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Unofficial Plastic Model Kits (Knockoff/Bootlegs)


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@transjet - このサイトの情報についてどう思いますか? (それはメッセージの1つにあります)



ちなみに  この  盗作作を  作ったの   まさに  スポンサー  のためだ   前作である  子供のたわごと   あまり  興行に  成功せず、  堕落   を経験した  だから  キム・チョンギにポパイ科学という  メーカーで  日本の  プラモデル  まさに   ヴァルキリー  模型を  見せて  これが  出てくる  ロボット  アニメ  作れば  製作費を  あげようとして  作る  こと  になった    ポパイ科学が  作った  この  フェイク  モデルが  ファイター  ガワーク   バトロイドへの  完全変形は  もちろん  どんな  形でも  スタンドの  助け  なしでも  姿勢を  維持する  など  当時  作品というの   信じ  られない  ほど  品質に  優れており、  これに  感心 (?) ある  日本の  バンダイが  盗作を問題   しないこと  に合意した という  干潮が  ある   そして  ポパイ科学は、  こだわった  製品   堂々と  JOON's という  商標  を付け、  バルキリー  製品として  下請  輸出まで  行った (...)。   当時  購入した  彼らは  、とんでもなく  日帝よりも  この  片板が  品質が  良かったという  評価  を残す  ほどだった

ところが  この  フェイク玩具には  途方もない  秘話が  ある   事実、  マクロス  VF-1J   玩具の元  製作会社は  日本の  高徳寺な  のに  数年   、米国に  マクロス  アニメを  ロボテックに  改名後  放映を  した   ロボテック  アニが  地元で  とても  人気を  集めて  おもちゃを  現地に  販売する  ために  再生産を  試み  たが  やはり  おもちゃ  メーカーである  高徳が  不渡り   分解されてから   公衆  おもちゃ  販売が  不可能で  、この  ため  マクロス  製作者が  まさに   非常   しかし、  時期が  適切にも  ポパイ科学が  偽りを  作って  販売する  という事実を  知る  こと  になり、関係者が  韓国に  急破され  現地状況を  確認した   、盗作件については  黙認  する  という条件下   ポパイ科学が  以後  直接  正式  ライセンス  を得て  ロボテックという  名で  玩具を  輸出することに  なった   ロボテック  以後  生産された  物量  のうち  物量  、内需用はスペース  懇談 V  という  名前を  使っても構わ  ない  というマクロス  製作会社の  回答が  あったの   、 90 年度  初めまでに  生産された   スペース  懇談 V」 という  名前で  続けられ  生産が    以後  SBS  出撃 ロボテック >  放映された  時は  スペース  懇談 V という  名前を  捨てて  米国に  輸出した  ロボテックという  名前と  包装で  そのまま  国内で  販売する  ことになった


参考までに、この盗作を作ったのはスポンサーです。 前作のリトルエオサウルスがうまくいかず挫折していたキム・チョンギに、ポパイサイエンスは日本のプラモデル、つまりバルキリーモデルを見せ、製作費を払って製作すると言った。ロボットアニメーション。 このポパイサイエンス製のフェイクモデルは、ファイター、ガウワーク、バトルロイドへの完全変形、スタンド無しでの姿勢保持など、当時の作品とは思えないほどクオリティが高く、当時の作品として絶賛されました。 . 日本のバンダイが盗作に疑問を持たないことに同意したという干潮があります...そしてポパイサイエンスは誇らしげにJOON'sのブランドを以前は偽造品であった製品に付け、さらにそれをValkyrie製品として下請け業者に輸出しました. ..)。 当時購入した人は、このフェイクプレートの品質は日本製よりも優れているとコメントを残すほどでした.

