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Everything posted by RyuRoots

  1. I only have the GNU YF-19 but I was very unimpressed. The poseability wasn't anything special, it didn't look as sharp as Hi-Metal or Yamato, and it was pretty fragile. I packed it away in a box a good while ago since I didn't really feel like putting it up with the VF Hi Metals. For a while I was holding out for a VFHM YF-19, but at this point I may just get a bigger one someday since I like the design enough, like I did with the VE-1.
  2. Awesome, a new convert, muwahaha. Seriously though, I hope you enjoy. I have the Max 1A and 1J (and am expecting a Hikaru 1J soon) of your choices, as well as the rest of Skull Squadron ant the VF-19S. I haven't had issues with any of them, and I've transformed them all quite a bit now. If you like the aesthetics of them, I think you'll be pleased.
  3. Almost certainly because they're web exclusives. Could be wrong, but I think these were tokyo hunter's prices for them when they were still new as well. I still find it rather bizarre/ironic that the1A is the hardest-to-get and most expensive of these Hi-Metal VF-1 toys.
  4. Indeed. You can like both, no problem with that. We all have our opinions on what's good and what isn't and going on a crusade about it is ridiculous. I prefer Hi-Metal over Yamato without exception, but it's not like Yamato makes bad toys or people are stupid for liking them or preferring them. It'd be cool if we can keep a thread about liking VFHM without getting into bashing of other lines.
  5. I continue to mourn the death of VF Hi-Metal. Still my favorite size and proportions for Macross toys, and such crisp detailing too. sigh.
  6. I disagree that they "screwed up" with the 19 releases, aside from the gun mount thing, but I do agree that they should've done something more distinct after the 19 releases. Like...I dunno, a VF-4, VF-5000, something that isn't as common. As it stands, it IS kind of an issue that nothing in the line isn't also available somewhere else. I love my Hi-Metal VF-1s, all of them, but while it's iconic, it isn't iconic for Bandai. This isn't the RX-78-2; people have plenty of other options for a VF-1, ones that involve significantly less hoop-jumping in the case of their web exclusive versions. It's a real shame. This is my favorite Macross line, or at least it was shaping up to be. These are what I bought when I could've gone Yamato instead since they're smaller, cheaper, and (IMO) prettier. Even if they have to stick to web exclusives, I want to see it continue. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I'd deal. They really stepped in the right direction after the disaster that was VF100s, and I hope it isn't gone for good.
  7. I liked the first ep more than I expected. Flit only pilots AGE-1 once Largan doesn't, but he doesn't hesitate. UE seem to have some tactical sense, too, which is nice to see. It was mostly pretty generic, but aesthetics notwithstanding (since I still hate the MS designs and the character designs are just 'meh' to me) the things that are distinct are well-done. Not sure if it's something I'll want to stick to in the long-term, but I'll watch ep2 for sure.
  8. Unfortunately, VF Hi-Metal seems to be dead in the water for now. There haven't been any announcements of any kind for a long while, and the latest releases were the Max, Hikaru and Kakizaki DYRL VF-1A lot and then the super packs for them which were all Tamashii Web exclusives. I've been eagerly hoping for more TV series VF-1 units or more -19 releases among others, but Bandai's been pretty quiet and there hasn't been a normal release in a long time.
  9. My advice would be to scour Yahoo Japan Auctions and use your proxy of choice if you see anything not priced terribly. I just got lucky. Though depending, it might be cheaper to just get a Hi Metal VF-1S and yoink the extra parts. I can't speak for jury-rigging other toys to make it work, I'm afraid.
  10. Don't feel a need to on my account. I've been told that mine is strange, anyway. As far as Ishtar, I like her because...saying she's pleasant is the best way to put it. She's not a great character, but she has a nice personality and is just sort of relaxing in general. Is that "moe"? If so, then it's odd. Most characters distinctly idenitifed as that, or at least that as their primary trait, make me want to punch the screen.
  11. Ah, so that's it. Thanks for the clarification. As far as the gunpod attachment, I have the VF-19S Hi-Metal, and it doesn't include anything like that, and AFAIK the only accessory sets that were released for the VF Hi-Metal line are the Fire Valk parts and the VF-1A Super Packs. I've never missed it in all the time I've had it displayed mid-flight, but I guess it's all about preference. If you're really determined, I suppose you could always hunt down the Fire Valk part and mod the grip of the VF-19S gunpod.
  12. I've seen a lot of people complain about this, but did the VF-19 carry the gun on the undercarriage anyway? I could be misremembering since it's been awhile since I watched M7 (and I'm not enough of a masochist to revisit it), but I think it was in the leg or something in fighter mode anyway. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. Hardly a reason to like a show. I like Gundam ZZ in spite of similar reasons. Ishtar, in a vacuum, was a pleasant character. Too bad she wasn't either used better or in a better show.
  14. *sigh* No. He just has an obnoxious, unlikable personality. That's all there is to it. You're just trying and failing to sound smart. I don't mind a different main character. I welcome change if it's done well; that last bit is the key. "if it's done well". Basara wasn't at all. You can disagree with that and that's fine, but you just look ridiculous trying to claim that anyone who doesn't like him because of change. It reeks of the sort of logic a hipster would use to defend their favorite indie film.
