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The Tears, The Vibe, The Shakes?

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My love of Macross comes across in a different way...for instance - here's a typical conversation between me and my girlfriend:

GF: Uff. What a hard day at work. Today we had to send two new editions to print, and our computer systems broke down again, and my assitent editor is pregnant and had to leave early and I STILL don't have a secretary and I have to help my daughter with her homework...how was your day?

ME: Well, my internet connection is slowing down again, so I couldn't do any work again, but thankfully my Macross Frontier download was completed, so I got to see episode 14.

GF: Err...so anyways, remember my friend Jill? She's just gotten back from an exciting vacation in India - she met a guy there who knew six languages and was a believer in the karma and spent the day talking to her about religion and finding inner peace.

ME: Well, last episode on Macross Frontier, Ranka flew out to save Alto on this planet full of uncultured Zentrans and Alto once again had to face his past...

GF: Urr...so...anyways, I've made you some sandwiches for dinner - here...how does that taste?

ME: MMmm (smacks her butt) You'll make a good wife!


I seriously have no clue why my girlfriend still loves me :) All I do is watch Macross and buy toys :) Oh - and sing Nekki Bassara songs :)


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My love of Macross comes across in a different way...for instance - here's a typical conversation between me and my girlfriend:

GF: Uff. What a hard day at work. Today we had to send two new editions to print, and our computer systems broke down again, and my assitent editor is pregnant and had to leave early and I STILL don't have a secretary and I have to help my daughter with her homework...how was your day?

ME: Well, my internet connection is slowing down again, so I couldn't do any work again, but thankfully my Macross Frontier download was completed, so I got to see episode 14.

GF: Err...so anyways, remember my friend Jill? She's just gotten back from an exciting vacation in India - she met a guy there who knew six languages and was a believer in the karma and spent the day talking to her about religion and finding inner peace.

ME: Well, last episode on Macross Frontier, Ranka flew out to save Alto on this planet full of uncultured Zentrans and Alto once again had to face his past...

GF: Urr...so...anyways, I've made you some sandwiches for dinner - here...how does that taste?

ME: MMmm (smacks her butt) You'll make a good wife!


I seriously have no clue why my girlfriend still loves me :) All I do is watch Macross and buy toys :) Oh - and sing Nekki Bassara songs :)


You my friend lead a good life ;)

I recently watched SDF Macross in it's entirety for the first time (Used to watch robotech sporadically as a kid). And I must say the part that nearly brought a tear to my eye is the last episode where the Macross is lifting off for the first time since the war and then the theme song starts to play. OMG it was just so EPIC!!

It took me a few episodes to get into SDF: Macross, but in the end I had the same thing at that precise scene :) It felt so full circle ... it's hard to describe, you knew this was the right way for this series to end, one last flight of the SDF- 01.

Edited by whispo
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I felt a sense of pride, just like Alto when Ranka was made the star of the movie Tori no Hito at the end. Also, when she sand her version of What Bout my Star at Folmo. Best Non-mecha moments in Frontier.

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I had a conversation the other day with someone that did not really appreciate Macross for what it is! :lol: She thought of how silly it was that you can fight and defeat a giant race of Aliens simply by singing a song. Both she and I are really into working out and I told her that I listen to macross music when Ever I work out. It makes me want to run longer and it makes me want to do that extra set and lift a little more weight, my body says I can do no more but my soul says yes you can!

I told her to consider how powerful music can be! Think about if your life had a soundtrack, what would that soundtrack be and why? Hearing music can definitely change your mood.

One day I just happened to be humming D.Y.R.L, she asked me what I was humming, that it was really beautiful. Instinctively I said this " Nothing, Just an old Earth song". I think I didn't tell her because selfishly I wanted to keep that mood for myself, to stay in that moment.

I got her to watch it again she had a greater appreciation for it! :D Actually she really likes macross now and is currently hooked on Zero

I think the reason that macross is so great is because it taps into a real emotion through music. Macross says far more about what it means to be human than anything I could ever explain to another living person. If you have a faint appreciation for music that you will understand the power of macross.

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Afterwards I was stunned, somehow most anime's aren't as cool as they used to be after watching these series. I did cry from joy once in a while when something really really cool/awsomme happened, but most of the time i was to stunned for that.

