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Posts posted by Graham

  1. Recent DX releases have all been matt, so I would kinda expect this to be matt as well.

    Personally it doesn't bother me. I'm quite happy with how it looks in the photos. But that's just me.

  2. I've gotta say, out of the 3 recent Bandai Macross toy releases: the DX YF-21, DX VT-1 and HMR VF-19Kai, the HMR VF-19Kai is definitely my favorite of the 3.

    It's just such a fun toy and looks great in all 3 modes, transforms easily and has no potential broken parts issues out of the box, unlike the other two toys.

    And it's a great replacement for my old Yamato VF-19Kai toys that suffered broken elbow joints (I never got the Arcadia releases).

    Being a huge Macross 7 fan, I'm really hoping for a full range of Macross 7 HMR toys from Bandai.


  3. I think this game would have been so much better if:

    1) It allowed free transformation at any time, so you could switch between F/B/G modes at will. I would have been super happy with that, even if it is basically just switching between side scrolling , top down scrolling, rear view scrolling etc.


    2) If the weapons (Gunpod, missiles, head lasers, beam cannons etc) had a bit more closely followed the anime for each VF). Same for enemies as well.


    3) If there had been the option to equip FAST Packs & Full Armour for some stages.


    4) If there had been more playable VFs that could be unlocked.



  4. 1 hour ago, M'Kyuun said:

    Cheers @jenius for a great series of reviews and show-n-tell vids on the DX YF-21, and on Macross toys in general over the decades.  Always super helpful and greatly appreciated!

    Honestly, due to the craptastic and capricious nature of Kawamori's original lineart, the fighter proportions don't bother me as much. I honestly prefer the forward fuselage be a bit smaller to favor battroid, my preferred mode for display. Granted, Yamato found a good fix years ago and Bandai could have shamelessly copied it; I doubt anyone would have faulted them and it would have given the bird an appropriately longer nose section. Alas, no. I like the copious tampo, especially in contrast to Yamato's YF-19 which didn't even have the intake markings. The lack of the canopy V-cut is lamentable but I can live with it. The shelf and the methodology of handling the backpack is another matter entirely; on a high-end toy commanding a $300+ tag, and with a decade+ old toy available to use as a framework for what works, Bandai made inexplicably poor choices that fall short or far short of what Yamato accomplished with their version in terms of engineering, accuracy, care and diligence. For the price, especially in terms of what we're getting from third party companies making Transformers these days at similar or lesser price points, the DX YF-21 feels like a half-hearted effort. However, as a battroid fan, it definitely addressed my primary gripe with the Yammie, those skinny legs and wobbly hips. Proportionally, the DX looks really good in battroid, and as Jenius pointed out, it has apropos stability allowing for posing. Mostly though, from most angles, it just looks really good to me and the fact that it'll stand on its own makes me anticipate my copy. I hope I won't suffer the bent laser, but time will tell. It's a hell of a bitter pill to swallow for those who have suffered it, and other flaws, on an expensive new release. I hope Bandai ultimately does right by their consumers.


    I'm primarily a fighter mode guy and my display percentage for my toys is something like 75% in fighter mode, 20% in Battroid mode and 5% in  GERWALK mode,

  5. Damaged head lasers aside, the other things that really annoy me about the Bandai DX YF-21 and spoil my enjoyment of the toy are:

    1. The too short nose in fighter mode.
    2.  Excessive and IMO ugly tampo printing, especially all those additional stripes that were never in the anime or line art. They just really bug me for some reason.
    3. Incorrect front of canopy sculpt, it's missing that V cut out from the line art.
    4. The huge shelf behind the head in battroid mode.
    5. The silly removable clip.
    6. the shit quality of the FAST packs.
  6. I'm still hoping we eventually get an HMR VF-17D/S & VF-11C/D / VF-11C Armored.  I would be really excited to see Bandai's take on the VF-17 and VF-11.

    To be honest, I'd much rather have those than the proposed VF-17T and VF-11MAXL.

    VF-17D/S and VF-11C are among my all time favorite VF designs.

    And waiting for news of release of VF-19S/F/P HMR which should be a no brainer to milk the mold.

  7. 17 hours ago, Duymon said:

    I also broke mine when I was turning the head. Luckily some drilling with a 1mm bit on a pin vise and a paperclip and krazy glue later it's stronger than factory XD

    I'll be trying this soon. Just need to pick up a 1mm drill bit.

  8. On 8/2/2024 at 3:02 PM, no3Ljm said:

    From Facebook. Better check also the head's sensor. Said it was purchased from Luna Park.



    I just broke my head sensor in that exact same place, trying to get it into the correct position for fighter mode. 😭 

    My fault for not being careful or patient enough and not studying it enough first.

    I swear I hardly used any force though and it just snapped while I was trying to turn it.


  9. On 7/28/2024 at 7:08 AM, MisaForever said:

    Some of us who are as old as dirt, and grew up with anime before subtitles for them even existed, learned to figure out what was going on in the shows without knowing Japanese. It was just something that you came to understand after watching enough RAW anime VHS tapes back in the day. Therefore, while some dubs may be good (Cowboy Bebop, etc.) I prefer subs since I'm so used to hearing the Japanese language.

    Exactly, that's how I watched anime back in my teens and 20s, either on bootleg raw Japanese VHS tapes with no subs or on Japanese Laserdiscs with no subs, from the rental stores here at the time back in the 80s.

    Honestly, I don't think I've every watched any anime dubbed. I mean I've tried, but never made it more than a few minutes into any dub.

  10. On 7/15/2024 at 6:10 PM, ArchieNov said:

    Sorry, couldn't edit my previous post anymore. But wanted to add this reference pic taken from anymoon.com to show what I was talking about with the VF-17


    Th Bandai 1/65 VF-17D/S are still one of my all-time favorite Macross toys.  I've always loved Macross 7 TV series and the VF-17 design. Gamlin was my favorite character.

    The Bandai VF-17 toy is super rugged, even more so in my experience than the 1/55 VF-1 Chunky Monkey . I own about 10 Bandai VF-17  since they were first released in what 1995 and I have yet to have one ever break, despite the fact that they are all plastic with no diecast parts. Even with my son throwing them across the room when he was a child, they didn't break.

    They are super quick and fun to transform and actually look surprisingly good in all modes, apart from the fighter mode side profile which is too thick. (look great from top down view in fighter mode though). Only other downside is he terrible landing gear.

    I was actually really disappointed with the Yamato VF-17 toy. I really felt it didn't capture the spirit of the VF-17 very well.

    Sorry for the sidetrack away from the Bandai YF-21 DX.

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