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MW Con 4 Model/Toy contest


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Ok guys I put up an announcement for this year's MW Con 4 under Macross convnetions board.

Now too get to the more important topic, the custom model/toy contest. I need help to plan out the categories and such. Also prizes. Last year Kevin and other people were very generous in donations for prizes. I would liek to continue this same custom, no pun intended.

Some one, preferably local, Exo or Eternal_D wouuld you like to volunteer to coordinate this? arrange with people who want to enter and who is donating and arrange a way to get the prizes.

Let's plan this out so we have more fun than last year!!!! :D

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Let's plan this out so we have more fun than last year!!!! :D


I'm not sure that's possible since I won't be able to attend this year. ;)

By the way, I just want to say that I officially "hate" everyone that will get to go, while I'm now stuck on the East Coast. :p

Seriously though, last year was a lot of fun, and the outside pool area offered some nice "mecha" that I would have liked to place in Gerwalk mode. :lol:

Good luck to everyone, and hopefully there will be some great entries this year, because the ones from last year were amazing.

It will be cool if we also have some type of East Coast MW Convention, especially considering the way the fire season and high temperatures have already hit you guys in Southern California.


Christopher B))

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while I can try to coordinate some parts, I will be absent from time to time due to my traveling. I know for sure in a couple of weeks I'll be gone for at least a month and a half. so I don't know if people would be willing to put up with my absense n whatnot.

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My apt complex. THey have a very nice lounge/ recreation rooms. It is in Irvine, liek 2 miles from UCI.

here is the thread from last year's includign pics of the VF-1S Integra. (haha the VF-EX arch rival) well not really the metallic green civic DX with m3 fenders, crappy bootleg rims and the words Veritch in robotech font is my true nemesis. (saw it at Irvien Spectrum while back)

Last year's con

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I'm glad that I was able to meet you, and all of the other people. There is nothing like being able to put a face with the PM/Post.

There are a lot of cool people here at MW and I've made some good friends, which makes me really glad that I'm a member.


Christopher B))

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Cmon chris you gotta go!!! I mean (i forgot his name) but that one guy with the Millia suit came from Washington DC. Arrived at LAX and rode a bus to irvine. then walked around till he got a hold of me!!!! Now that is dedication!!!!!

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Cmon chris you gotta go!!! I mean (i forgot his name) but that one guy with the Millia suit came from Washington DC. Arrived at LAX and rode a bus to irvine. then walked around till he got a hold of me!!!! Now that is dedication!!!!!

That was Vitja (sp?) = 007-vf1 here on the boards. Yeah it was crazy. He took the bus from LAX with all his models in hand. I'm glad he won something in the contest.

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It was that an adventure or what! ??

I did have "fun" trying to find the place out of the blue and into an unknown city for me, but was worth it :huh: . The only 3 models I could bring with me to keep the load low won prizes, and got to put faces to the PM's and forums posts.

Just imagine me walking through desolated streets in LA trying to figure where to find the next bus around the city, back to the airport and walking from museum to museum with all my bags and my carry on in hand...(dude, was I overdoing it or what?)

But that's me; as long as I know the language I don't care where I end up. So far I have been able to find my way around and back home....in 4 different countries. I just need a map.

So Chris B. if you want to we might be able to coordinate and take the trip together...

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Yeah, I was glad I got to meet you, and I also think it was really cool what you went through to attend.

Man, your entries were top notch! You definitely deserved to win the prizes you did.

It's a good thing I didn't meet you in a dark alley somewhere, because I would have mugged you and taken your Q-rau and Hasegawa valkyries. :p

We aren't that far apart, and it would be cool if we could both go. Because of my veteran status I can take the military flights, but I've never done it before, so I don't know how.

It's a long ass drive, so flying is really the only option. By myself, I drove cross country in three days, but that was pushing it.

It would be great to be there...


Christopher B))

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