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Posts posted by Graham

  1. 10 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    ah got it. I figured since Alto 25F has been combined with supers and Ozma with armor since p-bandai exclusive attachments have not been offered since the WWM releases

    i figured if they are going to offer the ghosts again in a combined package for US/International customers. I wonder if the ghost will ever be released again in another package. 



    Hopefully Bandai will release a set with the Ghosts + missile packs + solid shield and sword for the Bogue Sv-262Hs.

    But, I'm not holding my breath.

  2. For me the best control layout of the ArtDink Macross games is Macross Delta Scramble on the Vita, followed by the Hybrid PS3 games, then lastly 3 PSP games (MAF/MUF/MTF). Mac 30 is excluded from this list as I don't remember the controls, as it's been so long since I played it. 😅

    I  gotta re-visit Macross 30 soon I think.

    And as much as I loved the PSP games back in the day, I always hated that the D-pad was used to fly and move the VFs and the stick was used for transformation, It really should have been the other way round.

  3. I've got one of these on pre-order. I like the red and gold scheme and I've always liked the look of the Sv-262Hs in fighter mode. 

    Although, I really wish Bandai would release the Sv-262Ba as well.

    I was actually playing around with my DX Keith Sv-262Hs yesterday, as I've been re-watching Delta on D+ recently and also playing a lot Delta Scramble on Vita recently. The toy is holding up well.

    It's just a pity that Bandai are not including the 4 x missile packs with the Bogue Sv-262Hs, as I think we never see the Sv-262 without them in the show and movies.

  4. Personally hoping for HG kits of:

    • VF-19F/S/P
    • VF-17D/S
    • VF-2JA
    • VF-11B/C
    • SV-51
    • SV-303

    Basically I want HG kits of designs we don't already have DX or HMR toys of. Kinda why the VF-2SS is not on my wish list.

    I'm also not listing or expecting HG kits of any of the non-transforming mecha, as so far this HG line has not gone there. Although, I'd definitely buy a DYRL N-Ger if they made it and also kits of the small and large Vajra.

    Although, I love the VF-31 and VF-31AX designs, I'm happy enough with the DX toys and feel model kits of these would need too much in the way of stickers/decals, with the exception of a VF-31A, but there's already a nice 1/100 VFG kit of that at least for Fighter & Gerwalk modes.

    I'm also not really interested in HG VF-1 or VF-0 kits. I'm happy enough with the DX and HMR toys for the VF-1 and the HMR toys for the VF-0. And the VF-1 model kit field is also well serviced already.

    Kinda on the fence about an HG VF-25. I absolutely love the design it's in my top 5 of favorite VFs. But again personally I'm happy with the DX toys.


    33 minutes ago, Urashiman said:

    Okay @Graham

    game‘s on. I got a ps vita tv from eBay, only to play scramble…


    I‘ll probably CFW it, so i can play my old psp games on the big screen.

    Awesome. Enjoy! I just unlocked the YF-30 today in Delta Scramble.

    I may also look into playing PSP games on my Vita.

    Although I've currently got Macross Ultimate Frontier & Macross Triangle Frontier on my Android phone using the PPSSPP emulator and using the Backbone One controller rather than the phone's touchscreen for controls.

    In other news, the replacement batteries I ordered for my old PS3 and PS4 controllers arrived today, so installing them is gonna be my project for the weekend. 😅

  6. On 2/16/2017 at 9:38 AM, Duymon said:






    Interesting, when my VF-31A is equipped with the Super Parts, I don't have the reaction missiles.

    I wonder if there is another Super Part set I still need to unlock? 




    8 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    I mean, I don't know how popular the movie was?  Probably did fine, but I don't remember the valks getting much focus from any part of the movie.  Given the showy presentation with all of the singers, it doesn't surprise me that the 303 was just buried into obscurity even in its own movie.

    For me, that movie is just firmly in the "okay that was weird" category, which generally doesn't push it very high up my list of things to rewatch.