しかし、この偽物のおもちゃにはとてつもない秘話があります。 実は、マクロス VF-1J 玩具の元のメーカーは日本の高徳社で、数年後にマクロス アニーはロボテックに改名されて放映されました。 地元で絶大な人気を誇ったロボテック・アニーは、玩具を再現して現地で販売しようとしたが、玩具メーカーのタカトクが倒産して宙に浮いたのは久しぶりだった。 . しかし、ポパイ・サイエンシズが適時に模倣品を製造・販売していることが判明し、韓国に職員を派遣して現地の状況を確認し、盗作を容認することを条件に、ポパイ・サイエンシズは後に正式なライセンスを取得し、玩具を取得しました。ロボテックの名前。 輸出されました。 ロボテック以降の生産数量のうち、マクロスメーカーからスペースガンダムVという名前を国内で使ってもいいという回答があり、1990年代初頭まで生産された数量は〈スペースガンダムV〉という名称で継続生産された。 その後、SBSで<ソート!ロボテック>が放映された際にスペースガンダムVの名前を捨て、韓国ではロボテックの名前とパッケージで販売され、アメリカに輸出された。

The story was originally spread by Kim Hyuk, a Korean toy collector, who wrote about it on his blog and in a book, but there are many contradictions and it is completely baseless. As the story spread, more and more convenient details were added, and the content became ridiculous.
Some Koreans believe the story, but others have their doubts.
namu.wiki also explains that the story is not credible.

However, there is a similar story. It is rumored that when the Gundam model kit boom occurred in Japan in 1981, the Japanese factory alone could not produce enough Gundam model kits, so they instructed a Korean factory that was making copy Gundam model kits to make up the shortfall.
Although it is not known to what extent this story is true, the official Gundam model kits made in Korea actually existed and were sold for a short period of time.

I have a slight suspicion that Kim Hyuk based his creation on this story.

Kim Hyuk blog



https://namu.wiki/w/스페이스 간담 V





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Very interesting! I had no idea Bandai might have outsourced some Gundam to Korea. That box side is definite proof that SOMETHING happened, officially licensed or not.

It is fun but incredibly difficult to try and piece together history from 40 years ago from people's memories, rumors, and internet posts .
There are probably bits of truth and exaggeration in every story.

Using your links I found another post of that very cool Sally Robot Tek model (based on the Takatoku 1/100 toy)

I love finding out all about the non-Japanese Macross history around the world. Can't wait to see what is discovered next.

Do you know if there are any online markets where one could try and buy any of these Macross based alternative items?

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2 hours ago, Shawn said:

Very interesting! I had no idea Bandai might have outsourced some Gundam to Korea. That box side is definite proof that SOMETHING happened, officially licensed or not.

It is fun but incredibly difficult to try and piece together history from 40 years ago from people's memories, rumors, and internet posts .
There are probably bits of truth and exaggeration in every story.

Using your links I found another post of that very cool Sally Robot Tek model (based on the Takatoku 1/100 toy)

I love finding out all about the non-Japanese Macross history around the world. Can't wait to see what is discovered next.

Do you know if there are any online markets where one could try and buy any of these Macross based alternative items?

Incidentally, there are two types of Gundam model kits that appear to be officially made in Korea: 1/100 and 1/44.
These are rare because they were only available for a short period of time.

There are several websites where you can buy old Korean toys, but none of them are available unless you live in Korea.
If I find something I want, I pay someone living in Korea to purchase it on my behalf.






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1 hour ago, Shawn said:

@transjet あなたの元の投稿を読み違えました

この箱の中の写真はありますか!? ああ、神様


Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the contents.
There used to be a Korean blog where you could see pictures of the assembled product, but it is no longer available.
I remember is that the metal part at the base of the legs was changed to plastic and the red line on the chest was changed to a sticker instead of paint.
Other than that, it looks the same as the common JOON'S and is almost identical to the one in the attached picture.

PS: The landing gear was also changed to plastic.


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Do you remember if they assembled the 1/55 model kit with screws or did they use glue?

I wonder if it had springs for the arm shoulder ratchets?

Hopefully one day we can find someone with pictures again.

Thank you for all this wonderful information!


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On 2/3/2023 at 10:57 PM, nightmareB4macross said:

Found an interesting story on FB.

Not my story.

“I remember seeing the Space Gandam V movie poster and associated model kits and toys when we were stationed in Korea, and thinking to myself,  "What The Actual F**k Is This?"

