it was found that missiles especially heavy radar guided missiles like the Sparrow were not as effective as close range weapons, like the sidewinder. The highest kill to loss ratio aircraft was the F-8. Didn't have a sparrow on it. Machine guns were useful though, and they contributed to some kills. Your point on training is a major problem. The reason why the F-8 was so successful was that they had close combat training, while a lot of other pilots didn't. I seem to recall this was a problem for F-4 drivers. I don't have the book with me so don't shoot me on that one., Also the ROE was there partly not because of Political reasons, but techincal ones. IFF was garbage, and there were a lot of instances of Blue on Blue incidents. ROE was instituted to ensure that these didn't happen. This is why the F-16 (which tried to embody the lessons of Vietnam) was initially designed not to have the Sparrows at all, but to rely completely on the Sidewinder and the Vulcan. Ground bombing was fairly inaccurate at this time. You were often lucky to get CEPs in 50 feet, more like in the 100s. The first use of Laser Guided PGMs are seen in early 70s and that would revolutionize things, but not soon enough. The Paul Doumer Bridge really was the first time these weapons were use with spectacular results. These were critical bridges in the north that were heavily defended, and the had cost many air crew to take out. However I think it was the USAF was never successful in dropping more than one bridge, or one span. in 72 they bring in I think it was the Paveway I a first generation laser guided bomb. First attack with the PAveway cost no crews, and dropped all three spans. IT harkens the day now, where we talk about one bomb, one target, when in 1944 over 85% of all bombs missed their targets. I'll be perfectly honest, I like CAS/bombing ect, missions. Hell, one of my favorite games was Aces over the Pacific, and my favorite thing to do was go take out shipping.
  16. Thank you....for a while there I was starting to think I was the only one. Until that series, I really thought that I would love anything Maross. My opinion of Macross 7 is that it has a great story with lots of potential... on paper it was fine, but the way it is presented (ie. the show) is just a fruit cake circus, full of chesse, stupid designs, sissy characters, shamefull enemies and a really anoying lack of respect to what macross was... just MHO. now back to the tread HAHAHA!!! Preech on my man. I am lovin the fact that there are some members with balls around here. Most who hate M7 are tired of discussing it so they don't say anything, but just think of the horror if some n00b showed up and read up on a pro-m7 thread... He would see it and then think ALL Macross fans were lame-ass sissie girlie-men. OUR mission is of the utmost importance. Uh-Oh, it's starting all over again... CRITICAL MASS ACHIEVED!
  17. ITs undoubtedly the most original valk. As I said, its the only one with the man in head design, its engines are not located in its legs. No other valk is this original. But its still FUGLY. I think this valk more than any other has the idea beauty in purpose attached to it. ITs a lot like the A-10, designed for a purpose, however ugly it may be.
  18. Makes me wonder if he even watched the series at all...
  19. I'm suprised that HG didn't patent that and make it the VF-1YXV Joe Blow fighter, like they did with every other animation mistake.
  20. you really think that it looks more advanced? I think when you look at the hasegawa models, (especially the size difference) you really gain an appreciation of which one is more advanced than the other. The VF-0 is so large, and it looks somewhat antiquated with holed airbrakes, and less sleek design. (maybe thats just my perception of it) Looking at both SW prototypes, is there names attached to their makers? Because one looks like a predecesor to the VF-19, and the other looks like a cross between a vf-1 and 11
  21. I actually think the Zero was a excellent design, especially when you had to think about the problem of not making the VF-1 obsolete. If the SW was made to be the VF-0 (when it looks far more futuristic)... it would be considered munchkinesque. With its wing design, I'd say it was a predecessor to the VF-11, incorporating elements of the VF-1.... if it doesn;t have a extensive back history already. I always thought of the VF-11 as really a VF-1 design philosophy (similar weapons, and transformation) with upgrades.
  22. as I said before, I think the circle looks better when you think about the special control and sensor systems that the YF-21 incorporated. I always thought of the visor as just a downgrade from the 21's special systems.
  23. Hahah, space pope, thats a great name for it Ewilen
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