  15. Oh god, the fact that you actually agree to that is just...wow. "Quiet, the Captain sanctions it" doesn't mean "Every single pilot except Gamlin approves of it." It means exactly what it says. Absence of evidence != evidence of absence. And alright, fine. It's not even an issue and the argument that it IS is frankly stupid. Minmay participates with the military in any way very few times, and the only times she does, it's a deliberately planned action. The same is true for Ranka and Sheryl (the deliberate, planned bit). Basara, as JBO points out, runs out like a dumbass and gets in people's ways. So, no, it ISN'T an issue with music in Macross in general.
  16. I'm not even going to bother addressing the strawman comparisons to Minmay and Sheryl. The bolded part is what I find *hilarious*. Y'know, ALL of those named, voiced VF-11 pilots who we hear the opinions of so regularly in M7.
  17. That's a pretty pretentious way to put it; I hate him because he's an obnoxious douchebag, not because he's different.
  18. An autistic jerkass does not "have his sh!t together" by any stretch of the imagination. He doesn't give a damn about what's going on around him or how many people have to die for his dumbassery. It's just "Listen to my music, listen to my music!" He doesn't care if people don't like it, if it's ineffective, and is more saddened by Sivil not listening to his damned song all the way through than all the people slaughtered by her. Killer Robot was right; the universe contrives itself to make everything work out for Basara. He doesn't learn, he doesn't grow, he doesn't try anything new, he just preaches and repeats until it works, and eventually it inexplicably does. That little "journey to discover himself" might have had a LITTLE more impact if he had, y'know, CHANGED OR DEVELOPED IN ANY WAY. But he didn't, so the trip came off as token and pointless. Also, "well, he's not emo" doesn't make Basara a good protagonist. Neither does everyone else learning his "lesson" when he doesn't have a goddamn lesson to give other than "my music is awesome and let's all be peaceful, maaaaaan". He's Kaifun with a guitar, with all of the insufferableness that suggests.
  19. This is definitely true for me. Basara was an obnoxious, self-righteous dickhead who is constantly pushing his views on others. He has no respect for other people's schedules, tastes, or ways of doing things. He's an insufferable twat who not once ever develops as a character, and this is only compounded by M7 having other far, far, far, FAR better characters such as Gamlin, Max, Miria, Mylene, Ray, etc...really, everyone in the damn show who who isn't him. I could feel my face immediately turn to a sour grimace whenever the show went from something good (Max and Miria's relationship, Gamlin developing, etc.) to him. He was a presence that dragged down the quality of everything he was a part of.
  20. Aside from delicacy issues, some people (such as myself) simply prefer one mode, and go for a given brand or line because it has the best look. Fighter will always be more important than Battroid for me; I get the valks I do because those have my favorite proportions/details/options/whatever of the available choices. It's nice to have the option of transforming them, but some don't see a need to, and some don't want to manhandle them more than absolutely necessary.
  21. Except that isn't really a fair standard to hold Macross Plus to since it came out in frigging 1994. Hint: Modern aircraft technology of 1994 was slightly different than modern aircraft technology of late 2011. Also, Assault Horizon is (regrettably, considering what AH is) the only Ace Combat on PS3. The real ones are on PS2 and 360.
  22. What I really dig about Macross' variable fighters is the Fighter Mode. Sometimes a Battroid will really catch my eye, but not often. As such, I tend to put them or leave them in fighter mode and never touch them once I get them on a display stand and in a formation I like. I thought about putting one of my VF-1S Hi Metals in Battroid since I have two, but it's still two different fighter configurations so I leave it as well (I also have the Hi Metal DYRL VF-1A set of three. When it came time to get the Super Packs for them, I could only find two, so I just yoinked the third Super parts from a VF-1S. As one of the 1S has the Strike parts and the other is bare, both looks are too pleasing not to have up). I probably won't get a third just for that. Not unless Bandai releases a Hikaru one, but fat chance of more of these coming out at all. Whiiiiich is a separate rant altogether. My collection is basically the VF Hi-Metal lineup and a Yamato Elint Seeker. I never even tried to transform the VE-1. Same goes for the VF-1A trio, Hikaru's 1J, and ESPECIALLY the Fire Valk (thing has a face not even a mother could love). I messed around with the 19S, Max's 1J, and the first 1S in Battroid for a little while, but soon transformed them back. I do LIKE those in Battroid, but they look so, so much better as fighters.
  23. I must admit I had to think about it for a moment, but I wouldn't even wish that on Robotech, the garbage that it is and has been compared to the real deal. Not sure I could wish Boll upon anything in good conscience. ...still, it'd be hilarious, however unintentionally.
  24. Macross II is a bad joke; a mediocre retelling of Macross at its absolute best, and near the point of causing physical pain at its worst. Its crowning moment of fail is probably the "love" scene near the end; rarely do I see, even in anime, a romance with THAT little chemistry or buildup. At least the VF-2SS looked nice.
  25. I know I'm a month late replying to this, but don't sweat it. If you like it, then it's good. Reïvaj was dead-on. For my money, the VF100s LOOK *amazing*. ...it's when you transform or pose them that they seem infuriating. But I glued my VF-25S into fighter mode and at this point I cannot say I regret the purchase at all.
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