I bought a unassembled 1/55 Takatoku knock off VF-1J sold as a Space Gandam V "model kit" for like $3 at a local market off base.

All die cast parts were replaced with plastic pieces, but it included springs and screws for assembly.  Everything was on plastic sprues, with some plastic parts in separate bags.

The gun pod could even fire missiles from it.

I wish I still had the stupid thing.😏

I wonder if he meant the 1/100 kit instead, but he goes on to mention firing bullets like the 1/55.

I wonder if this is the box for it since it very similar to the 1/55 versions.


@nightmareB4macross seems to have already answered my question on screws or glue :)


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Assembly is done with screws.
Also included was a spring for the internal structure.
It is exactly the same as JOON'S except that some parts have been changed to plastic.
It is no different from the factory assembly process.

My 1/100 VF -1 A model kit has the same specifications.


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4 hours ago, Shawn said:

Found some more awesomeness

Arii 1/100 1997 Release. This actually says Tatsunoku on the box. Was this an official release?

It does say "Macross" (마크로스) and something along the lines of "As seen on SBS TV" on the box.


4 hours ago, Shawn said:


My Korean is not good enough to understand everything, but I see the words for "license contract" on there (the 2nd and 3rd words after Paco Enterprise Co.)

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It is funny-I asked to see the inside of the box, and obviously all the sprue parts in the catalog ARE from that kit.
They are too large for any of the other boxes, and the 3009 part number is overlayed on them.
The bags of screws and springs are on the front left in the plastic bags, the redish clear canopy in the middle in front of the small 0201 box, and the VF-1J red decals on the right.

Maybe it is easier to ask around if there is a better scan the Popeye Catalog anywhere?

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Have we ever found any more information about the Arabic valkyrie? Using google translate on the phone, I sometimes get the very top line to say 'Sally Tek 1/'
The rainbox type box is similar to a Joons release.

The large main title on the box and instruction manual says Metamorphosis Robot  "بوت التحول"

from @glane21's post from 2007 or so




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/26/2023 at 4:27 PM, Shawn said:

@transjet - you seem to very knowledgeable on the items-what do you think of this information on this site? (it is in one of the messages)



참고로  표절작을 만든  바로 스폰서 때문이다. 전작인 꼬마어사 똘이가 그다지 흥행에 성공하지 못해 낭패를 겪던 김청기에게 뽀빠이과학이란 업체에서 일본의 프라모델, 그러니까 바로 발키리 모형을 보여주며 이거 나오는 로봇 애니메이션 만들면 제작비를 대주겠다고 하여 만들게  . 뽀빠이과학이 만든  짝퉁 모형이 파이터, 가워크  배틀로이드로의 완전변형은 물론, 어떤 형태에서도 스탠드의 도움 없이도 자세를 유지하는  당시 작품이라는 것이 믿기지 않을 정도로 품질이 우수하였고 이에 감탄(?) 일본 반다이가 표절을 문제시하지 않기로 합의하였다... 썰이 있다. 그리고 뽀빠이과학은 짝퉁으로 만들던 제품을 당당하게 JOON's라는 상표를 달고 발키리 제품으로 하청 수출까지 해냈다(...). 당시 구매한 이들은 어처구니없게도 일제보다  짝퉁판이 품질이 좋았다는 평을 남길 정도였다.

그런데  짝퉁완구에는 엄청난 비화가 있다. 사실 마크로스 VF-1J 완구의 원래 제작사는 일본의 타카토쿠사 인데 몇년  미국에 마크로스 애니를 로보텍으로 개명후 방영을 하였다. 로보텍 애니가 현지에서 엄청나게 인기를 끌어서 완구를 현지에 판매하기 위해 재생산을 하려 했으나 하필이면 완구 제조사인 타카토쿠가 부도가 나서 공중분해된  오래라 완구 판매가 불가능하여  때문에 마크로스 제작사가 그야말로 초비상이 걸렸다. 그러나 시기가 적절하게도 뽀빠이과학이 짝퉁을 만들어서 판매한다는 사실을 알게 되었고 관계자들이 한국으로 급파되어 현지상황을 확인한  표절건에 대해서는 묵인한다는 조건 하에 뽀빠이과학이 이후 직접 정식 라이센스를 얻고 로보텍이라는 이름으로 완구를 수출하게 되었다. 로보텍 이후 생산된 물량  내수용은 스페이스 간담V 라는 이름을 사용해도 무방하다는 마크로스 제작사의 답변이 있던 것인지 90년도 초반까지 생산된 물량은 <스페이스 간담V>라는 이름으로 계속 생산이 되었었다. 이후 SBS에서 <출격!로보텍> 방영되었을  스페이스 간담V라는 이름을 버리고 미국에 수출했던 로보텍이란 이름과 포장으로 그대로 국내에서 판매하게 되었다.


