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    Obsessed with variable bikes (MOSPEADA, Megazone 23, Bubblegum Crisis, Viper's Creed, Rideback, etc.)

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  1. While it wouldn't account for the full height difference (maybe 1/2 at most), shouldn't the ankle on the right be extended?
  2. As for the Moshow stuff, it still just looks to me (both original rendition and slightly more streamlined one) like they're trying to take Sentinel's design and tack on as many bigger guns and more more more more as they can. I'm still going to buy it, and hopefully love it, but it looks like it could use some paring down.
  3. Was just digging out Kaneda bike and Otomo to take pictures of this.
  4. I am absolutely giddy excited to see versions of the MOSPEADA that I've never seen before. Thank you so much for sharing this! Now, if I can someday come across the sidecar version mentioned in the Imai files...
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by this, so would love for you to explain. I asked a question about people's thoughts on a specific series, which I am... let's say, pessimistic about, though I have yet to read it (I buy the trades, generally). Your response was just a comment pointing out your opinion of Robotech licensing in general. A fair statement, but not really relevant, and more of your general disdain for Robotech, which seems well documented here. (I, obviously, don't know you, and have nothing against you personally, or the opinions that you share, even if I disagree with them on some occasions. I think I just get frustrated when people venting their hatred over a property seems to get in the way of any genuine discussion... additionally (full disclosure), I'm reading your reply on the same day as reading a reply to a motion for judgment on the merits in a case, with a similar argumentative style, so, hey... visceral reaction)
  6. I was referring to the MOSPEADA, and not the LEGIOSS.
  7. I understand that you hate Robotech, as you make clear in all of your posts (that I have seen); this was not the purpose of my questions, though. Additionally, Robotech licensed works have shown quality, at times (I think Invid War had a high level of quality, by way of one example that comes to mind); just how stunningly, unprofessionally bad other works have been overshadows these. As to originality, I think that Simon Furman DID use some original ideas in his run, and not just "put(ing) existing characters and set pieces into slightly different configurations from normal." I have not seen any sales numbers to suggest that the works with originality have undersold those without it. Titan's business practices are... enigmatic, in my view. My point with Easton wasn't a lack of originality, but just the lack of quality that we both mentioned. In that sense, yes, he fits into the Tommy Yune pack of nostalgia over quality. This, in my view, is a commonality to all of his licensed work. It is not just Robotech, but also Power Rangers, Transformers, M.A.S.K., etc.
  8. Has anyone been reading this? Thoughts? I thought that Easton was shockingly TERRIBLE on M.A.S.K. I feel like between here, M.A.S.K., and Power Rangers, he kind of rides on the nostalgia already present, rather than the quality of his own work.
  9. I hate that this is such a rip off of Sentinel's designs... and yet, take my money. I want to own this.
  10. You guys remember Yamato? They were so darn good about sending replacements parts, or entire replacement figures, when there was any issue... Sorry, nostalgic moment. As you were.
  11. All of what you say here is true... but I have such soft spots for Genesis Climber, Genesis Breaker, AND Sentinels...
  12. Amazing work! I'm especially impressed by the cables in the shoulders.
  13. Hit with a bit of "I haven't seen any posts here in a bit, I'm going to look back through this thread" and came across your post here, which I missed before. Really cool work. Would love to see the steps you took on this one, though I can probably figure some of them out. (Also, it just seems like Macrossworld unsubscribes me from threads I was previously following, for some reason)
  14. That's awesome. I've had my eye on them for YEARS, to fill out my collection, but the prices I see on eBay are just hard to justify for me.
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