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Posts posted by Graham

  1. 43 minutes ago, network19 said:

    I don't think any of the Macross music so far has been bad but all together it is forgettable. Frontier is probably the best so far due to its vocals and musical variety.

    I don't know what to expect of the next Macross in terms of music. I know that some people might say that Macross won't repeat itself but I don't think that is true. Macross will do what they think is right for its time. Macross has always been Pop, in the traditional sense. I'm just hoping that this time around Pop means something R&B-esque.

    Completely disagree about Macross Music being forgettable.

    I've been listening to Macross music since the 80s, have a pretty big collection of Macross CDs and still regularaly listen to the music of SDF Macross, DYRL Macross II, Macross 7, Macross Plus, Macross Frontier and Macross Delta.

    The only Macross music which to me is forgettable is that from Macross Zero. There was really nothing that grabbed me.



  2. Back in the day, over the decades I spent so much time playing Scrambled Valkyrie, VF-X, VF-X2, VF-X2 Special Edition, DYRL, VO, M3, Macross Plus Game Edition, Macross Ace Frontier, Macross Ultimate Frontier, Macross Triangle Frontier, Macross Last Frontier and M30 (I'm sure there's a few other games I've forgot as well).

    Still have the games, but Unfortunately, my Nintendo Super Famicon, PS1, Saturn, PS2 and PSP are all long gone or died years ago. My PS3 is just about hanging on, but starting to glitch.

    So yeah, I'm just happy there is a new Macross game coming out for the PS4/PS5 and Switch.

    Yeah, I'd prefer a proper air combat simulator type game, but I'll take whatever I can get. 😅



  3. I just had a quick look this morning, before heading off to work and it doesn't seem that there is enough room to fit the main boosters on the under-wing hard points, if you already have the Super Ghosts attached to the mid-wing  hard point.

    Those Super Pack main boosters are pretty damn large.



  4. In my opinion Baylan, Shin and Anakin were the only good things about the show.

    Overall I'd give it a 3.5/10.

    I found live-action Sabine and Hera pretty insufferable. And sorry, as a big fan of Clone Wars and Rebels, I just don't think Rosario Dawson does a good job of portraying Ahsoka.

    For my Ahsoka and Sabine fix, I'll stick to Clone Wars & Rebels.

    It's such a pity Ray Stevenson passed away. I would have loved to see more of him as Baylan.

  5. 7 hours ago, PointBlankSniper said:

    Random question: Is there any configuration that the super pack can fit together with the super ghosts mounted, most importantly in fighter mode, through any arrangement with the hardpoints or wing folding contortions?

    I'm unrealistically hoping the main boosters could somehow squeeze under the half folded wings. I don't have any super packss, but have the super ghosts. With them mounted under the wings, it does't seem like the wings can fold open to reveal the mid wing hard points to make that an option.

    At some point, I'm gonna realize bandai won't make mirage's super pack, and then maybe grab a hayate's set to slap on her AX, so i can at least have a tri-colored franken plane like a few of the ultramans did lol

    Hmm........interesting question.

    As Twitch mentioned. both the main boosters and Super Ghosts are supposed to attach to the hidden hard point where the wings fold, so you can attach one but not both at the same time.

    However, I haven't checked if the main boosters can connect to the underwing hardpoints. I'll have to try. If yes, it may be possible to have the main boosters mounted under the wings and the Super Ghosts on the wing fold hard point. 

    However, the main booster are pretty damn large, so even if they can plug into the under wing hardpoints, there may not be enough space for the main boosters when the wings are partially folded to attach the  Super Ghosts.

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