For reference, it is the sponsor who made this plagiarism. To Kim Cheong-gi, who had suffered a frustration because his previous work, Little Eosaurus, was not successful, Popeye Science showed a Japanese plastic model, that is, a Valkyrie model, and said that he would pay the production cost to make a robot animation. This fake model made by Popeye Science was incredibly excellent in quality and admired that it was a work at the time, including complete transformation into Fighter, Gawwork, and Battle Lloyd, as well as maintaining a posture without the aid of a stand in any form. There is a low tide that a Japanese Bandai has agreed not to question plagiarism... And Popeye Science proudly put the brand of JOON's on the product it used to be a counterfeit, and even exported it to the subcontractor as a Valkyrie product (...). Those who bought it at the time were ridiculously enough to leave a comment that the quality of this fake plate was better than that made in Japan.

However, there is a tremendous secret story about this fake toy. In fact, the original maker of the Macross VF-1J toy was Takatokusa in Japan, and a few years later, Macross Annie was renamed as Robotec and aired. Robotec Annie was incredibly popular locally and tried to reproduce toys to sell them locally, but it was a long time since toy maker Takatoku went bankrupt and decomposed into the air. . However, it was learned that Popeye Sciences made and sold counterfeits in a timely manner, and under the condition that the officials were dispatched to Korea to confirm the local situation and tolerate plagiarism, Popeye Sciences later directly obtained a formal license and acquired a toy under the name of Robotec. Was exported. Among the quantities produced after Robotec, there was a response from the Macross maker that it was okay to use the name Space Gandam V for domestic use, and the quantity produced until the early 1990s was continuously produced under the name <Space Gandam V>. Later, when <Sort!Robotech> was aired on SBS, the name Space Gandam V was discarded, and it was sold in Korea under the name and packaging of Robotec, which was exported to the United States.

Space GanDam V was legitimate in S. Korea? 


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20 minutes ago, nightmareB4macross said:

It's so bizzare how the original designs for macross could create so many different knock offs and liscence trades that would lead to these designs becoming wholly detached and morphed from their original concepts and purpose

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19 minutes ago, foundshaian said:

It's so bizzare how the original designs for macross could create so many different knock offs and liscence trades that would lead to these designs becoming wholly detached and morphed from their original concepts and purpose

Biggest offender…HG…Rowbowtech.

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4 minutes ago, foundshaian said:

How did harmony get the rights? I really don't know that much about macross and just recently started showing interest so I only vaguely know the origin point of the designs.

There are plenty of YouTube videos out there. Just do a quick search.

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46 minutes ago, Shawn said:

I thought we had discussed that the first models of the 1/100 Takas did not come with a gunpod, but anecdotally it seemed the later VF-1A variants DID include one?
Looks like this one has it too :)


Well that there then bring on a new question, for me at least. Was this the Takatoku mold or the updated Bandai mold as that always came with a GU-11. I am looking for the head laser but can’t find it, or a shoulder.image.png.5f99af66fa84d52eb714ed36b94c27c6.png

Nevermind. This is the Takatoku mold for sure. The eye sensor is complete and attached to one side of the the head. The Bandai version is split down the middle.

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So this pin for the legs? Sorry its a stupid question, I'm sure someone has taken a 1/100 apart, just can't find the post yet

The spring is inside the fuselage putting pressure towards the outside or something?




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