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Questions about the Macross F Sketch Books

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Hey there. I'm looking at getting one (maybe both) of the Macross Frontier Sketch Books but I was wondering what the content is. While I do like character and setting art quite a bit, I'm more looking for the mechanical designs used in the series. I've heard that there is little drawn art of the VFs which I kinda expected but what of the other designs, like the Macross Quarter, the fleet support ships and many others we've seen. One site stated that there was NO mechanical art in these books.

I tried to search the forum for more information but I couldn't find a whole lot (maybe my search terms). If anyone could help I would be very appreciative.

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Are you referring to the Movic books? If so, then no, there is little mechanical lineart in them. There are a few pieces, but that's mostly limited to one of the galaxy ships, and the lineart used to create the CG Vajra. The books ARE valuable for the character lineart. There are also a few pieces of background lineart, too.

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Tried Macross Chronicle? ;)

Other than that, the MF Official Fan Book has the most lineart and the best presentation of stats for MF mecha. You'll only find bits and pieces in the other books. "Some" lineart/mecha art has shown up in Newtype, and in Hobby Japan. But... for mecha, especially MF mecha, Macross Chronicle is the only way to go.

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About the only mecha line art you will find in the Movic books is the VF-25 cockipt and Klan with Super Packs strapped to her (if that counts as mecha lineart)?

Chronicles is good, but for Frontier, it's still mostly the CG art, not actual lineart, although the last two issues has some new line art of the full Armoured VF-25S and some of the gunpods uused in Frontier (and other series as well).

There's about 3-4 issues of Hobby Japan magazine that featured large black and white line art of the vF-25 Super Packs and various parts of the VF, such as the landing gear, wing root guns, shield, feet etc. It's not confirmed if this is by Kawamori, or is by Bandai's model department.


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About the only mecha line art you will find in the Movic books is the VF-25 cockipt and Klan with Super Packs strapped to her (if that counts as mecha lineart)?

Chronicles is good, but for Frontier, it's still mostly the CG art, not actual lineart, although the last two issues has some new line art of the full Armoured VF-25S and some of the gunpods uused in Frontier (and other series as well).

There's about 3-4 issues of Hobby Japan magazine that featured large black and white line art of the vF-25 Super Packs and various parts of the VF, such as the landing gear, wing root guns, shield, feet etc. It's not confirmed if this is by Kawamori, or is by Bandai's model department.

Chances are that the B&W lineart was a Bandai work based on Kawamori's drawings and probably the CG models. I haven't seen them being reproduced anywhere outside the hobby magazines. The look of it reminds me of BEE-Craft and Katoki's drawings for various Gunpla as well as the Gundam 00 model sketches for the 1/100 models.

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I have the first issue of the Macross F Official Creators Magazine and it has cutaway lineart of the VF-25F in fighter mode that I have not seen published anywhere else. Worth it just for the price of that one pic.

I keep meaning to scan and post it.


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Hang about, when did that come out?? I must've missed that in the news thread.

EDIT -- Oh, is that the "Nyan-kuretto" one? I did see an article about that book a while back actually. Totally forgot about it.

Edited by Renato
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