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Everything posted by arbit

  1. Cool. That's a VFX pilot. Where can we get one?
  2. This was something I was planning, but I was way too tired to focus on it before. I find that with a break and some rest, you can come back to something you really like with new approaches to problem solve, think about methods with a new perspective, and the patience required to get your idea done. I had the guy's jumpsuits ready from before, these can be used as stand-alone figures for dioramas and such, unlike my couples poses. I cobbled together Lynne Kai pretty quickly, just for completeness sake. I couldn't figure out what exactly Minmay is wearing, because she doesn't seem to wear that in the film, so I took the opportunity to put her in the yellow concert dress from the billboards scene in DYRL. And since this is the DYRL version, I got Claudia and Misa in the new uniform sculpts I have been meaning to finalize (The uniforms I had for SDF were some of my first modeling, and I was never that happy with them).
  3. Looks great. Love those 80's starship designs, so organic looking. Very solid looking 3D print. It looks very hefty. Is it solid or hollow? @505thAirborne Your Ride Armours are looking great. A full set will look nice. @Thom Love your workbench. Keeping up the Yamato love!
  4. Hi y'all. I am back from an extended internet and hobby break over the summer. I like to check out and refresh every now and then. I've had a chance to go over all the great stuff you guys have been doing over the past few months. Hope you will have me back? It's funny how we like different aspects of modeling. I love digging and cutting and drilling to customize a model, and can't wait to throw out the instructions, while on the other hand I live in fear and apprehension of painting (Although I do like painting a bit too.) Really cool scratch work, I hope you will see it through now. Really cool paper craft, what got into you? Seems like a lot to learn how to design the parts. Very nice sea weathering on that sub. Is that algae? This new project looks like a BEAST! I am looking forward to seeing this progress. I really got tired of unsuccessfully molding sculpts, which is the main reason I got into 3D printing. Those will be awesome! I always wanted pilots for my 1/55s! Yeah, I never have luck painting transforming kits anyway. I think the weathering came out great! I would love to do one of those, usually my valks are clean. Bandai Gundam kits are just superb. And Gundam gets so many cool exclusive kits and even space stations. I wish Macross got the same love. Gundam fans have it soooo good. Very envious.... We just have to keep designing our own. @MechTech That's soooo cool. You know that gears are the way to my heart๐Ÿ˜ I'm surprised these new 1/20 kits have fit problems. What exactly is the issue? About the pilot not fitting, I learned from 3D Designing pilots that the thighs/legs/torso actually need to be shortened (I'm not into anatomy, so feel free to explain the issue to us if you are). That's a really cool interior. I like the old fashioned look. Aaaaand, this is some of my stuff painted by others. I feel like I want to spend more time painting my own models, rather than just releasing more and more figures. And I need a new diorama project to work on. I like long projects that I can spend 6 months to a year on.
  5. One of my DX Banking Adaptors broke, so I designed and printed my own. Works perfectly. Available for download here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/dx-banking-adaptor-for-valkyrie-display-arbitscalemodels
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CurjRHFs8ya/?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==
  7. I would be happy to. Please visit my Patreon. Fyi I will need cockpit sizing.
  8. Hi Shawn, @wm cheng writes, "I still can't sign in. I've tried both accounts (the second one too) and it just says I'm locked out. This is no longer just about followed content, it's about not sending any emails out including email validation emails to sign into accounts." Thank you.
  9. A custom request I made for WM Cheng.
  10. Hi @Shawn. Our friend @wm cheng is asking if you could contact him on his registered email to help him recover his above account. He is not able to log in due to this email notification and validation issue. Thank you. He would greatly appreciate it.
  11. @Urashiman Lots of cool Macross builds there!
  12. Some of my figures painted by Rodrigo xD ๐Ÿ˜
  13. That's a truly professional display. Wow!
  14. I've been waiting for something special to print in a larger scale, matched with my CM's figures. It's nice to see the details at this scale. It was my first time printing a larger figure, so fortunately I only had one fail due to a dumb mistake... It's easy to waste resin when printing large figures, so I really had to study up on the physics for the supports, hollowing and drain holes to prevent suction forces. I have a feeling AI Art and 3d Printing are going to change everything: With AI Art you can design anything, and with 3D Printing, you can print anything. Some people seem to feel threatened by this technology, which is understandable. But I see it as a tool for opening new avenues of creativity. Same as the internet, you can use it to plagiarize, or you can use it to gather previously unimaginable amounts of research for your unique work.
  15. Some WIPs. DYRL is so cool. I love working on these uniforms.
  16. Magnets make everything cooler. Video please. Pretty please.
  17. Very nice uniform colors. Nice for a change from the military drab.
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