    Zettai Live has actually become my second favorite Macross movie after DYRL.

    My opinion is a bit different. I personally feeI the mecha, including the 303, YF-29 and VF-31AX got a lot of focus and were thought they were featured heavily in the movie. I really enjoyed the mecha combat scenes as well.

    I think I've watched the movie 4 to 5 times now and spent a lot of time freeze framing and slow motioning the mecha fight scenes.

    For me the 2 Macross Delta movies are what personally redeemed Macross Delta for me after being hugely disappointed in the second half of the TV series (eps 14 to 26), to the extent that it actually made me lose interest in Macross for about a 5 year period after Delta TV finished airing.

  8. It's such a shame that Artdink never made any Macross games for the PS4 and PS5.

    I played MAF/MUF/MTF on the PSP for hundreds of hours back in the day and then Macross 30 and Delta Scramble a lot as well.

    I feel Artdink were really hitting their stride with Macross 30 and also the PS3 hybrid games especially Last Frontier and DYLR and also Delta Scramble for Vita.  We were getting great graphics, improved controls and larger maps compared to the blocky graphics and smaller maps of the PSP games.

    I can only imagine how good a Macross Artdink game today would be on the PS5.

    Instead , the only Macross game we get is the sub-standard Macross Shooting Insight......sigh.

    Oh well, I'm thankful my PS3 still works. Been playing Last Frontier a lot recently  and also Delta Scramble on Vita.  I think I need to see if  my Macross 30 disc still works and hopefully my PS3 still has my old save file.😅

  9. I've  only had my Bandai DX VF-1 toys for about 2  years now, I have the VF-1J with GBP armor, Focker VF-1S, Hikaru VF-1S with Strike Packs, Kakizaki VF-1A, VF-1D and VT-1. All are on display. So far no yellowing on any of them.

    Missiles are sold as a separate  box set. Apart from with the recent VF-1J Tamashi Store Limited Edition, which I understand does include 12 x AMM-1 missiles. But none of the other DX VF-1 toys include missiles.

    The TV style Super Packs are sold as a separate box set. 

    And the DYRL Strike Packs are also sold as a separate box set. The exception is last year's VF-1S Hikaru reissue, which came with Strike Packs that include optional clear covers.

  10. Yeah, it is so fun......I'm so enjoying it.

    Just unlocked the Extra missions last night. Really enjoyed fighting Hikaru in his VF-1S using an untuned VF-0A....I died. LOL!

    Turned the tables on him using my tuned VF-31A though....hahah

  11. On 1/30/2025 at 9:47 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

    Yeah, and the internal bay in the lower leg is not actually in the official spec in most publications either... which makes one question whether it's standard gear on the C-type or some kind of improvised equipment.


    Yeah.  Later titles like Macross 30 did the same despite having ample power to render underwing missiles.  I suspect by that point the motive changed from saving on processor resources to just not knowing what to draw.

    It's strange no underwing missiles were modeled for the VF-11 in the PS3 Macross 30 game.

    As Macross 30, the PS3 Hybrid game Macross Last Frontier and the PS Vita game Macross Delta Scramble all have underwing missiles for other VFs, such as VF-1, VF-0, VF-25 etc, so as you said, it's not a matter of processing power for rendering.

    I'm also going with the theory that Artdink just didn't know what to do about the VF-11 and maybe never asked.


  12. I've recently been re-playing a lot of Macross Ultimate Frontier (PSP - emulated on Android), Macross Triangle Frontier (PSP - emulated on Android), Macross Delta Scramble (PS Vita), Macross Last Frontier (PS3) and Macross: Do You Remember Love (PS1 - emulated on Android). Do they count as retro games? 😅

    I need to get a PS2 again, so I can re-play VF-X2 and Mac Plus Game Edition. My PS3 is a slim model, so I think it won't play the PS2 discs and my old PS2 died years ago. 😓

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