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Posts posted by macrossnake

  1. The whole large scale high cost Yamato DYRL Macross is a publicity disaster...

    Truth being told, many fans/members are having a tough time to accept to pay 200-300 US dollars for a Yamato (macorss) toy for quite some time now.

  2. OK, had a long talk on the phone with Yamato last night and here's what I was told.

    • For those wanting a smaller, more affordable SDF-1, I’ll just say that patience is a virtue and the virtuous are often rewarded.


    Great new, thx Graham.


  3. It's interesting how fast they moved into the thick of it. With the older series there was alot more buildup and subtlety but this one got them out there got them as bad guys and had them getting loyalists. And the Visitors know how to fight instead of being bulle-I mean laser-sponges like the original. I think I'll be watching this.

    And thank God they didn't have the hs band playing that godawful rendition of the Star Wars theme. :rolleyes:

    Time has change... I think the storyline moving much faster than it should be. I guess it also depends on how much new storylines the writers put into this new remake. So far, the first ep is ok, not impress by the special effect/design much, but I like most of the cast, and they are doing some fine job.

    I hope it will have some surprise storyline later on.

  4. ahhaah, who would've thought, the Macross holy grail has turned out to be very very bad publicity for Yamato

    I feel that is the Yamato marketing department's fault and no one else.

    Exposed the SDF-1 prototype in a public exhibition in the early stage (release date announcement with no price but $500 dollars price tag rumor started), and then more print report in the magazine etc... giving the fans wrong impression and fake hope.

    (Leading many Macross fans believe that they can own it next year).

    All these time, Yamato had done nothing to indicate this toy/model is aimed for the 'exclusive collector' market. Bad marketing, publicity disaster!

  5. dont believe the negative reviews. The best one i say was the 23 min CDX one and it sold me

    I now own the candy red one and its the best dam decision i made.

    Same goes for the rx78 version ka with the g-fighter gray version

    Love it

    I own both Psycho Gundam and G3 version RX78 too. I simply not understand why Z-plus is not fully painted as 'ALL' GFF MC series product should be.

    I want to see the Z-plus paint quality is the same as the rest of the MC product. Even with many transformation parts, it should still hold... (After all both Psycho Gundams have some transformation too.)

    I am not saying Z-plus is not a good toy. I would simply expect better paint/finish quality imho.

  6. There is this Hong Kong dollar store (hk dollars stores, sell items for 50bucks cause they have so much dam money) called ONES ,

    There the TIT Unicorn Gundam goes for 140 plus taxes thats 158

    If you want the double gatling beam cannons that an extra 50 bucks

    so now your at over 200 bucks

    Then you need to build, label, and either paint or accent paint, panel line blah blah

    So for the money the GFFMC is well worth the money. Most likely it will be re-engineered for better poses. It will be expertly painted, detailed come loads with accessories. The fact I had mine and the panel transformation was horrid

    So yeah 189 =200 CDN well worth it. Even with the extra 20 to 30 bucks shipping

    AND METAL!!!!

    I am also looking forward to the GFFMC Unicorn very much.

    However, I wouldn't bet any money on it until I see the final product and review.

    I just don't want to see a half done 'white plastic' looking product as Z-plus.

  7. I thought we've already been discussing the completed version... I even joked about it back here...

    So the 'complete' toy version is going to be more expensive or less?

    210,000円 plus the labour cost that put the model together??? :ph34r:

    Let the guessing game begin, how much do you think it is going to be this time.

    May cost an arm and kidney? :unsure:

  8. hey Save, maybe next time you meet up with some Yamato folks you could ask them why they did the SDF-1, what were they aiming for with its creation?




  9. Re: Maizinkaiser...

    I guess I'm just happily alone in not wanting to die for it. I just can't help but prefer the original Mazinger Z - particularly with wings, turning into a fist...


    How about this one?

    It is coming soon... R u ready for the Golden Fist?! :lol:



  10. Let's us think about it...

    We have thousands of members in here.

    Has anyone ever spend over 2000 US dollars in ONE toy??? (woman and car don't not count :p )


    Does Bandai still has Macorss TV/DYRL toy license? If so...

    After they release the 30 cm tall Quarter from Macross Frontier...

    I hope Bandai will make a 30 cm tall DYRL Macross!

  11. ZOMG my new AT-ST arrived! What an awesome toy! the interchangable cannons, the size, the excellent pilot... one of the best modern SW Vehicles i have seen! Worth EVERY PENNY people!

    I want one.... damn it, where can I find it in Canada?


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