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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. Was that the guy who went to a convention and got Shoji Kawamori's signature on an official Robotech product last year?
  2. Come on. This isn’t being made by people who have any worthwhile experience or interest in aviation or the military. It’s the same shortcomings everyone ever involved in Robotech had.
  3. He actually has nerd cred. He worked on a Dungeons & Dragons audiobook.
  4. Got up to date with the podcast recently. From recent developments with Delta, I still think it has more in common with Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress than Frontier. By next February both will be at very similar positions in what I guess is their overall production and maybe story lines (original series, compilation film, and an unspecified future project sometime in 2018). You guys also bringing up a couple of times that little to no in-universe supplemental information for the mecha and setting has been released to makes me think there really was a long term plan for all of this. Saying very little about the Chaos mecha and organization beyond Walkure I can understand, since it might be plot breaking (Lady M). That being said, except for the Bird Human look alike I can't say the same about the Windermere Epsilon Foundation funded mecha.
  5. Because the Simpsons dental plan video would be too easy at this point, I think the big secret about this comic is that someone working on it has a teeth fetish (odontophilia).
  6. If anyone has a better explanation why all these characters “in name only” are like this, especially with their questionable oral hygiene, I’d like to know.
  7. Frankly, that new generation this is supposed to cater to is apparently full of pricks.
  8. To me it gave the impression that you were just another wishful thinker with no real plan to get anything done. Southern Cross really doesn't need more people like that.
  9. I looked at the beginning of this thread and saw a year old change.org page instead of something soliciting money for an actual crowdsourcing project followed by others high jacking it with unrelated fan art bombs. This needs to be closed.
  10. I remember GUNHED. Bought a VHS copy at a video store that was closing down with no prior knowledge what it was and only going by the logo on the tape. Could have sworn that it spent too much time as a squad based action movie before the robot even showed up and so dark that I had to adjust the brightness of my TV. It could be worse though. Half jokingly, has there ever been a theatrical screening of something with the quality of M.D. Geist in recent years?
  11. That might actually count as part of an adult art style in West these days.
  12. Again, I'm guessing all the points you brought up are supposed to be selling points for the Titan Comics reboot. Whether it actually succeeds in it is something else. In fact, I'm surprised people here are not more positive about it after the salty reception Delta got. If you're lucky they might even kill off Minmay in a few issues and become even more over the top adult in both style and tone.
  13. This is why I have a problem with the upcoming art book. Even if artists like him got paid, it still feels a little underhanded that HG has access to potentionally an unlimited amount of talent online to repurpose for their needs.
  14. The current Robotech comic thread should have all the grittiness you are looking for.
  15. Since the artwork from the last box set they've been using work originally posted on DeviantArt. A lot of the "new" stuff in latest artbook they are trying to sell is probably going to be from similar sources. On the Bridge by jaytablante Maybe the staff knows the quality of their work is crap. Looks like they're gonna kill Roy in issue 5 but building the suspense that it could be him or some other main characters. Like they really have the guts to kill off Minmay.
  16. The staff is not being paid enough to care that much and there's no anti-war theme in Robotech. Might as well chalk up that effect as the whimsical power of Zor's mother.
  17. Remember when that fandom made ongoing jokes about Robotech's failures after the three shows were done over the years, a la The Sentinel's Curse? Not funny when there could be real consequences for them in a few years, is it?
  18. Someone got the wrong kind of inspiration from that buck toothed Britai sketch Mikimoto did. Or the Yellow Peril.
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