Thank you Kawamori for bringing this masterpiece universe to me

I think you should give a try to Kawamori's non-Macross series: Escaflowne (not the movie), Aquarion (OVAs too) and Arjuna ^_^

If you liked it then there's what is left: Spring&Chaos, The Daichis, Shanghai Dragon, a short for anikuri.

He was not involved in the creation of anything else IIRC :huh:

Personally I watched Robotech as a kid and loved it at the time, but it was Escaflowne that made me an anime fan. It was the first time I wept just because something was beautiful.


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My love of Macross comes across in a different way...for instance - here's a typical conversation between me and my girlfriend:

GF: Uff. What a hard day at work. Today we had to send two new editions to print, and our computer systems broke down again, and my assitent editor is pregnant and had to leave early and I STILL don't have a secretary and I have to help my daughter with her homework...how was your day?

ME: Well, my internet connection is slowing down again, so I couldn't do any work again, but thankfully my Macross Frontier download was completed, so I got to see episode 14.

GF: Err...so anyways, remember my friend Jill? She's just gotten back from an exciting vacation in India - she met a guy there who knew six languages and was a believer in the karma and spent the day talking to her about religion and finding inner peace.

ME: Well, last episode on Macross Frontier, Ranka flew out to save Alto on this planet full of uncultured Zentrans and Alto once again had to face his past...

GF: Urr...so...anyways, I've made you some sandwiches for dinner - here...how does that taste?

ME: MMmm (smacks her butt) You'll make a good wife!


I seriously have no clue why my girlfriend still loves me :) All I do is watch Macross and buy toys :) Oh - and sing Nekki Bassara songs :)


Are you sure your girlfriend is not some sort of secret Basara fan and never told you about it because she fears that you will want to marry her after her "Macross-Basara coming out" ? :ph34r::lol:

Edited by Macross007
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ok how about this for a summation of my macross fixation:

1. The tears: in SDFM, seeing the macross rise again post SW-1. "Sweeeeeet!" just doesn't get old no matter how many times i watch it.

2. The Vibe: seeing macross plus, 7 and zero. cool, i'm getting some macross vibes. grooovy! :)

3. The Shakes: seeing WTF-1 at the end of Ep12!! "W-W-W-W--WTF??!!!!!"

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Are you sure your girlfriend is not some sort of secret Basara fan and never told you about it because she fears that you will want to marry her after her "Macross-Basara coming out" ? :ph34r::lol:

:lol: don't raise VFTF1's hopes up! he'll start dreaming of the honeymoon night when his new wife would reveal for the first time that she was a fan all along. "Bombaaaa!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd say that I watch Macross the feeling I get overall is the vibe.

*Macross T.V. series: I get Nostalgic although I think some parts are cheesy.

*Macross: DYRL?: My favorite. I love the final battle with Minmay singing. Hikaru kicking Boddole Zer's ass with Minmay superimposed over the background is Iconic.

*Flash Back 2012. Boring.

*Macross II: Lovers, Again: Didn't like it. However I did like how the Marduk countered the Minmay Defense with their own songs. The death song was especially twisted.

Macross Plus: Creepy.

Macross 7: I watched about three episodes.Didn't care for it.

Macross Zero: MY second favorite. I always get chills when the Bird Man's parts re-attach, The music cues up and it unfolds. The final battle between the Bird Man, U.N. and Anti U.N forces is fantastic.

Macross Frontier: I like it so far. May become another one of my favorites.

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The first time I teared watching Frontier was seeing the VF-171s launch to Sheryl in the very first episode. Right from the start it felt like Macross was back.

The next time was in episode 7, when the Quarter went Gerwalk to some pretty moving music, and immediately after that it was seeing the destroids for the first time, and knowing that even after all this time those humble warriors are still around and giving their all. I get that feeling even typing this out. That was powerful to watch. Whenever I watch Episode 7 I go to that scene and watch it over and over again. There's just something about that destroid scene. They look so determined, and you really feel for them when one blows up in their last second of screen time.

An odder moment was watching the ending credits to episode 10, and seeing "Special Thanks MACROSS ZERO ALL STAFF." It really brought the entire Macross universe together for me, breaking the fourth wall as it is, but it made me well up with...something.

Edited by theplasticwerks
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