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has anybody broken a re-issue 1/55 yet?


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I know that there is a pinned thread for "what's wrong with..." but I thought this was different. Not that I'm begging for parts or anything... :unsure:

I'm just wondering if anybody has suffered a casualty among the 1/55 re-issues yet. We all heard the stories of the yammie 11b and it's detachable leg. Has anybody managed to rip the leg off their 1/55? Have an arm come off in their hands? Anybody come home to find their dog chewing happily on their 1j? Notice your nephew/younger brother holding the tail assembly in one hand and the valk in the other? Break the head off your cannon fodder while playing catch? Back over it with the car [while your nephew was holding it]? I know there was an earthquake not to long ago... anybody have a book-case land on a re-issue super? Accidently shoot your max while cleaning your gun? Anything? Anybody?

As I can't remember anybody posting about broken bandais I'll also ask if anyone's re-issue has survived some horrible trauma unbroken just so this gets more posts :lol: . Ie there was an earthquake and it survived a bookcase landing on it or your nephew beat your niece unconcios with one and it didn't break. That kinda thing.

good vibes for cats in recovering from surgery everyone... if you don't mind ;)

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My 1/55 army sustained a major fall onto Stone tile from about 5 feet when a shelf collapsed.

No problems. I'd say the only weak points (if you can call them that) would be the head lasers or landing gear. Those are what always seem to be broken from heavy play on the original 1/55's on eBay.

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Those blessed things can take a beating, I haven't heard any horror stories about them at all. It's something you can happily give to your kids and not worry. Maybe hurt their fingers on the landing gear, but you can alays take the spring out there.

I would imagine if you are rough with it, throw it across the room, play catch with it in the driveway, or shoot it, it could likely break or suffer cosmatic damage at least.

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