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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Yeah. I've pretty much had my last like 7 Valks from CDJ and they always deliver. They're are very reliable.
  2. CDJ fun bux for the win! I had some too
  3. CDJ was weird. The link was posted before I saw the email... At least the pay up front thing with CDJ makes people think twice and the order window is longer as a result. I'm OK with that
  4. Whew! Just got the HLJ email confirm! Yusss!
  5. Uh...still no email from HLJ. I'm watching my inbox like a goddamn hawk.
  6. Seriously. It's been a long while since I've gotten an HLJ Bandai Valk.
  7. Holy Shi*t! Holy Shi*t! Got my 2nd from HLJ. How is that possible?
  8. 94 users...are you kidding me?
  9. Stay frosty, guys. 5 minutes!
  10. I think Pay Now but I could be wrong. CDJ is Pay Now.
  11. Don't forget Anime Export, guys. I got my last Ozma from them
  12. I've only ever won one Valk from Amiami (HLJ maybe two or three). NY is almost a sure thing nowadays if you're willing to put up with them (I am).
  13. Hong Kong based? I've never bought from them before.
  14. Goddamn. Amiami has a bunch of Star Wars (and an Iron Man) preorders I've been eyeing for awhile. This is going to be an interesting night...
  15. VF-19 Advance Isntsamu Custom
  16. Home from work, cleaned up, and settled in. Do ya worst, Bandai!
  17. I like his green trim in DYRL though. Too bad it gets blowed up!
  18. Be seeing some of you guys tonight for the usual then. Hahah
  19. I forgot to update in the other thread (I'll do it later) but Lunar came up with a really good solution on my replacement. Masei will be fine as long as they are able to resolve these problems and stop posting the way they've been doing.
  20. Nah, I'm gonna keep it. I like the box and it's part of my Bebop collection. I also have the limited edition CD set that came out in Japan that has a really cool box with them all in 20's getups.
  21. I have the really old DVD boxed set that was released ages ago. It's the limited edition boxed one that is labeled "Perfect Sessions." Haven't had a chance to compare the two yet since it's in storage.
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