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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Um you dont have to like my work. I didnt paint it for you Wow like he is covered in milk. Well Will buy and repaint since most of the work has been done for me but he is my friends version of hunk a junk prime.
  2. Thanks. I kinda went with where the parts may end up from the truck mode. I painted the blue to show a more deeper metallic look I know its a departure from the movie lineart and colorscheme, and those are some of the things that can be translated well into the toys. But this is a very good molde. I would say even better than the ROTF Prime. Here is the evasion Prime. Since Takara is releasing Rusty prime I am going to pick up that and repaint as well. Easier to work with a Base that takara has provided My Evasion Repaint
  3. I think that is fair. I wouldnt push to much. Just get your money back and deal with HLJ. They have more to loose since they service global customers
  4. still not paying for this over priced plastic
  5. I would get it in a heart beat if it sold for around 200 but more that ouch. You may collect one thing but I got 4 runs on different genres, Chogokin, Hot Toys, 3rd Party and Macross. Although I have traded off collecting macross for Gundam and Sentinel. It just sucks when I spend 300 bucks on a 19 anniversary special to be told its garbage. Which is funny since thats what folks were talking like when they came out with the 1/60 and said the 1/72 is garbage. Now its Version 3 and version 2 is garbage. I mean what do you do with all the old ones. Anyway I am passing on this. Too expensive, saving up for my Hot Toys Ed-209 and RoboCop. Would like to get a Hot Toys hulk but Ill see. Would like to get a better version of the 21 but I suppose that thing will cost 400 bucks
  6. MMmmm I still cant justify the cost. My third party transformers from the sounds of it are still better designed and have more moving parts higher tolerances and use better materials. Plus then I have my HOT TOYS which I have yet to hear of something breaking. Yeah some made to order. Ill think Ill pass. 400 bucks for the VF-4 was already pushing it. Yeah I stick with my current number of valks. It really bugged me watching the MiniMac go on sale like that.
  7. I read the manga and its really griping Its sad since american mecha is so bland and ugly WHY? Its very utilitarian but oh so ugly. Case in point American Mecha and Japanese mecha Beautiful
  8. Thanks for the pics Yeah Ill stick with my version of the 19 valks. Paying that kinda of money for that is so so wrong, so wrong.
  9. My YF-19 Anniversary Special never suffered any of the problems you mentioned. What about compared to the Yamato Fire Valk. That thing was a big improvement already. Im just concerned that spending 300 plus dollars is a bit much for transformer
  10. Knights of Sidonia This is going to be good! Manga is insane, reminded me of Attack the titan Captain Earth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEj0c5nznjo
  11. So how is this bird different from Yamato's?
  12. I find them funny. Love the end dialogue between grimmy and slag. Just a guy being silly about grown ups collecting toys which all in all is a silly thing. Also, he is more thorough then Peaugh. He transformed it properly where Peaugh didnt
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